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A [['''Box Office Bomb]]''', or a ''flop'', is a movie for which production and marketing cost greatly exceeds its gross revenue. It doesn't mean, however, that it merely made studios lose money - gross revenue doesn't equal studio profit .<ref>(''[[Waterworld]]'' is commonly cited as a money sink, and it indeed made the studio lose money, but its gross revenue greatly exceeded its budget; thus, not a flop)</ref>. It means it lost a truly ''spectacular'' amount of money. On the other hand, most but not all box office bombs cost their studios money: gross revenue often doesn't include revenue from DVDs and whatnot (justified because the revenue from theaters is much easier to count), or (often) revenue from the world outside America;<ref> (''Waterworld'' made more than its budget abroad)</ref>; justified, because [[Little-Known Facts|other countries don't actually exist]]. (Well, this can be justified since a movie has to be succesful in your home turf first rather than overseas)
This is not to be confused with [[Hollywood Accounting]], where the movie is not ''actually'' a flop but the real revenue is hidden either for tax evasion or as part of a [[Springtime for Hitler]] scheme.
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* '''[[Dueling Movies|Competition]]''': This is particularly often in effect with [[Summer Blockbuster|summer blockbusters]]. People have a limited amount of brainless action they would watch, and if there's a lot of that available, some titles may be neglected. They also tend to be high-budget, and as such if the movie flops, it costs a ''lot''. There is, however, often a principle similar to [[Award Snub]] in nature: several good movies (with similar target audiences) are released simultaneously, thus one of them performs truly spectacularly, another one flops, but both are considered [[Vindicated by History|great in hindsight]] (the hit ''[[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial|ET the Extraterrestrial]]'' and the flop ''[[Blade Runner]]'', for example).
* '''Poor marketing''': Many a bomb became so despite (or due to) being an excellent movie in general. [[Never Trust a Trailer|Incorrect]] or [[Misaimed Marketing|misleading]] information about them (or just plain ''lack'' of marketing) makes audiences rely exclusively on word-of-mouth, which is generally not enough for a movie to successfully perform. The internet has made this situation a bit better, but not that much. These movies almost always achieve [[Cult Classic|cult status]] and can later become profitable on DVD.
* '''Other circumstances''': Sometimes movies flop due to something that's not directly related to the movie itself or the movie industry as a whole. [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|Funny Aneurysm Moments]]s and [[Too Soon]], for example, tend to hit [[Disaster Movie|disaster movies]]' sales very hard when bad timing happens (the attacks of September 11th11, 2001 in [[New York City]] and Arlington, Virginia, for example, killed a lot of those even though they were obviously filmed prior to the catastrophe).
Note that the figures provided here for budgets and box office returns don't usually tell the whole story. A studio usually only sees about half of a film's box office take, with the rest going to theaters and (often) the actors, director, etc. involved with the production. The budgetary figures provided by the studios, meanwhile, only cover the production costs; distribution and marketing, especially for [[Summer Blockbuster|summer blockbusters]], also eat up substantial amounts of studio money. Unless noted otherwise, it's safe to assume that a film on this list cost a lot more than the studio said it did. Plus, remember to take inflation into account when looking at films made decades in the past; ''[[Cleopatra]]'''s $44 million budget in the early '60s would be equivalent to $310 million in 2010 dollars. Finally, an independent film or studio is less able to absorb huge losses than a major studio, so the threshold for a bomb is lower for them. The lower figures (both budget and box-office) for older films and indie films can be deceptive.
Flops tend to become [[Franchise Killer|Franchise Killers]]s, [[Genre Killer|Genre Killers]]s, and [[Creator Killer|Creator Killers]]s, or "spawn" a [[Stillborn Franchise]].
[[Critical Dissonance]] is often at full force here, with critics liking it. [[Vindicated By Video]] often helps (especially with [[Better on DVD]] thrown in), as does [[Vindicated by Cable]].
=== Rules of thumb in bombing ===
* Almost all films directed by [[Orson Welles]] were bombs (yes, even the [[Acclaimed Flop|critically-acclaimed]] ''[[Citizen Kane]]''), except ''The Stranger'', a thriller Welles made simply to prove that he could work successfully inside the studio system if he wanted to.
