Brütal Legend/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[An Axe to Grind]]: "The Separator," his main melee weapon.
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Anti-Christ]]: The reason Ophelia is afraid to explain who Succoria is. Lars, Lita, and Ophelia's parents know a prophecy that someone would come along to destroy or save them. Lars and Lita lean to the former, but Ophelia believes the latter. It turns out he's he child of humanity's greatest hero and nemesis together.}}
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: "Everything in that general direction must die!"
** Practically the [[Fridge Brilliance|philosophy]] that your ground game is more important than [[Real Time Strategy]] skill.
* [[Audible Sharpness]]: The [[Battle Cry]] solo creates a shockwave, justifiably invoking this trope.
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* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: {{spoiler|Becomes a demon...and loves every minute of it!}}
* [[Hero Unit]]: To Ironheade.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[Humble Hero]]: Eddie himself, who believes that roadies shouldn't take the spotlight away from the band. In the end, {{spoiler|he lets others take the credit for his deeds as well as lets Lita become the new leader of the humans.}}
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]
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* [[MacGyvering]]
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: Lars and Lita are damn near helpless without him.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Iron Maiden (Music)|Eddie]] [http://en.[ Riggs|Riggs]].
** And story-wise, {{spoiler|his last name is just an amalgamation of Riggnarock.}}
* [[The Messiah]]
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* [[Cosplay]]: They dress like Ormagoden when upgraded.
* [[Die, Chair, Die!]]: I HATE statues!
* [[Frazetta Man]]: A silly version of this trope.
* [[Genre Blindness]]: Eddie must teach them what [[Heavy Metal (Music)|Heavy Metal]] is.
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* [[Only a Flesh Wound]]: "I don't care! I LIKE being on fire!"
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: In the campaign, you can find a [[Psychonauts (Video Game)|begoggled]] headbanger with a [[Richard Steven Horvitz|suspiciously familiar voice.]]
* [[Surfer Dude]]: Dude, like totally the most ''metal'' example!
* [[Use Your Head]]: They aren't called Headbangers for nothing.
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* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: To avoid a lawsuit, their name was changed from Runaways to Razor Girls.
* [[Plucky Girl]]: Very very cheerful in the middle of battle.
* [[Shout -Out]]: They are dressed like the girls from [[Heavy Metal Parking Lot]].
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]
* [[The Squadette]]
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* [[The Cavalry]]
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Finger -Snap Lighter]]: The Baron does it just once.
* [[Hell-Bent for Leather]]: Considering the Baron is voiced by and for all intents and purposes ''is'' [[Judas Priest (Music)|Rob Halford]]...
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: Double Teaming creates a ring of fire that shrinks and severely burns infantry.
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: The Baron for late-70s/early-80s Halford.
* [[Judas Priest (Music)|Judas Priest]]
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{{quote| ''I'm helping!''}}
Massive [[Top -Heavy Guy|Top Heavy Guys]] whose brawn is matched only by their gentle nature. Originally in the service of Lionwhyte, their boss' poor treatment of them encouraged most of them to defect to Ironheade.
Tier 2 anti-vehicle infantry.
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* [[Man Child]]: The innocent kind. Even Ophelia calls them "simple minded."
* [[Middle Management Mook]]: Mittens.
* [[Top -Heavy Guy]]
* [[Useless Useful Spell|Useless Useful Unit]]: Bouncers are anti-vehicle units but are themselves slow-moving infantry. Their attacks are so slow that only stationary targets will reliably be hit. Compounding matters, many vehicles are themselves ''anti-infantry'' and can attack while on the move.
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* [[Cameo]]: The first Metal Beast produced in battle is always rode by Rima.
* [[Cool Pet]]
* [[Do You Want to Copulate?]]: "Are you here for the mating challenge?"
* [[Exposed to The Elements]]: Eddie lampshades this in the Dry Ice Mines.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: Look, Baby! Coil! *attacks*
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]
* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Hulk Speak]]: Very subtle.
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* [[Double Entendre]]: It resembles an actual rock crusher, and it also allows you to crush your enemies with the [[Power of Rock]].
* [[Drop the Hammer|Drop The Blade Of The Metal Gods]]
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: The Bladehenge Assault summons an exploding landmark on top of your enemies.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: When double teamed, it's movement speed can match Eddie's car on flat ground. [[Fridge Logic|But only if Eddie is standing on it.]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
* [[Near -Victory Fanfare]]: It actually plays the music from your base, buffing your infantry.
* [[Nerf]]: The Bladehenge Assault lost range and gained recovery time after the patch.
