Big Damn Heroes/Tabletop Games: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:BigDamnHeroes.TabletopGames 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:BigDamnHeroes.TabletopGames, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** The Legion of the Damned is an entire Space Marine chapter with this as their schtick. {{spoiler|Despite losing most of their chapter and being horribly mutated by a freak warp storm}}, the surviving members of the {{spoiler|Hawk Lords}} chapter remain loyal to the Imperium, and have since then dedicated themselves to teleporting onto the battlefield when all hope of victory for the forces of the Empire has been lost, and soundly beating the crap out of the enemy before disappearing back into the warp only to show up somewhere else.
** Fear of this trope was the reason Horus dropped the deflector shield on his flagship at the Siege of Terra (and thus allowing the Emperor to attack him) - the entire Ultramarines legion (that's ''250,000'' Astartes) were on their way. The Space Wolves and Dark Angels (nearly as many marines again) were on their heels. And they were ''pissed''.
* ''[[Nobilis (Tabletop Game)|Nobilis]]'' has a fairly basic power available to starting characters which ensures they always show up in the nick of time. The more powerful version ensures they ALWAYS show up in the nick of time...even if the bad guys did it 35 minutes ago, or sacrificed the princess last week.
* In ''[[Magic: theThe Gathering]]'', the aptly-named instant [ Dramatic Entrance] lets you turn [ any] [ given] [ massive] [ creature] into your very own [[Big Damn Heroes]].
** There's also [ Avatar of Hope], which [[You Shall Not Pass|can block anything]]. What's so big damn heroic about it? It costs only two mana to play when you have three life or less.
* Some cards from the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game]]'' have effects that emulate this trope.