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''Blue Planet'' is a series of fan-made expansion packs for the video game ''[[Free Space|FreeSpace 2]]''. It is set eighteen years after the original game and details the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance returning to Sol and the aftermath. The '''Blue Planet''' saga will eventually consist of three parts, but so far only the first two have been unveiled.
''Blue Planet: Age of Aquarius'' (2007) follows the 14th Battlegroup of the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance as they cross the newly-constructed Sol Gate into the solar system for the first time. The player takes the role of Samuel Bei, an experienced veteran of the Second Great War from the original game. The fleet ends up lost in an [[Alternate Universe]] where the Shivans won the Great War and humanity is reduced to a handful of scavengers on the run from the Shivan armada. Samuel Bei ends up playing a pivotal role in discovering the nature of this strange dimension and how they got there, finding his own [[The Chosen One|destiny]], and finding a way for the 14th Battlegroup to return to their own universe. ''Age of Aquarius'' won much acclaim for its richly realized story and excellent characters, especially Samuel Bei and his father, who [["Well Done, Son" Guy|have]] [[Never Live It Down|some]] [[I Have No Son|issues]], and its excellent and innovative mission design that featured a scale far larger than most previous campaigns.
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*** Maybe of draining the GTVA's political will, but not of "winning" in terms of military superiority. The overwhelming power of the GTVA's military is one of the reasons why the Elders are so keen on diplomacy rather than force.
* [[Hope Spot]]: ''War in Heaven'' likes to toss these out before brutally crushing them.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Seemingly happen to Kassim in ''War in Heaven'', early on after his first real combat sorties, he frequently strays from his path during missions, and midway he apparently freaked out, may or may not be [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]], could be just trauma of war or having visions similar to Laporte. The same thing happened with Lorna Simms shortly after the Rheza Station battle until Laporte beat some sense into her, and {{spoiler|again after Delenda Est}}.
* [[100% Completion]]: Most people will try at some stage, such as making sure almost every friendly capital ships survive, and ensuring the destruction of every single non-plot critical enemy ships.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] ''and'' [[Humans Are Good]], with the clash between the two clearly reinforcing that [[Humans Are Flawed]]. However, this is far more important than it might initially seem: {{spoiler|the Vishnans and Shivans seem to be debating which of the two humanity will turn out to be, or if it's already decided.}}
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: The UEF can do some pretty sleazy things when they have to.
* [[Interface Screw]]: The UEF's favourite tactics to compensate for their lack of brute force is to jam the enemy's beams.
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* [[Last Stand]]: Many, {{spoiler|1=The UEFg ''Yangtze'', after its subspace drive is shot out leaving it unable to retreat, turns back towards the GTVA fleet in a desperate, suicidal attack.}} ''Age of Aquarius'' features at least half a dozen of these, with the player alternating between being the [[Big Damn Heroes]] or [[Do Not Go Gentle|one of the people going down with a fight.]] ''Delenda Est'', the final mission of the first chapter of ''War In Heaven'' is notable for feeling like this for ''both'' sides of the battle, simultaneously and throughout. It even features [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner]]'s on both sides at the beginning, middle, and end.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: The fact that the GTVA is attacking Sol was originally a massive [[Twist Ending]] to ''Age of Aquarius''. However, it's almost completely impossible to talk about ''War in Heaven'' without mentioning this.
* [[Lethal Joke Weapon]]: TAG missiles were known for having a small niche where they were actually more than novelties. But in ''War In Heaven'', where jamming beam weapons' accuracy and coherency is often the only thing preventing UEF ships from getting gutted in short order, getting hit by a TAG missile--whichmissile—which can allow GTVA ships to accurately target UEF ships with their beams--isbeams—is one of the ultimate [[Oh Crap]] moments. This comes into FULL effect in {{spoiler|Delenda Est, whereupon one of your ships realizes with dawning horror--too late--that they've been hit with a TAG missile, and is promptly obliterated in a single shot. That ship was your AWACS ship.}}
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: The Lao Tze advanced fighter used by the White Guard. The Durga bombers may also count seeing how fast they tear through unfortunate GTVA corvettes that are not fast enough to run.
* [[Lost in Transmission]] {{spoiler|The elder you are escorting is killed by GTVA assassins right before he explains the transmission from the Vasudan logistics ship.}}
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** The range of the railguns have been significantly increased before release. A Narayana can actually fight off two Deimos at the same time.
