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{{quote| '''[[Beavis and Butthead|Beavis]]''': Hey, Butthead. What is a black hole?<br />
'''Butthead''': So [[Like Is, Like, a Comma|like]], a black hole is like, this giant bunghole in outer space. It's like, it sucks up the whole universe, and then it's like, it grinds it up and sends it all to [[Hell]] or something. }}
{{quote|'''[[The Smart Guy|Lieutenant Colonel (Dr.) Samantha Carter]]''': "The singularity is about to explode"?<br />
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'''Carter''': Everything about that statement is wrong.|[[Stargate SG 1|SG1]]: "200"}}
Black holes. They're the most terrifying things in the known universe. They're the real [[Eldritch Abomination]]. They're huge masses of... well, ''nothing'' (but they do have a lot of [[Shaped Like Itself|mass]]); and nothing, not even light, can travel fast enough to escape them. Unfortunate items which do fall in are spaghettified (the official scientific term), stretched thin by [http://en.[ force|tidal forces]], the black hole ripping atom from atom, then ripping up the atoms. But that's only if you get too close. From a far enough, stable orbit, being near a black hole would just be the same as orbiting a massive star.
...Unless it's fiction. Sometimes they just suck in everything around them like giant [[Space X|space-vacuum-cleaners]], seeing as [[Gravity Sucks]]. Also, commonly, a black hole will be represented as an actual hole in space, and it's perfectly possible to enter a black hole and leave it safely. Relativistic time dilation tends to be ignored; a character voyaging into a black hole can leave it without time warping, while those outside can see things enter a black hole without slowing to a crawl. Hovering black holes are often seen as weapons.
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* The pilot episode of [[Andromeda]] did quite well in averting this trope until the very end, when they escaped using [[Depleted Phlebotinum Shells|"Nova Bombs"]] to turn the black hole into a ''white'' hole.
* On ''[[Heroes]]'', a minor character named Stephen Canfield has the power to make Unrealistic Black Holes with his mind. {{spoiler|He eventually kills himself by creating one and being sucked inside it.}}
* The ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Impossible Planet" features a planet in a stable orbit around a black hole; in the show the orbit is only maintained due to the expenditure of great amounts of energy to cancel out the gravity of the black hole. In reality, objects can orbit black holes just as easily as they can orbit any other massive object.
** Of course, considering {{spoiler|the planet was a cage for Satan, and proceeds to lose its orbit once his cell is opened, killing the Beast...}}
** If the planet was actually well inside the event horizon, and only protected by the gravity-cancelling tech, this would be closer to reality, including the narrow "funnel" of space allowing access to and from the planet.
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== Real Life ==
* A lot of fears about the Large Hadron Collider are really fears that Unrealistic Black Holes reflect reality. [ Two] [ papers] have been written which concern this issue.
* [http://en.[ radiation|Hawking radiation]]. It it's true -that seems likely-, black holes would emit radiation when their temperatures were higher than that of the environment (ie: the one of the cosmic microwave background), shrinking in size and mass and emitting more and more energetic radiation to the point that during their final moments, they'd seem to shine.
** The final fate of the black hole is unclear, but most likely they'd disappear in a giant explosion, leaving perhaps a small remnant. Note, however, this process would take a ''[[Time Abyss|very]]'' long time, much larger than the current age of the Universe, at least for stellar-mass black holes and above.
* Given that modern physics have trouble to describe aspects of black holes like the existence of a singularity with infinite density and temperature in their centers, other alternatives like [http://en.[ chr(28)string theorychr(29)|Fuzzballs]] have been suggested. In this case, a black hole would be a conglomerate of strings (no, not that ones) and everything fallen there would be disassembled into its component strings that would become part of the black hole.
* [ Here's a cool video] simulating the fall into a black hole followed by the pass through a wormhole to finally arrive to another universe.
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[[Category:Artistic License Astronomy]]
[[Category:Unrealistic Black Hole]]