Blacklight Retribution: Difference between revisions

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* Everybody has the HRV (Hyper Reality Visor), which let players see enemies and objective through walls. This comes with a downside, though - you can't use any weapons and you have to wait for it to recharge.
* The game features weapon depots scattered around the map that let player bring heavy weapons like flamethrower, rocket launcher,[[Mini -Mecha|Hardsuit]] into the fight in exchange for CP they gained from kills, assists or completing objectives.
* Players receive GP at the end of a match depending on how well they performed, which you can use to get new gear. Of course, [[Bribing Your Way to Victory|paying for it is better.]]
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* [[One Bullet Clips]]
* [[Pink Mist]] can be averted with the "Gore" setting with Full (Heads are removed with headshots) to Mid (Heads remain intact but blood is shown) to None (Blood is replaced with splashes of a glowing blue liquid)
* [[Pistol -Whipping]]: Handguns' melee attack.
* [[Robot Girl]]: M.A.R.S., the second Hero character.
* [[Sniper Pistol]]: You could, with the plethora of customization options. But it's not very effective.
* [[Mini -Mecha]]: The Hardsuits are combat mechas, and come with a [[More Dakka|minigun]] and a railgun. These things are very dangerous from the front and can even run you down with the boost. They do, however, have a weakpoint.
* [[Sentry Gun]]: A depot item you can buy. Unfortunately this one is weak and [[Artificial Stupidity|likes to shoot at walls]].
* [[Standard FPS Guns]]: Though it should be noted that the role of primary weapon mostly depend on it's attachments.