Ben 10: Ultimate Alien/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* How the hell was Chromastone [[Strong as They Need to Be|knocked out by electricity]]?
* In "Duped", Ben uses [[Me's a Crowd|Echo Echo]] and the Ultimatrix to duplicate his human form so he can go do three different things at once. In the middle of this, he is forced to contact his doubles. He does this on his cell phone, calling his duplicates' ''identical cell phones''<ref>While the physical cellphones would have duplicated just fine, there's the tiny question of what the number(s) of the duplicate phones were</ref>.
** This could been akin to calling your own voicemail, though I suppose (in their world, anyway) that if you call the number, you call whatever phone it's programmed into.
** Furthermore, it seemed it would've made more sense for Sensitive Ben to be the one watching Julie's tennis match and Jerkass Ben be fighting the Forever Knights with Kevin.
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* Also in "Duped", other than [[Rule of Funny]], was there absolutely ''any'' reason for the Ultimatrix to split Ben's personalities among the clones? There never seems to be ''any'' explanation for this kind of thing whenever it comes up ''anywhere''!
** I'm assuming the transformation caused "errors" in the production. Echo Echo is synthetic, so his personality isn't much of a question when he Dupes; turning into a human/alie form just revealed what Echo Echo's robotic nature kept moot.
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** A [[Lampshade Hanging]], perhaps?
** Maybe he was saying one person would control Ben, and the other would control Gwen/Ken.
** That's hardly [[Fridge Logic]], considering multiple video games let two characters use the same character. Hell, in [[Super Smash Bros.]], Mario and Dr. Mario were two completely separate characters.
* Also in "Computer Games," Will Harangue launches missiles at the White House and apparently gets away with it. He should be rotting in Guantanamo Bay right now.
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***** When has Ben ever listened ti Azimuth's advice?
** Also, how did Harangue get scans of [[Blob Monster|Goop]]? ''Did'' he get scans of Goop?
*** Since Goop wouldn't have been too small to scan, yes.
**** The [[It Just Bugs Me]] with Goop isn't that he's too small to scan, it's that he's too [[Blob Monster|soupy]] to wear the motion-capture suit they were using for the scanning process.
***** Goop can be solid when he wants to be. Ben could keep the suit on while moving around.
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**** Except normal Big Chill once froze a chunk of rock the size of a small island and the building on top of it with seemingly no problem when he fought Doctor Animo in the last series. The other Ultimate Forms all have some kind unique talent that their normal forms did not (Homing-Missile spikes, Methane Bombs, Sonic disks .etc.) but Ultimate Big Chill hasn't exhibited any traits (as of the last time I remember) that his basic self didn't have aside from the altered color scheme the first Troper mentioned.
***** It's been said by [[Word of God]] that the ice flames suck the energy out of what they pass over and use that to burn, likely freezing more effectively than regular Big Chill. Most of the things froze by Big Chill are just covered in a layer of ice, Ultimate Big Chill probably freezes far more effectively. Also, if you look at it, they freeze ''faster'' than normal Big Chill, Big Chill takes a constant stream of his breath to do it, Ultimate Big Chill causes instant glaciers almost. So it seems he's able to freeze far more effectively than the normal one.
****** Again, what can Ultimate Big Chill do that regular Big Chill cannot? Ultimate Big Chill doesn't have a UNIQUE talent that his regular form doesn't. Saying that Ultimate Big Chill can freeze things better is like saying Ultimate Humungousaur has more physical strength than his regular form. Every Ultimate form has an extra ability that their regular form did not, even Ultimate Wildmutt (who can speak coherently).
******* Let's put it this way, Ultimate Big Chill doesn't just coat things in ice, it sucks the energy out of them. This means not only can it freeze things colder than normal, it'd be more effective for things that constantly radiate heat. It'd also, theoratically, give Big Chill a greater resistence to them, since he hasn't used it all that often, we can't be sure. Still, it's more effective at freezing by far.