* Most [[Pirate]] movies made in the past few decades were flops. ''[[Cutthroat Island]]'' is one of the most notorious cases, standing as the biggest box-office bomb in history after inflation. ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' finally broke this trend.
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* Everything made by Uwe Boll.
=== Standalone bombs ===
* ''[[The Adventures of Baron Munchausen]]'' (1988) -- Budget, $46,630,000. Box office, $8,083,123.
* ''[[The Adventures of Pluto Nash]]'' (2002) -- Budget, $100-120100–120 million. Box office, $7,103,973. Sat on the shelf for ages because everyonew knew it was a catastrophy. [[Eddie Murphy]] himself [[Old Shame|disowned it]].
* ''[[The Alamo]]'' (2004) -- Budget, $145 million. Box office, $25,819,961.
* ''[[Around the World In 80 Days]]'' (2004) -- Budget, $110 million. Box office, $72,178,895.
* ''[[Astro Boy (film)|Astro Boy]]'' (2009) -- Budget, $65 million, Box office, $39,886,986.
* ''[[Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever]]'' (2002) -- Budget, $70-9070–90 million. Box office, $19,924,033.
* ''Bandslam'' (2009) -- Budget, $20 million. Box office, $12,225,023. A definite case of ''[[Misaimed Marketing]]''.
* ''[[Battlefield Earth (film)|Battlefield Earth]]'' (2000) -- Budget, $75 million ([[Hollywood Accounting|declared]]), $44 million (actual). Box office, $29,725,663. The [[Egregious]] case of [[Hollywood Accounting]] involved in the production led to Franchise Pictures being sued into bankruptcy.
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* ''[[Delgo]]'' (2008) -- Budget, $40 million. Box office, $915,840. (No, that's not a typo.) It had the worst opening ever for a film playing in over 2,000 theaters, [[Medal of Dishonor|earning just $511,920 at 2,160 sites]].
* ''The Fall of The Roman Empire'' (1964) -- Budget, $19 million. Box office, $4,750,000. Comparisons with contemporary Roman epic ''Cleopatra'' are inevitable, although ''Fall'' had a substantially less [[Troubled Production]] and was much more well-received by critics. Audiences, however, had lost interest in sword and sandal epics following ''Cleopatra'' (and, unlike ''Cleopatra'', ''Fall'' has largely faded into obscurity since its initial release in 1964).
* ''[[Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within|Final Fantasy the Spirits Within]]'' (2001) -- Budget, $135-167135–167 million. Box office, $85,131,830. This film's failure led to the collapse of Square Pictures and delayed the merger of [[Square Enix|Squaresoft with Enix]]; the latter company was hesitant at merging with a company that had just lost a large amount of money in a high-profile manner.
* ''[[The Garbage Pail Kids Movie]]'' (1987) -- Budget, $30 million. Box office, $1,576,615.
* ''[[Gigli]]'' (2003) -- Budget, $54-7454–74 million. Box office, $7,266,209.
* ''Glitter'' (2001) -- Budget, $22 million. Box office, $5,271,666. This film's failure, along with that of the accompanying soundtrack album, sent [[Mariah Carey]]'s career [[Star-Derailing Role|into recession]] for several years. Being released the weekend after the September 11th attacks couldn't have helped either.
* ''[[The Golden Compass]]'' (2007) -- Budget, $180 million. Box office, $70 million (domestically), [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|$372,234,864 (internationally)]]. Unfortunately, New Line Cinema had sold off the international distribution rights in order to raise enough money for the film's production, meaning that they only got the domestic gross, and never saw a penny of the international box office. As a result, [[Creator Killer|New Line was absorbed into]] [[Warner Bros]] soon after.
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* ''[[Howard the Duck (film)|Howard the Duck]]'' (1986) -- Budget, $37 million. Box office, $37,962,774. Allegedly, two [[Universal]] executives [[Blood on the Debate Floor|got into a fistfight]] while arguing over who was to blame for greenlighting the film; both of them deny this.
* ''How Do You Know'' (2010) -- Budget, $120 million. Box office, $48,668,907.
* ''[[Hounddog]]'' -- Budget—Budget, $5 million. Box office, $131,961.
* ''[[Hudson Hawk]]'' (1991) -- Budget, $65 million. Box office, $17,218,080.
