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(→‎Anime & Manga: the both?)
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== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Tantei Opera Milky Holmes]]'' twists this brilliantly in the finale, in which {{spoiler|Master Thief Arsene kidnaps ''her own'' [[Secret Identity|alter ego]]}}.
* The first season of ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' had Zoisite trap Mamoru, and Usagi by accident, in a building and chased them with intent to kill as a trap for Tuxedo Kamen; Usagi, not filled in on all the details, thinks he's after ''her'' and ''Mamoru'' is the innocent hostage. She ends up revealing her identity to the both of them.
** The third season had Usagi's brooch stolen and herself kidnapped by Kaolinite on suspicion of being Sailor Moon... until Minako arrives as "Sailor Moon" via the disguise pen.
* In ''[[Death Note]]'', Light deliberately invokes this to make it look like he isn't Kira to the man following him.
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* A curious inversion happens in ''[[Moldiver]]'', during the episode with the space shuttle. Machinegal tries to steal the shuttle and takes the crowd hostage, and dares Moldiver to stop him. This is because he thinks Moldiver is in the crowd - specifically an old student of his and a close friend of Hiroshi (but I can't find his name anywhere at all!) who looks just like you'd think Moldiver would look without a suit. Except he's not Moldiver, Hiroshi just modelled its physique after him because he wanted to look buff. So the villain, the poor guy's date, and the crowd want him to transform and try to save the day, while he tries to convince everyone he's ''not'' the superhero.
* Couldn't have missed from ''[[Beelzebub]]'', a mostly parody of the genre. Four self-proclaimed pretty damn good robbers end up in the store with [[Badass|a guy chosen by Satan's kid himself]], [[Creepy Child|a kid that can spur out lighting and other nasties if upset]] and his nanny of sorts, that can summon dragons and other goodies from the Underworld. They're actually about to be put in charge of taking care of the kid, until Oga decides [[Even Evil Has Standards|they're too weak]] and swiftly disposes of them.
== Comicbooks ==