******** That is not a difference.Cold things conduct heat and become warm themselves, cooling the initial object by taking it's energy. If you apply this here, there is no difference except that there's a cool visual. The attack covers the objects surface, the heat is drawn out, and then the energy is released. The only variation is that burning the energy away (heating up the air, which should actually melt the ice ''faster'') sounds better then letting it go through convection.-Really, how dose it absorb enough energy to burn anyways? that much heat concentration should be melt the forming ice as it burns. Ice flames do make more sense then creating mountains of ice by blowing cold air on it, an we accept THAT break from reality.
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** In the ad, it's clearly seen that P'andor is scanned in his true form, after he is released from the containment suit.
** And now we have the issue that {{spoiler|Aggregor's [[One-Winged Angel]] form}} has parts of P'andor's suit integrated into it.
*** And Ben outright transforms into the suited version of the alien.
** According to [[Word of God|Ask Dwayne]], Ben scanned the suit separately and used the Omnitrix to add it to the NRG transformation. In keeping with Alien Force tradition, this never gets an explanation on screen, because what do they care about suspension of disbelief?
* As mentioned earlier, P'andor is an [[Energy Being]]. Exactly how did the Omnitrix get a genetic scan of such a creature? If Anodites, by [[Word of God]], cannot be scanned for this reason, it stands to reason the same would apply here.
** Maybe Anodites are ''pure'' energy, while P'andor is made of mere [[Buffy-Speak|energetic... stuff]]. Of course, "[[Pure Energy]]" already [[Pure Energy|fails science forever]]...
*** According do Dwayne, Pandor isn't [[Energy Being]], but just a radioactive flying alien that can pass through most objects like Big Chill.
* On the subject of P'andor. Is Gwen really that stupid? How does Pandor not being happy in his suit outweigh the fact that he is a living dirty bomb on the scale of importance? It's like allowing somone to detonate a dirty bomb because he would be sad otherwise.
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** Cause... she's not special enough?
** She's mind wiping people?
*** ''Aliens'' kind of beats out a chick with pink energy. The Ben 10 Universe already has superheroes (as Captain Nemesis shows us) so the [[First Contact]] implications probably beats it out.
* How does the Ultimatrix have ultimate forms? What ARE the ultimate aliens, anyway? Is it like Pokemon, where it's the same alien but... evolved, somehow?
** Artificial evolution, presumably. It's unlikely these things are natural.
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*** It [[Fridge Brilliance|makes sense when you think about it]]. Humans became the dominant species on Earth because while they had no physical adaptations, (or alien superpowers for the analogy) they had the ability to use what other animals had to their advantage, such as clothing from animal skin, shelter from animal bone, weapons from animal bone and tree branches, etc. In short, humans were able to use the adaptations of animals for their own benefit. If Ultimate Aliens is the power of the alien taken [[Up to Eleven]], then the concept applied to humans would be the ability to use the powers of other aliens for their own benefit.
**** This troper would like to point out that what the above troper suggests is not an entirely accurate metaphor for what Ultimate Ben actually does. What Ultimate Ben does is like if a human could run as fast as a cheetah or be as strong as an elephant. Using animal parts as resources hardly constitutes as "using their adaptations".
*** Taking a note from the WMG page, it might be that Ultimate Ben is the result of millions of years of interbreeding until a human race with the powers of a bajillion different aliens is created.
*** It may be more if Ben survived a millenia of using the Ultimatrix, it would allow him to use any alien's ability he has a scan of.
**** I always assumed that given the Plumbers have members from nearly every sentient species in the galaxy that there is probally some kind of inter-species govermeant similar to the fedaration from ''[[Star Trek]]'' and since aliens would be interacting with other species who had differant power's to them they would consider there natural ability's "Super Powers" based on the fact that not all species can do that.
* In the new episode "Hero Time", Ben meets his childhood idol. Captain Nemesis. It's made clear early on to the audience that this guys isn't a 'good guy', but no one in the show itself seems to notice that his name is Captain ''Nemesis''. Then he later cooments that he's thinking of dropping the 'Captain' part.