** The Solaris is the pinnacle of this of course, with 12 torpedo launchers (each fires 4 Apocalypse torpedoes each salvo) and the railguns are mounted on turrets allowing it to engage enemies in any direction. In addition, its numerous burst flaks and PDS will send any enemy bombers that comes close into a [[Bullet Hell]] nightmare (just see how many torpedoes the Toutatis unloaded on the Hood).
* [[Made of Indestructium]]: {{spoiler|The Vishnan ''Preserver'' and the Shivan ''Dante'' hammer away at each other with ridiculously powerful<ref>By which we mean "can kill any other ship in one shot"</ref> [[Wave Motion Gun|Wave Motion Guns]]s throughout "Universal Truth", but it's unlikely either will be down below three-quarters health by the end of the mission.}}
* [[Magnetic Weapons]]: The secondary armament of most UEF capital ships (the main armament being the torpedoes).
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Many, but the one that arguably takes the cake is the second-to-last mission of ''War in Heaven'''s second chapter, titled "Delenda Est", and the primary objective in that mission is to destroy the GTD ''Carthage''. In the Roman Republic, the Latin phrase "[[wikipedia:Carthago delenda est|Carthago delenda est]]", translated as "Carthage must be destroyed", was very popular during the war against [[wikipedia:Carthage|Carthage]], an ancient city in current-day Tunisia.
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* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: The "Wargods" task force of the UEF is not very glamorous, but it is brutally effective.
* [[Reason You Suck Speech]]: {{spoiler|The Vishnans deliver a fairly epic one to the Shivans (of all people) at the end of ''Age of Aquarius'', essentially telling them that they've screwed up big-time and then to get the hell out of this sector of space.}}
* [[Red:Category:Fame Baronand Reputation Tropes]]: Noemi Laporte and Lorna Simms have earned quite a reputation among GTVA pilots, giving them bounties in their heads of unspeakable amount which nobody dares to collect. <!-- This was marked as "Red Baron" before that was changed to "Sobriquet". Under either name, that trope is about nicknames, not reputations. -->
* [[Sacrificial Lamb]]: Nehru in ''Age of Aquarius''.
** Actually, depending on player this can either be played straight or averted, since it is (technically) possible to pass the mission with your whole squad alive. Saving Nehru will be noted in the de-briefing, but does not result in any further branching - Lt. Nehru is never seen or heard of afterwards, and the popular consensus is that if he survives he suffers from nervous breakdown and is confined to the sickbay for the remainder of ''Age of Aquarius''.
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** [[Poisonous Friend]]: The dev team has heavily implied that Ken is [[Oh Crap|a Shivan.]]
* [[State Sec]]: The UEF's Fedayeen are a (more or less) heroic version of this.
* [[Sting (music)|Sting]]: The ending cinematic of ''War in Heaven'' where {{spoiler|the Fedayeen come to take Noemi Laporte for a secret mission}}.
* [[Stock Scream]]: Aforementioned Lieutenant Wilhelm Nehru.
** The dev team actually had some proper voice acting recordings for his death. However, Nehru happened to be the very last minor character to be voice acted, possibly delaying the release by some time. Hilariously, they decided to use the Wilhelm scream instead of the voice acted lines (the originals were the somewhat more dignified "Not like this...").
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** {{spoiler|[[Like a Son to Me]]: Admiral Bei eventually forgave him over the course of ''Age of Aquarius''. Their reconciliation was [[So Proud of You|more or less complete]] after the destruction of the SJ ''Sathanas''.}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: The sleeper ship ''Sanctuary'', along with its entire crew, simply disappears between the events of ''Age of Aquarius'' and ''War in Heaven'', and is never mentioned again. So are the fellow GTVA defectors in GTL Solace, GTCv Labouchere, and GTC Duke who decided to follow Admiral Bei.
* [[What If]]: Think of it as "what if Beam Weapons were never invented"... resulting in an ''interesting'' balance. The UEF are fond of [[Macross Missile Massacre|nuclear missile spam]] and [[BFGBig Freaking Gun|railguns]] giving them a range advantage over the GTA, who are of course using [[Wave Motion Gun|heavy]] [[Beam Spam|beam weaponry]].
** GTVA beam cannons are, however, far more powerful and generally more accurate than railguns, and the nukes can be shot down. The UEF rely on jamming systems to confuse GTVA sensors and prevent them from using their beams effectively.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: The UEFg ''Hesperia'' bungles a truce up. Badly.
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