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* In the [[Kurt Vonnegut]] short story "Report on the Barnhouse Effect," the titular effect is devised by Prof. Arthur Barnhouse, which allows him to manipulate luck. At first, it merely lets him ensure that dice will come up as whatever he wants to roll. He eventually develops it to the point where he starts to border on [[Reality Warper]] powers, and hides so as to go on a quest to destroy weapons to prevent future wars. {{spoiler|The narrator, a former student of Barnhouse, is taught how to do it by the end and decides to [[Take Up My Sword|continue the work of the likely ailing Barnhouse]].}}
* [[The Inheritance Cycle|Roran]] doesn't fit this trope (at least [[Plot Armor|no more than is usual for a protagonist]]), but nevertheless Nasuada [[Invoked Trope|invokes]] this trope in sending Roran to end the Siege at Aroughs, because he was (in her estimation) lucky, and they desperately needed it done fast.
* ''[[A Simple Survey]]'' has the abilities Unbeatable Emperor and Ever-Victorious Challenger. The users of these have guaranteed victory in everything they try (unless they fight each other) and anything that would harm them will fail.