* ''Inchon'' (1982) -- Budget, $46 million. Box office, $5,200,986. In 1995, it made the Guinness Book of World Records as "[[Medal of Dishonor|the biggest money-loser in history]]," later to be surpassed by the aforementioned ''[[Cutthroat Island]]''.
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* ''[[Looney Tunes: Back in Action]]'' (2003) -- Budget, $80 million. Box office, $21 million (within the USA), $68 million (worldwide). The movie's financial failure led the WB to think the Looney Tunes don't have the lasting appeal that they hoped, canceling the planned Looney Tunes shorts in production. In light of this fiasco the Looney Tunes will probably never get another theatrical film release.
* ''[[Mars Needs Moms]]'' (2011) -- Budget, $150 million. Box office, $39,549,758. Its failure led to [[Disney]] shutting down ImageMovers Digital, the production company it had formed with [[Robert Zemeckis]] (the film's producer); he would later reopen the studio at [[Universal]].
* ''[[The Meteor Man]]'' -- Budget—Budget, $30 million. Box office, $8,023,147, In fact, Robert Townsend's directorial debut, ''Hollywood Shuffle'', was made on a $700K budget and pulled in nearly $6 million, which was a huge success in terms of profit.
* ''Monkeybone'' (2001) -- Budget, $75 million. Box office, $7.6 million (roughly). The film was significantly changed from its source material, and the resulting film was blasted by critics.
* ''Motherhood'' (2009) -- Budget $10 million. Box office $726,354. Easily the biggest bomb of [[Uma Thurman|Uma Thurman's]] career. Particularly notable for its British release, where it's the second-biggest flop of all time. It was shown in only one UK cinema and took £88 on its opening weekend. On its opening night it took £9. That's '''one ticket'''.
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* ''[[The Postman (film)|The Postman]]'' (1997) -- Budget, $80 million. Box office, $17,626,234. This film succeeded where ''Waterworld'' failed, essentially [[Creator Killer|ending]] [[Kevin Costner]]'s A-list status and his run as writer and director of his own films, though he would continue finding moderate success as an actor.
* ''[[Radio Flyer]]'' (1992) -- Budget: $35 million. Box office: $4,651,977.
* ''[[Red Planet (film)|Red Planet]]'' (2000) -- Budget, $80-10080–100 million. Box office, $33,463,969.
* ''[[Redacted]]'' (2007) -- Budget was a modest $5 million. Box office was a ''very'' modest $65,000. That's sixty-five ''thousand'' dollars. International revenues added another... $700,000.
* ''[[Rollerball]]'' (2002) -- Budget, $70 million. Box office, $25,852,764. It promptly [[Star-Derailing Role|ended]] Chris Klein's mainstream career.
* ''[[Sahara]]'' (2005) -- Budget, $241.1 million.<ref> $160 million in production costs, plus $81.1 million in distribution and marketing expenses</ref>. Box office, $202,938,255. After a lawsuit put several documents relating to the film's production into the public domain, the ''[[American Newspapers|Los Angeles Times]]'' did [,0,6005119.story a report] using the film as a case study in production costs run amok.
* ''[[Showgirls]]'' (1995) -- Budget, $45 million. Box office, $20,350,754.
* ''[[Slither]]'' (2006) -- Budget, $15 million (not counting marketing costs), $29.5 million (counting them). Box office, $12,834,936.
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* ''[[Supernova]]'' (2000) -- Budget, $90 million. Box office, $14,828,081.
* ''[[The 13th Warrior]]'' (1999) -- Budget, $85 million (not counting marketing costs), $160 million (counting them). Box office, $61,698,899.
* ''Town & Country'' (2001) -- Budget, $90-10590–105 million. Box office, $10,372,291. [[Warren Beatty]]'s last role to date.
* ''[[Treasure Planet]]'' (2002) -- Budget, $140 million, Box office, 109,578,115. This and the failure of ''[[Home on the Range]]'' led Disney to ([[The Princess and the Frog|temporarily]]) abandon the traditional animation format.
* ''[[Zyzzyx Road]]'' (2006) -- Budget: $2 million. Box office: $30. Yes, thirty bucks. To be fair, the film received only a one-week domestic release (playing one screen in Dallas) to comply with Screen Actors Guild rules. The producer had no intention otherwise of opening it in the U.S. until after it had foreign distribution. (Foreign gross to date: $368,000.)
