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* In the [[Elseworlds]] series ''[[JLA: Act of God]]'' a strange wave of energy hits Earth causing heroes and villains alike to lose their superpowers. Some disappear into the woodwork while others reinvent themselves as [[Badass Normal]]s in the [[Batman]] mould. However, if you watched [[Atop the Fourth Wall|one man's review]] of it, you'd learn the writers fucked up this execution royally.
* A plot in the ''[[JLA]]'' book saw six members of the League have their secret identities split off from their superhero selves. While Clark Kent, John Jones and Wally West saw it as a blessing, Bruce Wayne, Eel O'Brien and Kyle Rayner could barely hold it together.
<!-- %%** [[YourMileageMayVary A mostly great plot]]. It would have been more consistent with their characters to have Wally be losing it and Kyle be okay. [[FridgeLogic How did Kyle deal with his need for a creative outlet a scant couple of years ago when he didn't have a ring?]] Answer: He drew (unless his Green Lantern half picked up all of his technical skill.) One guesses he just really got used to having the ring around in intervening years, it's hard to go back. -->
<!-- %%*** That was basically it, yes. After years with a GreenLanternRing, a pencil and paper seemed like a pale imitation. -->
* In the ''[[Justice Society of America]]'' storyline "Fatherland", every super-hero on Earth is robbed of their powers by super-villain Nazis and their darkness engine.
* The [[House of M|M-Day]], natch. Thanks to [[Scarlet Witch]] realizing what happened and how did everything lead up to Magneto's dominion and the finally attained mutant supremacy, she uses her powers for one last time to declare "No more mutants". Thus, Earth goes back to what it was before, Bringing Down To Normal 90% of the mutants of the world ([[Status Quo Is God|after all, looks like the X-Men are too popular to become]] [[Badass Normal]]s). Some of them, like Blob and Chamber, [[Came Back Wrong]], because they lost their mutations, but not the body alterations they brought about (notably, Jono almost dies because, without the radiation he generated spontaneously, [[Body Horror|he no longer had a jaw or much of his torso]], which were burned away by his own mutant power).
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