Benjamin Franklin: Difference between revisions

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* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: Not Ben himself, but the practice that he brutally parodies in "The Art of Saying Little In Much," without saying much of anything himself. He does this by quoting "the Petition of Dermond O Folivey, an Attorney of the Kingdom of Ireland," the most [[Up to Eleven|unbelievably, ridiculously redundant]] thing ever written.
* [[Dirty Old Man]]
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Not him personally. But he hired Steuben, the Patron Saint of American Drill Sergeant's Nasty.
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: He was the oldest of the Founding Fathers, and respected for both his brilliance and his witty humor.
* [[Eagle Land]]: Ben is the embodiment of the type 1 flavor, though funnily enough, if he'd had his way, we might have ended up calling the trope "Turkey Land." To elaborate, when it came time to choose a national emblem, Franklin argued that we should pick the turkey because of the fact that it's native to North America rather than the Old World. However, the other Founding Fathers prevailed and we ended up picking the more majestic eagle, but a type native to North America, the bald eagle (though it would be a while before artists would depict the bald eagle correctly).
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* [[The Smart Guy]]: Respected even among the American Founders, dyed-in-the-wool intellectual elites almost to a man, for the breadth of his knowledge.
* [[The Spymaster]]: While in Paris, he was this. Like every diplomat at the time.
**When he returned he was given an audit by Congress. Some of his budget was unaccounted for. He basically told them [[You Do NOT Want to Know]]. And apparently [[Plausible Deniability|they did not.]]
* [[What Might Have Been]]: [[George Washington]] tried to nominate him for first president, but basically every single other Founding Father unanimously agreed Washington should take the job.
* [[White Anglo Saxon Protestant]]