Black Crusade: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''The intoxicating lure of Chaos leads untold millions down the path of corruption, and the noblest of intentions offers little protection against its dark influence. A soldier’s bloodlust, a politician's ambition, a lover’s desire, and even a mother’s whispered prayer over her feverish child – they are all the playthings of the Dark Gods. Why resist? Wealth, power, and happiness await those who serve the Ruinous Powers, and the only price is your humanity.''}}
''[ Black Crusade]'' is the latest in a series of [[Tabletop Games|tabletop roleplaying games]] set in the ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' universe. While its sister games ''[[Dark Heresy]]'', ''[[Rogue Trader]]'', and ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]'' focus on characters that are (at least outwardly) loyal to [[The Empire|the Imperium of Man]], ''Black Crusade'' focuses on characters who serve the dark powers of [[The Corruption|Chaos]] -- [[The Heretic|the heretics]], [[The Mentally Disturbed|the madmen]], [[Despair Event Horizon|the lost]] and [[Deal with the Devil|the damned]]. The game contains rules for playing both [[Super Soldier|Chaos Space Marines]] and human [[cult]]ists, with starting characters roughly equivalent in power to mid-level ''[[Dark Heresy]]'' characters or low-level ''[[Rogue Trader]]'' characters.
See also ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'', ''[[Dark Heresy]]'', ''[[Rogue Trader]]'', and ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]''.
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* [[Class and Level System]]: Notably averted. The followers of Chaos are a diverse and fluid lot, and so ''Black Crusade'' characters are not restricted by the same Career Path advancement system as their Loyalist counterparts.
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]: Followers of Tzeentch can develop a neurosis which compels them to obsess over "conspiracies". The scary thing is that, considering [[The Chessmaster|Tzeentch]], [[Properly Paranoid|this might not be entirely inappropriate]].
* [[The Corruption]]: Given ''Black Crusade'''s focus, this is explored in more detail here than in previous ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' RPGs; in particular, the Corruption track is intended to be used as a sort of "progress meter" for the campaign as a whole, tracking how close the PCs are getting to becoming [[One-Winged Angel|Daemon]] [[A God Am I|Princes]] or [[And I Must Scream|Chaos]] [[Body Horror|Spawn]].
** More specifically, there's actually ''two'' tracks in the game: actual Corruption, and [[Glory Seeker|Infamy]], which is the measure of both how much you've impressed the Ruinous Powers and your ability to control your mutations. Hit the threshold where you lose your humanity with a high enough Infamy score, and it's presumed your patron blunts the impact of the runaway mutations long enough [[Heroic Willpower|for you to control them]], and you become a Daemon Prince. Otherwise...
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: The game as a whole is this to ''[[Dark Heresy]]'' and ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]''.
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