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* The name of the Purple Rhino Knights might seem incredibly [[Narm|narmy]] at first glance. But remember: during medieval times, purple was the rarest and most expensive dye, and was hence associated with royalty. Therefor, associating the [[The Empire|Tudor Empire]]'s most esteemed and powerful army with it (and coloring the armor appropriately) seems pretty fitting.
* The Godhand is literally a [[Red Right Hand]].
* It's been established that Guts' [[Animal Motif]] is a dog, but most characters portray it in a negative way (especially since his [[Enemy Within]] is a [[Hell Hound|scary black dog]]). But just look at all of the good characteristic that Guts has in relation to his dog motif (and it should be noted that these are traits more in association with wild canines, not domesticated): he's brave, he tries to be a loner, but most canines are social by nature, and because of that, he's loyal and [[Angry Guard Dog|very protective]] of his "[[True Companions|pack]]" (and he has shades of the [[Papa Wolf]], since male wolves are very protective of their young), and for the romantic twist, most breeding pairs mate for life so his [[Single -Target Sexuality|devotion to Casca]] is very much understandable.
* A god-hand is made every 216 years. What's so special about 216? It is 6*6*6 or 666. Fridge brilliance indeed.
** It's also 108*2.
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** When you think about it, {{spoiler|Griffith's rape of Casca is pretty much a twisted [[Foil]] to Guts and Casca's love scene.}}
* Even though Rosine and Jill were best friends, and Rosine wanted to take Jill with her to her next [[Crap Saccharine World]], she most likely did it so {{spoiler|that she may sacrifice Jill to the Godhand to renew her life since she was losing badly against Guts}}.
* On Casca's backstory, when she was given to the nobleman as a "servant", and she only later realized what he was [[Sex Slave|intending on doing with her]], since she said later that no noble was ever kind enough to take in a dirt poor girl as a servant in order to help out her family's situation. But did you ever think that Casca's parents might not have been so oblivious to this? Think about it: it happens in third world countries all the time. Being very traditional, parents [[Nature Adores a Virgin|set such high moral standards on their daughters' virginity]] ([[Defiled Forever|sometimes]], [[My Girl Is Not a Slut|a bit]] [[Honor -Related Abuse|too far]]), but when push comes to shove, they know how high their virginity will catch on the market if they sell them to some wealthy sleaze bag - a lot more than a servant girl's wage (not that the status of being a servant would stop rape from happening). So, Casca's parents most likely had the full intention of selling their youngest, virgin daughter as a prostitute.
* It's weird that the [[Torture Technician]] [[Fridge Logic|never mentioned it]] in his graphic description of what he did to him over a year, but Griffith was probably castrated during his torture. It was probably the first thing to go, in fact, since his crime was having sex with Charlotte, so it would make sense that the instrument used to commit the crime would be the first to be destroyed. [[Squick|Eek.]]
** He probably didn't got there because Guts [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice|rammed his]] [[BFS|sword through him]], and the door. However, by the completely ''depraved'' tone the guy spoke... He might have also done... ''[[Rape Tropes|other things]]'' to Griffith.
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== [[Fridge Logic]] ==
* Guts performs CPR on Casca when they fell into a river and successfully revives her. Although the act is pretty realistic compared to other [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable|anime examples]], and though it is a medieval '''fantasy''' series, CPR was only innovated in what we would know as the modern era (1950-60s roughly).
* Another one and it concerns the book six assassination plot. You think Miura should have drawn Guts with a normal sword instead of his typical BFS? A lot of people saw a clocked man hacking away guards with a very particular sword that also happens to be wielded by a very particular man very close to Griffith. Perhaps everyone was so terrified of Guts by then that they said nothing?
** Apparently, wind was caught of this fallacy and they [ fixed it in the movie.]
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* Either Midland is a very large country, and Guts has the amazing ability to walk incredible distances in mere days or weeks at best, or a lot more time has passed by than we know of, or nobody is very vulnerable to weather conditions, or Midland is the American Midwest (or was inspired by [[British Weather|Great Britain]]), because they have some pretty [[Bizarre Seasons|funky]] [[Weather Dissonance|weather patterns]].
* Wile at it: Guts needs to do everything on foot because any horse he used would quickly become posessed by demons whenever night falls. It's more trouble then it's worth.
* So, Guts and Casca did the duty, and Guts succeeded in knocking Casca up. Congrats. They're expecting... [[Dude, Not Funny|a demon baby!]] But seriously, Guts and Casca conceive, they go to Wyndam to rescue Griffith, which took about four days, and then they had to get back to wherever they were going in the first place, which we'll say took about the same amount of time. So Casca has been pregnant for a week at this point. Then the Eclipse happens, and horrible, horrible things happen that result in Guts and Casca being [[Asleep for Days]] - four, actually. And then, no more than a few hours after have a grande mal [[Freak -Out]], Guts witnesses Casca miscarrying their child, which is in its embryonic form. Overall, Casca has only been pregnant for not even an entire two weeks. Now, human embryogenesis is a lot more complicated than how we would comprehend it ([[Did Not Do the Research|sperm and egg meet up, hook up, and start dividing away all in about twenty minutes]]), and I'm not sure how much time must elapse for fertilization to be successful and how long cleaving of the zygote takes, but I'm pretty sure that you don't get a six week old embyro in under two weeks. ... Unless of course {{spoiler|Femto's demonic semen induces super fast gestation and development}} which just brings in more [[Nausea Fuel]] on our part.
** The last point gains favour when you see the embryo quickly morphing into a, ''very'' deformed but still reconizable as a, fetus right after Casca miscarries it.
* In the beginning of the manga, the dead rise from the fields nearby to kill Guts as as well as the chariot driver and his daughter. If they're all executed prisoners whose corpses were dumped in the forest, ''why do they all have weapons?''