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** Presumably Charmcaster has no need for a spellbook because she's already memorized all the spells that were in it. And is using spells that lack a vocal component because that makes them harder to interrupt.
*** And you suggest that Hex didnt memorise even one spell?
*** [[Word of God|Word of Dwayne]] is that you need a certain amount of inborn talent to cast spells without those kind of props. Presumably Hex has tremendous magical ''knowledge'', but not enough actual talent to make the magic work without something amplifying him. Charmcaster simply has more talent, and Gwen, as half-Anodite, has ''a lot'' of talent.
* One thing that is consistent between all of the various Ben 10 series is that at no point do Ben, Gwen, Grandpa Max, Kevin, or pretty much anyone else who deals with aliens and/or monsters ever make a secret of what they do, who they are, or who they're related to. Somehow, though, it is only ''after'' some kid makes the connection on the internet that 2+2=4 that Ben becomes famous and his enemies (all of whom know ''exactly'' who he and is friends and family are) attack his family. There's also that part at the end of the first episode of Ultimate Alien where JT and Cash lead the school in applauding Ben when he shows up after being "outed" as a super hero like this sudden news gives them and everyone else new found respect for Ben. This doesn't really jibe with the fact that JT, Cash, and presumably a great deal of their class already know Ben is a shapeshifting superhero because he went hero and fought Cash in the first season Alien Force episode "The Gauntlet."
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** Even weirder: didn't Ben leave the a-grav disc on Piscciss to keep it from falling apart?
*** [[Word of God]] says the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix is what generates the anti-gravity generator - it's not natural to Goop's species. WOG also says that if the generator is ever destroyed, the 'trix creates a new one the next time the transformation is done. This DOESN'T explain how it got outside the door, as it would have to exist inside the room when Ben first transformed; otherwise he couldn't have moved outside.
*** Goop could make a hole with acid and UFO would just go through. However, Dwayne just come with [[Self-Deprecation]]: Animator draw disk on the other side of the door, when nobody was looking.
* What the &@#$ is up with Ben? This is the same guy who chooses to ''save'' the lives of his ''enemies''- why won't he even ''try'' with Kevin? Yes, I understand that Kevin is nuts and willing to kill them, but doesn't Ben realize that ''it's because he's basically high and has no actual control over his own actions?!'' Why won't he ''cure'' Kevin? He knows it can be done, because ''he befriended him while Kevin was cured.''
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*** [[Dude, Not Funny]]. This is serious aggression and majorly [[Out of Character]] for Ben.
*** I dunno...think about it, Kevin was a enemy turned friend. As a kid Kevin was willing to kill a entire train and all the people on it for petty cash, New Evil Kevin put a guy in Traction because he owed him $8 bucks, And Kevin knows where everyone Ben cares about lives...
** Not only that; Kevin is a friend turned enemy who was ''an enemy turned friend.'' Who used to be an enemy. It's not completely unreasonable to think that Ben's actually afraid of what Kevin can do. When he was 11, he kidnapped Gwen and took her to the Null Void just so he could lure Ben there to kill him/steal the watch. Now he's 16, bigger, stronger, and knows where Ben and everyone he cares about lives. Not that I don't think he should try, but how could he? the Ultimatrix even able to cure people the way the Omnitrix did, since it was made by Albedo to be a weapon?
* Shouldn't Ultimate Big Chill's power be "Ice so cold it burns"?
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** Its not that insanity causes you to be able to do it, its that usage of it causes insanity.
** Absorbing energy causes insanity. After Kevin go mad, he apparently learned to absorb powers. Ra'ad clearly said that Osmosians have three powers: to absorb energy, matter, and powers.
** Or maybe, after he went mad, he became willing to use a power he ''already'' had.
*** I thing it would be best for this conversation, to wait for a next season
**** For the power absorbsion I think Osmosians don't steal powers just copy them and the reason the Plumbers Kid's turned back to there human form's is because of there hybrid status.
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* There are clones in Ben 10 universe. Vreedles prove it. It rises thousands of questions starting with why dead characters arent resurrected. Why?
