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[[File:YomikoReadman 7321.jpg|link=Read or Die|frame|[[Meaningful Name|Yomiko Readman]] loooves her books.]]
{{quote|When I have money I buy books, and if there is any left over I buy food and clothing.|'''Erasmus'''}}
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Possesses the [[Charles Atlas Superpower]] of being able to not only read and walk at the same time but to read and navigate through a maze of disaster and mayhem (car wrecks, floods, runaway rabid dogs, the debris of a [[Chase Scene]] such as a flying [[Fruit Cart]], falling meteors) without a scratch. The character will also likely posses [[Encyclopaedic Knowledge]] thanks to reading anything and everything.
This is often ''VERYvery'' [[Truth in Television]]. You yourself probably knew at least one. ([[Most Tropers Are Young Nerds|Oror are one).]])
Supertrope of [[Cute Bookworm]], [[Badass Bookworm]], and [[Hot Librarian]]. Examples that fall under one of the [[Sub-Trope|Sub Tropes]] should be added to the appropriate page, not this one. Frequently espouse a [["Reading Is Cool" Aesop]] attitude.
Often the victim of a [[Useful Book]] gag but, sadly, ''not'' of a [[Portal Book]] plot.
== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
* Sheiska from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' is this to insane levels. Not only does she fit all the standard requirements for being a Bookworm, she also seems to like reading for the sake of reading. Including cookbooks. More importantly, she can even recall books perfectly, such that when she made a copy (From memory) of said cookbook for Ed, he was still able to decode the secret message in it.