Breaking Bad/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Consummate Liar]]
* [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check]]: Inverted. He made barely anything legally, holding a job at a high school.
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be A Gangster!]]: For Walt, it really does.
* [[Dare to Be Badass]]: To Jesse. "Jesse, look at me, you are a blowfish."
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Sometimes to excess.
* [[Death Glare]]: Surprisingly, a master of this. Just see his expression near the end of "Over", "Bullet Points" or in "Cornered".
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Refuses the offer to pay his medical expenses from two of his old colleagues.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: The whole series appears to be this for Walter.
* [[Happily Married]]: With Skyler before the series.
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* [[The Smart Guy|The Smart Chick]]: Not as smart as her husband but once {{spoiler|she starts to get involved with his business}} it becomes clear that she has a lot of business smarts {{spoiler|and her elaborate lie to the family about where the money is coming from is pretty ingenious}}.
** Actually, given that for all his brilliance as a chemist and meth cook Walt does things like {{spoiler|suggest to Hank that Gale wasn't Heisenberg}} and {{spoiler|buy Walt Jr. a flashy, expensive, attention-grabbing car when the family is supposed to be strapped for cash}}, both of which Skyler immediately points out are incredibly stupid things to have done, it's quite arguable that she is just as smart as he is, or at the very least more prudent.
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"I know you're a drug dealer Walt."}}
** Not to mention {{spoiler|"I fucked Ted."}}
* {{spoiler|[[Villain Protagonist]]}}: Might be on her way to becoming one of these {{spoiler|since she's now taking a more active role in her husband's business.}}
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* [[Nice Guy]]: By Season 4, He has evolved to be possibly the only genuinely likeable main character on the show.
* [[Noble Bigot With a Badge]]: Subverted. Though he's not very politically correct and frequently makes racially insensitive jokes to his Mexican-American partner, he doesn't appear to be genuinely bigoted or racist.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: {{spoiler|Gives one to Jesse in season 3.}}
* [[N-Word Privileges]]: Tends to assume he has them with his Hispanic colleagues, which is one thing that makes him [[Jerkass|so obnoxious]].
* [[Retirony]]: {{spoiler|Subverted and somewhat inverted. After getting in a whole mess of trouble for beating up Jesse he tells Marie he thinks that "The universe is telling me I shouldn't be a cop anymore." and believes that he is ultimately going to be fired for it. Around this time Gus gives the cousins the okay to kill Hank. However, Hank ends up getting to keep his jobs and immediately after the cousins try to kill him but he narrowly escapes.}}
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Despite being deeply traumatized by {{spoiler|his shootout with Tuco}} and {{spoiler|the bombing in Juarez}}, he continues to maintain his blustery, backslapping persona in front of colleagues and friends.
* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]]
* [[Wham! Line]]: {{spoiler|"Since when do vegans eat fried chicken?"}}
** Following up on that in the next episode, {{spoiler|"Except... What are Gustavo Fring's fingerprints doing at Gale Boetticher's apartment?"}}
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* [[Crazy Prepared]]: {{spoiler|He had a secret hospital set up with medical staff on his payroll to revive him when he self-poisoned. Not only that, the hospital is supplied with matching blood types for himself, Jesse and Mike (and they even know Jesse's entire medical history.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Critical Existence Failure]]: One can be pretty sure getting half of your face blown off counts.}}
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: He's consistently at least one step ahead of Walter throughout season 4, anticipating and countering every attempted power play Walter makes. {{spoiler|In the end he finally [[Genre Blind|slips]] [[Out -Gambitted|up]] however}}.
* [[A Day in The Limelight]]: "Hermanos" features a lot more of him than any other episode and even gives him a flashback to develop his backstory a bit.
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]: See [[Villain With Good Publicity]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Manipulative Bastard]]: He convinces the cousins to go after Hank instead of Walt. This starts his scheme to take over meth production and distribution in the region.}}
* [[Mysterious Past]]: Starting to be revealed as of "Hermanos".
* {{spoiler|[[Out -Gambitted]]: By Walt in season 4's finale.}}
* [[Playing Both Sides]]: {{spoiler|Plays the US and Mexican governments against the Mexican cartel to seize control of the West Coast meth trade. Also pulls this by telling the Cousins that they can kill Hank in place of Walter since he actually shot Tucco but then proceeds to anonymously tip Hank so that he can get the jump on them and take them out of the equation.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Perfect Poison]]}}: Uses the same bottle of tequila {{spoiler|to dispatch Don Eladio and all his captains at once}}.
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* [[Big Bad]]: The show's first. {{spoiler|Ultimately, subverted as he only ends up hanging around for a couple episodes before biting the dust two episodes into season 2.}}
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: Despite being an awful person he still gladly takes care of his elderly uncle, who apparently beat the "family is all" mantra into all the young Salamancas.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Dishes out [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|No Holds Barred Beatdowns]] like candy.
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Large Ham]]
* [[Real Life Writes the Plot]]: {{spoiler|Tuco was apparently supposed to be on the show a bit longer but actor Raymond Cruz didn't enjoy playing such a disturbed character for so long and asked to be written out.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: His first name may be a reference to Eli Wallach's character in ''[[The Good the Bad And The Ugly]]''.
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* [[Killed Off for Real]]
* [[Last of His Kind]]: After Gus' {{spoiler|murder of Don Eladio and company}}, he is the {{spoiler|last surviving member of the Salamanca family}}.
* [[Once forFor Yes, Twice For No]]: He can only communicate with a bell. Once for yes, nothing for no.
* [[Retired Monster]]: By circumstance rather than choice.
* [[The Speechless]]
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* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]: In season 3. {{spoiler|For half a season.}}
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: {{spoiler|Marco's fate at the hands of Hank.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhovs Hollow Point Bullets]]: {{spoiler|One of the hollow point bullets given to Marco for free by an arms dealer earlier in the episode ends up getting dropped and then fired directly into the head of Marco by Hank.}}
* [[Creepy Twins]]
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Is obviously a pretty despicable guy but we mostly see him lounging around, listing off Sky Mall items he would like in return for informing on the Cartel.
* {{spoiler|[[Alas, Poor Yorick]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death By Cameo]]: Trejo's not exactly a huge star, but he is a bigger name than most of the lead actors. His run on the show lasts all of two scenes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]
* [[Shout -Out]]: Shares a name with the actor who played Krazy 8 back in the first season.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: {{spoiler|He knows the science, while Gus knows the business.}}