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* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: The slang. Some of it is general boarding school stuff, a lot is nicked from [[Alice in Wonderland (Literature)|The Jabberwocky]] and some if just made up.
* [[Upperclass Twit]]: Lord Mauleverer. Slightly inverted as he does, in fact, have many skills. 90% of his time is spent lolling in armchairs and replying to everything with "yaas", however.
* [[Was It All a Lie?]]: Vernon-Smith has a well-developed sense of honour and soon leans the value of playing the game and pulling with the team, but has a dark streak in his nature that draws him to the shadier pursuits in schoolboy life. His periodic slips cause his friends to doubt him, while his old comrades are always happy to [[Welcome Back, Traitor|welcome him back]].
* [[Written Sound Effect]]: Very common. There's a lot of fights and corporal punishment in the series and most of it is rendered as sound effects and bizarre exclamations. A typical example of a caning: Whop! "Wow!" yelled Bunter. Whop! "Whooooooop!" Whop! "Yarooooh!" Whop! "Yow-ow-ow! Leggo!"
** The most famous is "Yarooh!" which perhaps not by chance is "Hooray" spelt backwards. The spelling of Bunter's yells also contains more or less O's, depending on how hard he's being caned, kicked etc.