* [[The Power of Rock]] / [[Theme Music Power-Up]]: Literal example. The songs it plays provide an attack buff.
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* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|With Great Power Comes Great Angst]]
* [[Wolverine Claws]]: Can stretch out the Black Tears to form claws in some attacks.
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]
* [[Woman Scorned]]: And How!
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]
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* [[Big Eater]]: He can swallow you and transform you into rats which you can control.
* [[Body Horror]]: This stomach inflates and deflates as the rats enter and leave.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: He barfs out the rats, which seek out and munch on infantry.
* [[I Am Legion]]: Even the Tour Book doesn't know whether the rats or the Ratgut is in charge.
* [[Mister Seahorse]]: [[Squick|"Isn't anybody going to offer me a seat?"]]
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* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: Sports a stereotypical Eurotrash haircut.
* [[Personal Space Invader]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: "And THAT is [[Nikola Tesla|the dangers of AC current!]]"
=== '''Organist''' ===
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{{quote| '''[[Hero Unit]]''' Let's go see the Governor!<br />
'''Sparky:''' YES! A pardon from the Queen! }}
* [[Angst? What Angst?]]: Sparky is easily the most cheerful member of the Drowning Doom.
* [[Chain Lightning]] / [[Charged Attack]] : When double teaming, it can be charged up to jump through up to eight enemy units.
* [[Cool Car]]: A [[Badass]] blue hot rod with an electric chair that serves as a bolt-slinging turret.
* [[Electric Torture]]: But it doesn't bother Sparky at all.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]: Double Teaming allows charging, creating Chain Lightning that can zap a large group.
* [[Laughing Mad]]: Has more than his share of moments.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: "Time to share the wealth!"
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Tier 4 anti-infantry range / general purpose melee infantry, limit 1 unit.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Becomes powerful but slow during a Double Team. Using it between fights is not advised.
* [[Ravens and Crows]]
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* [[The Knights Who Say Squee]]: Battle Nuns and Warfathers ask for impregnation by Doviculus often.
* [[Medieval Stasis]]
* [[Mood Motif]]: [[Industrial Metal]]. Their [[Body Horror]] is inspired from 15th Century Artist ''Hieronymus Bosch]], in particular, [http://en.[ Garden of Earthly Delights|The Garden of Earthly Delights.]]
* [[Mister Seahorse]]: The Warfather and Overblesser, quite literally.
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Oh so much.
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* [[Parent Service]]
* [[Replacement Goldfish]]: Inverted, as it is the Goldfish that are trying to replace their masters: {{spoiler|The Titans}}. They're only partially successful...and go batshit crazy as a result.
* [[Red Sky, Take Warning|Skies Afire]]: [[Large Ham|THE BATTLE IS OURS! LET US SHED BLOOD UNDER THIS BEAUTIFUL SKY!]]
* [[Subtext]]: Everything.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]
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* [[Rock Me, Asmodeus]]
* [[Sex Is Violence]]: "Moooooore paaaaaiiiiiinnnn..."
* [[Shout -Out]]: He is one big [[Shout -Out]] to [[Legend]].
* [[Silence, You Fool]]: Defend or micromanaging commands cause him to do this.
* [[Tim Curry]]: Every possible trope associated with this man's career made it into Doviculus' persona. * [[The Nose Knows]]
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* [[Epic Flail]]: Its head.
* [[Hard Head]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: It's [[The Sarah Silverman Program|Brian Poshen's boyfriend.]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Until you [[The Power of Friendship|Double]] [[Lightning Bruiser|Team...]]
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
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* [[And I Must Scream]]: The Agony Balls spend every moment of their existence in agony until they self destruct.
* [[Geo Effects]]: Find a high spot and launch Agony Balls very long distances to your heart's delight.
* [[Herd -Hitting Attack]]
* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: If you look closely you can see Agony Balls have faces sticking out of them, suffering.
* [[Tier Induced Scrappy]]: This unit has longer range than any other unit, and can be used to attack from anywhere.
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Tier 4 uncontrollable melee infantry.
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: He CANNOT be commanded by any means.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[The Berserker]]: It's constantly losing health from the moment it's created, the only thing that will cease its attacks is death.
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* [[Jerkass]]: They treat Eddie like crap. In return, he's pretty surly around them. Though [[Token Good Teammate|the bassist]] seems okay, if commercial nonetheless.
* [[Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: One of the members does [[Psychonauts (Video Game)|Raz's]] [[Victory Dance]]. He's even voiced by [[Richard Steven Horvitz]].
* [[Stylistic Suck]]
* [[Take That]]: To [[Nu Metal]] and its ilk.