Blacklight Retribution: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: EMP slows you down, toxic obscure your vision. And then there's explosive which jerk your aim when shot and incendiary ammo. The former three veered into [[Awesome but Impractical]] territory, though.
* [[Body Armor Asas Hit Points]]
* [[Cyberpunk]]: Between the Blade Runner scenery, the armor designs, and the electronic warfare, it's definitely fitting.
* [[Faceless Goons]]: Almost ''everyone''. But the helmets are awesome looking, so it's forgiven. Recently averted with the first Hero character, who has an alternate skin that removes his custom helmet and sleeves.
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** If you look closely at the HUD when it restarts you can see your own username/game-name being entered into a login and password bar. These are both carryovers from Tango Down.
* Invisibility: Stealth camouflage tactical gear. Usually coupled with machete.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: The flamethrower, of course. Effective against hardsuits - they cook the pilot alive.
** By all means however do not [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard|try to steal that Hardsuit you just flamed while it still hot.]]
* [[Land Mine Goes Click]]: In proximity bomb, EMP and stun variant. Keep an eye on your HRV or else...
* [[Letters to Thethe Editor]]: Not exactly. But Zombie Studio will be answering questions through Blacklight Retribution Patch Minutes videos which come out with every game updates. [ Here's one for 0.964.]
* [[Magnetic Weapons]]: Seriously, don't get in the way of any sort of [[One-Hit Kill|Railgun]].
* [[Death From Above]]: Airstrikes, of course.