Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character prefers not to use the word "blackmail" or any other word.

  • Straight:
    • When Alice accuses Bob of blackmailing her, he insists she doesn't call it blackmailing.
    • Bob accuses Alice of being a killer. She says "Killer is such an insensitive term. I prefer murderer. It has more r's"
  • Exagerated:
    • Alice accuses Bob of blackmailing her. He threatens to tell everyone every single one of her secrets if she ever says that word again.
    • Bob accuses Alice of being a killer. She kills him.
  • Justified:
    • Bob has always disliked the word blackmail, because he finds it offensive to people who send their mail in black paper.
    • Alice believes killers are evil, and she doesn't think her actions are evil.
  • Inverted:
    • When Alice accuses Bob of blackmailing her, he asks her to say it again, because he likes the sound of the word.
    • Bob accuses Alice of being a killer. She says "That's right, and don't call me anything else."
  • Subverted:
    • "Blackmail is such a dirty word. But yes, that is what I'm doing."
    • "Don't call me a killer! Killers are immoral, evil, and... well, yeah, I am.".
  • Double Subverted:..."But still, don't call (it blackmail/me a killer)."
  • Parodied: Upon accusal, Bob/Alice pulls out a thesaurus and lists better words than blackmail/killer.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is on trial, and he insists the person suing him not use the word blackmail. They eventually sue him for something much worse and he gets a much worse punishment than if he had just been sued for blackmail.
    • Alice is being arrested, and she screams at reporters not to call her a killer in the papers. They write this, and it only causes people to think she is more insane
  • Zig-Zagged: When Alice accuses Bob of blackmailing her, he insists she doesn't call it blackmailing. Later she calls it blackmailing anyway and he doesn't notice.
  • Lampshaded: "Honestly? My word choice is the biggest issue here?"
  • Averted: Bob and Alice have no problems with their accusatory terms.
  • Enforced: ?
  • Defied: ?
  • Discussed: ?
  • Conversed: ?
  • 'Played For Laughs: ?
  • Played For Drama: ?

The back button is just an ugly word. I'd rather you use previous.