Blood Over Water (TV series)/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Had Aaron considered that telling a Sleet Mountain employee he was going to the university, even a friend, [[What an Idiot|was a bad idea]], especially given all the security that surely had to be there at the factory; then he would have said he was going to "think over" where he was going. Again, that would keep him from leading the villains straight to Monica.
** Had Monica insisted on them finding some place else to work if there were kidnappings involved, or [[Poor Communication Kills|explained anything to Monica in detail]], then they would not have stayed at the university long enough to be easy targets. As it is, they stayed in one spot long enough for Sleet Mountain thugs to find them. [[Plot Hole|It's a stretch]] to think that Kyle could have learned exactly ''which room'' in the university Aaron told Chris he would be at, since Aaron never divulges that detail.
** Had George been willing to contain a little bit more of his bloodthirst, Kyle [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|would have shot Aaron]] before he had a chance to escape.
** Speaking of that, George and Kyle had Aaron tied up. But they didn't think to check his pockets, where they'd have found his wallet and been able to figure out that they'd grabbed Aaron instead of Mark. Which would have resulted in a phone call to Chris to clear up the mistake, and possibly resulted in Aaron being dropped off somewhere rather than the need to kill him outright.
* [[So Bad It's Good]]: The reaction of many Ferris students.