** Maybe only the Vreedles have the technology and won't share it with any other species.
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?|Where does Aggregor gets those wonderfull toys?]]. Plumpers didnt know him so he isnt a wanted criminal, so who is he? Is he rich? I'm just annoyed that we dont know anything about his past.
* Charmcaster's summons. First, how sentient they are? One of them disobeyed her in "In Charm Way" and another in alternative future (Ben 10,000) behaves like a dog. On the other hand they're seems to be OK with serving her for all their lifes. But it's not the most troubling: In "Where magic happens" it reveled that, they're send from another dimensions. Hoverew that doesnt fit to original series summons. Are we suppose to assume that first they're were summoned and then turned into little egg-like rocks?
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*** Well when every other species in the galaxy (Save humans) also have super powers no species would really seem overpowered since really 50 copies of a 8inch being would not be very useful against a Dinosaur with [[Size Changing]] abilites.
* Before [[Shallow Love Interest|Julie]] and [[Anti-Hero|Kevin]] came along, Ben didn't seem to have friends. [[Kissing Cousins|All he had was Gwen]]. But even now, it seems like Kevin would be reluctant to call Ben his "friend", and it's hard to say whether or not you can call Julie Ben's friend, girlfriend, or both. What kind of teenager is Ben Tennyson?!
** The kind with too much experience with battle, action, and heroism to relate to others his own age and social niche. He might have had some acquaintances in the timeskip between the original show and Alien Force, but when the omnitrix went active again, he'd have had no time for them and would have drifted very distant instantly. He does have other sorta-friends though- the other Plumber kids, who are basically the only people onworld his own age he has any chance of finding common ground with.
** First troper here: Yeah, but even before he became the eponymous Ben 10, he didn't appear to have any friends. If he had made friends during the time that was skipped, it would've been nice if we could see that, and also the emotional toll of him leaving them behind to pursue the life of a hero once again. And at present, him not being able to relate to normal people is kind of a big deal for a teenager, you'd think they should explore the theme more.
*** Oh, they ''should'', but they probably won't. That's what fic is for, sadly. On the other hand, I'm not sure what Ben's social standing was pre-coming out (of the hero closet, of course) but he wasn't the everyloser most teen heroes are. He was an athlete and was never shown being picked on (except by Cash and TJ, but never mind them) but for some reason was never shown near any other people- hey, maybe Ben's just a loner. Lots of people only have a small group of people they're tight with in real life, it's not too much of a stretch to assume Ben could be like that. Factor in the "I turn into aliens and fight battles in my spare time" and it's not too far-fetched to assume he just ''can't'' relate to other kids.
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* In [ the preview for Eye of the Beholder], Gwen makes the comment that she thought the Forever Knights disbanded a year ago. However, they fought them in both Duped and Andreas' Fault. Did a year pass between the the new episode and when they last appeared?
** Gwen dosen't have a brain anymore
** She could have meant last calender year, which either makes perfect sense or no sense depending on what time of the year it is during those episodes, which we have [[It's Always Spring|no way of knowing]].
* Excuse me but ''when'' did Ben and Julie break up? Yes I know that pairing wasn't popular with the fanbase but if you're going to undo the cannon pairing you should at least show it happen. An off-handed remark about breaking up is just begging to end up in the discontinuity pile.
** They didn't break up. Ben assumes Julie broke up with him but in reality she says they might as well be (broken up) in response to him not spending enough time with her. It kinda helps to actually listen to the dialogue.
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** The artists and writers [[Did Not Do the Research]]
* I can understand, that sometimes Brainstorm or Spidermonkey are just enough to handle current threat. I can understand that Ben dont want to waste energy with more transformations and risk turning into wrong alien. I also understand, that some building are too small to use Way Big. What I dont understant, why in Absolute Power, Part 2, while fighting with one of his most powerfull enemies, Ben fighting choises were Big Chill and Spidermonkey. Not even Ultimate forms, just regular ones. Against the guy who defeated Ultimate Humongosaur. In place where he could easily use Way Big. And he chooses fourarmed monkey that can shoot web. Why? Just why?
