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* [[Heel Realization]]: Cleo. [ "I'm such a terrible employee that I made a child cry."]
* [[Hippie Teacher]]: Frank, Ivy's drawing teacher.
* [[Hot Dad]]: Cleo's mom is quick to point out how hot her husband still is.
* [[I Resemble That Remark]]: "Why would you say I'm lazy?" Ivy asks, at the end of a conversation she spent lying on the couch.
* [[Insult Friendly Fire]]: Ivy worries about getting enough credits to graduate in time, stating that she can't put up with an extra semester, and--heaven forbid--what if she has to keep coming back to school for the rest of her life. Then she remembers that she's talking with a teacher.
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* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Georgie's girlfriend Shoshanna is a cynical take on this. Georgie loves her because she's an energetic, free spirit. ''Everyone else'' can't stand her because she's a drug abuser with zero tact or inhibition.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: Marlene thinks she and important indie film director Jen are kindred spirits. Jen kisses her, and then realizes Marlene didn't mean ''that'' kind of kindred spirits.
* [[Mushroom Samba]]: In one holiday break, Ivy eats so many chips that she has a fever-dream of being visited by Bootsy Collins. Much later, the three girls get lost in the woods, and their hunger causes Marlene and Ivy to hallucinate [[Spirit Advisor|Spirit Advisors]]--Marlene hears the voice of [[Alfred Hitchcock]] from a fossil fern, and Ivy sees a fish wearing Bootsy Collins' glasses. Cleo had no hallucinations, much to her disappointment.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Ben is the last person to figure out that Cleo is crushing on him. Later, Cleo herself doesn't realize that Bruce was flirting with her until Ivy points it out.
* [[Oh, No, Not Again]]: A bowl of fish dies within seconds of being left with Marlene. Marlene wishes she could say that's the fastest a pet has ever died in her care.
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* [[Slice of Life]]: ''College'' life, that is.
* [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: First, Cleo and Tony. Later, Ivy and the Redding student (i.e. Marlene's male doppelganger). Both times, the [[Alt Text]] or the characters themselves lampshade this.
* [[Suddenly Sexuality]]: Discussed. In a "Rejected stories" filler strip, Magnolia jokes about [[Retcon|retconning]] Ivy to be a lesbian. "Also I've always had a crush on Marlene, all of a sudden."
* [[Suspect Is Hatless]]: Marlene describes her rabbi as "Eastern European male, aged 50-70, bearded. [...] Hee hee. Because... [[Don't Explain the Joke|because that's what a stereotypical rabbi looks like]]."
* [[Stealth Cigarette Commercial]]: Marlene tries to pull this off when assigned to film an anti-smoking [[Public Service Announcement]] for a class. Naturally, everyone sees through it.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: Ben2, who is just a typical college student with a nerd streak. His own romantic interests are almost never touched on, so his sexuality is virtually irrelevant.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: "I wasn't lying to pad my resume or anything..."
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Marlene states that, given enough time, things [[Snap Back|naturally fall back into their proper order]]. At which point Ivy calls to say that she got a position as an RA so they can't room together next year.