* Same Goes for Aggregor. Lets see out of all the times Ben could've used Way Big or Ultimate Echo Echo (over 5 times). He just uses his more weaker forms like Brainstorm and Swampfire. When Kevin Attacked Aggregor, he used Jetray's lasers. Did Ben ever think of that? Nope.
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* I know Ben was boring at the begining of Alien Force by defeating his enemies quickly and always using the best alien, but now it's like he doesn't have the slightest battle tactic. In the episode about Gwen's cousin, why did he never thought of using Terraspin? you could say that maybe it was because it was more of a Gwen episode, but he fights their cousin's boyfriend who is just has muscle "while using Humongasaur" a good alien, the fight it's even and Ben apparently forgot he has the power of growing and being getting a little stronger, even so he turns into Ultimate Humongasaur and defeats him by....tricking him into electrocuting itself. Now why didn't he just turned into the alien who already had electric powers, or something that used some kind of beam or ray since the guy went down pretty easily after something other than muscle was used against him? Then they have problems fighting Viktor, yes the "same Viktor" from the original Ben 10, he had a lot of ways of defeating him but he uses Heatblast, not even the stronger Swampfire. It's like instead of making more powerful enemies to counter Ben's multipowerful aliens, they just make him use the worst choices and or battle the worst way possible.
** OK Quick explenations: Humungosaur vs Antonio. Humungosuar can't grow. And if he changed into Brainstorm or Amfibian and then he turn into Terraspin he would most likely quickly turn back into human. Heatblast vs Viktor Swampfire isnt stronger that Heatblast. He has less fire power, he isn't as mobile as him and what most important, regeneration wouldn't save him from electricity. And he's a plant. Now think about it: Heatblast has no water in his body. Plants has a lot of water.
** Humongasaur can't grow? did you even watch the alien force premier?
*** Ultimate Humungosaur can't grow. Happy?
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* When the U.S. Military closes down a base, the first thing they do is remove all the ordnance to prevent that ordnance from falling into the wrong hand. In Absolute Power, there is all kinds of ordnance laying around without any posative control, including a Tank which is the first thing that should have been relocated. What did the U.S. Army / Air Force do, leave in the middle of the night and totally forget about Los Alimos?
* When the heck are they going back to Ledger Domain?
** Propably, when they find the way in. Remember, Door To Anywhere stopped working. Knowing Gwen, she working on it every night.
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* Okay, so Ultimate Ben can use any of his alien's powers without transforming into them right? So what happens when he uses Goop's power? Does he melt into a pile of flesh-colored gunk? What about when he uses Upgrade? If his arm gets chopped off can he regrow it using Swampfire's power? Does he become small when he uses Nanomech? Does he split into ribbons using Benmummy and grow eyes all over his body using Eyeguy? How about Stinkfly? Does he shoot sludge out of his eyeballs? Do diamonds grow out of his skin when he uses Diamondhead? Can he stretch his tongue with Upchuck? Does he have split personality problems using Echo Echo? How does he use Ultimate Humungousaur's Rocket Launchers? Heck, what if he's using Ultimate Ben and Big Chill's reproduction cycle kicks in? Lots of his aliens' powers are dependent on their [[Bizarre Alien Biology|unique physhiology]], so how exactly are they incorporated into Ultimate Ben?
** Stuff like that would probably bump up the rating of the show. OTOH, all of that sounds really cool [[Lovecraftian Superpower]].
** Well, we see him use Diamondhead's crystal spike-launcher trick, and the spikes seem to just kind of...appear. And he [[Sizeshifter|gets bigger]] when he taps into Ultimate Humongousaur, so yeah, he probably shrinks with Nanomech. As for the rest of it, it sounds like [[Body Horror]] and [[Nightmare Fuel]], and [[Fanon|it makes a good explanation for why Ben 10,000 doesn't]] [[Forgot About His Powers|use more of his aliens]].
** It is entirely possible he was exaggerating when he said "all of them".
* Ultimate Swampfire cant regenerate. Ultimate Humongosaur cant grow. Ultimate Echo Echo cant duplicate. Considering they're suppose to be stronger evolutions, what sense that makes?
** The evolution function uses a simulation of civil war for the species in question for a macroevolutionary length of time. Methanosians lost regeneration because they became petrified wood for more resiliance- if you're damaged enough in real war to need regeneration, you're damaged enough for the enemy to kill you too much to regenerate, so the resiliance was a better adaptation. Vaxasaurians became more physically strong in their base form than in their grown forms, making the act of growing unneccesary and an exercise in proving a bigger target- he doesn't ''need'' to grow to be objectively stronger, and so it was lost. Sonorosians duplicated solely to amplify their sonic blasts- a waste of energy compared to their Ultimate version, which uses small sonic discs instead for the same result with much less expended energy.
** Also, Vaxasaurian's size changing may have been for defense purposes, bigger creature, harder to attack. Ultimate Humongosaur has armored platting, horns, and a spiked club, all of which are far better defenses than growing.
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* What is the point of "unlocking" back Ben's old transformations when he's yet to use them? Most of them are pretty much obsolete because of the AF aliens. He got them back like five episodes ago. Sure it doesn't seem much but Ben could've used quite a bit of them. For example: In the recent episode Greetings from Techadon, the enemy was a robot machine. What could Ben have done at least? Try using Upgrade rather than the alien force aliens! None of the other aliens have the ability to merge with other machines and possess them. Or better yet in Simian Says, Ben could've turned into Heatblast rather than Swampfire and then from there Wildvine? Give those aliens some more screen time!
* With Vilgax's tank destroyed, all that really separated Ben and the others from him was a stone wall that had just closed. So...Why don't they break through? Heck, nearly all of Ben's aliens have a way of busting through, and it wouldn't have been hard to kill or even arrest a weaken Vilgax! Ben didn't even have to do it, Kevin or Gwen could have probably busted it down in under a minute. Why let a simple wall stop you from stopping, perhaps, your greatest enemy and a killer of thousands?
* Echo Echo can fly? I mean normal Echo Echo, not Ultimate. In Greetings From Technorg, the clones floated into the air. How? Is this a new power? Why did not one mention it? Is it an error in animation? Its a pretty big one, if it is!
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* So, did Ben think warning the Plumbers about the Circle's powers would be a bad idea?
* Kevin and Ben make a big fuss about Gwen teleporting them while in the Rustbuckket 2. In Kevin's own words, '...sick, we're going a 1000 miles an hour, and we're a mile up. Its too dangerous.' So...Why don't they just land the ship? They don't have to be moving. They can land and stand still, so it can be easier for her. Kevin says it himself they're going a 1000 miles an hour (an exaggeration I'm sure, but still) and they're only a mile up. Can they really not spare a couple of seconds to land the ship?
** Seriously, anyone?
*** Unfortunately, the answer is something along the lines of "The writers don't care". they just don't. They felt like creating the illusion of drama and tension without actually doing something. All they would've needed to do is have a plot development wherein the ship is damaged and is crashing which would justify why Kevin's statement and apprehension, but no. they just decided to be lazy. Pretty much every headscratcher on this page can be summed up with that line, too.
* In the "Mother of all Vreedles" quite a bit of salt of saltwater is used to produce those twins, who end up just being taken off the planet. What happens to all that water taken out of the water cycle? Was it just an insignificant amount? I'm fairly sure that even with all that "clone mix" the water removed from the Earth should have mattered somewhere.
** Look again, while yes, ''plenty'' of clones were made, they weren't really that large a quantity of mass (maybe a public swimming pool's worth). The entire lot of that episode was mostly a joke, other questions that could be asked : what about the fish?How would 600,000,000,000 children fit on the island (the water would not recede ''that'' much..), why are they born with clothes? Why can a cloning device opperate with the complexity of a Barbie Oven Kit?