Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E01 When She Was Bad: Difference between revisions

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* [[Acting for Two]] / [[The Other Darrin]]: In the non-flashback footage, the guy under all that Master makeup is David Boreanaz.
* [[Agent Mulder]]: Willow's insistence that the way Buffy was meanly acting proves she ''must'' be [[Demonic Possession|possessed]]. Aw.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' Are we overlooking the idea that she ''may'' [[Scully Syndrome|be very attracted to me?!]] ''(off everyone's looks)'' [[Self-Deprecation|She's possessed]]. }}
* [[Almost Kiss]]: Just before Xander and Willow's lips touch, we see that a growling vamp has sneaked up on them.
* [[Aside Glance]]: Buffy looks right at the camera as she asks her friends "Miss me?"
* [[Ask a Stupid Question]]: Xander's announcing that Cibo Matto will be gracing their presence at the Bronze. Willow asks if they're playing.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' No, Will, they're going to be clog dancing.<br />
'''Willow:''' ''(amazement)'' Cibo Matto can clog dance?! ''([[Beat]])'' ...[[Does Not Understand Sarcasm|oh, sarcasm, right]]. }}
* [[Benevolent Architecture]]: Buffy side-kicking the cemetery vamp into a nearby tree, where he's [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice|dusted on a sharp protrusion]].
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* [[Call Back]]: The Master's defeat in the previous season, and Buffy's heart stopping momentarily.
** Willow worriedly asks if Cordelia's been yapping to everybody about their "adventure" over the summer.
{{quote| '''Cordelia:''' What are you guys talking about? I'm talking about '''big squiggly demons that came from the ground'''! Remember? Prom night? With '''all the vampires'''?<br />
'''Buffy''': Cordelia, your mouth is open and sound is coming from it. This is never good. }}
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Buffy rudely dismissing Angel and snuggling back under the covers, determinedly silent.
* [[Censorship by Spelling]]: Willow asking why Buffy is acting like such a "B-I-T-C-H." Giles thinks they're too old to be spelling out words.
{{quote| '''Xander''': A "[[Book Dumb|Bitcah]]"?}}
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Buffy reads the note regarding Cordelia's abduction.
{{quote| '''Buffy''': 'Come to the Bronze before it opens, or we make her a meal.'<br />
'''Xander''': [[Faux Horrific|They're gonna cook her dinner?!]] ''(gets looks from everyone)'' [[Can't Believe I Said That|I'll pretend I didn't say that]]. }}
* [[Cooldown Hug]] / [[Cry Into Chest]]: Buffy burying her face in Angel's chest, sobbing, following her very thorough job on the bones.
* [[Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon]]: "Your day is done, girl. I'll grind you into a sticky paste, and hear you beg, before I smash in your face."
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' ...So, are you gonna kill me, or are we just making small talk?}}
* [[Dance of Romance]]: [[Played for Drama]] during Buffy's intimate dance with Xander, showing what kind of person she could be without her moral code.
* {{spoiler|[[Daydream Surprise]]: Giles leaps on Buffy and strangles her -- she tears off his face to reveal the Master.}}
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* [[Department of Redundancy Department]]: "You're Amish! You can't fight back... 'cause you're Amish! I mock you with my ice cream cone, Amish Guy!"
** Snyder saying that he can just smell delinquency, "like a sixth sense."
{{quote| '''Giles:''' Actually, that would be one of the five.}}
* [[Did I Say That Out Loud]]: Buffy confessing that's she been having weird dreams. Willow blurts that the other night she dreamt about Xander-- she backpedals, "It wasn't Xander. In fact, it wasn't me. [[I Have This Friend|It was a friends' dream]]... and s-she doesn't remember it."
* [[Divide and Conquer]]: Angel pointing out that something is off about the pathetic Bronze ambush. "There's the bait. Where's the hook?"
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* [[Drop What You Are Doing]]: Absalom combusts in a very cool-looking mass of flames, and his mallet falls with a clang. Buffy meaningfully drops her own weapon (the torch) before approaching her old adversary -- the Master.
* [[Dull Surprise]]: Buffy's reaction to news of the A.O. gathering his forces.
{{quote| "Is that everything? Y'know, 'cause you woke me up from [[Blatant Lies|a really good dream.]]"}}
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: Xander grapples with a vampire in a losing effort until a hand yanks the vamp away. We then see the vamp get pummeled by someone in a shiny micro-mini.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: "We saved you a seat."
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]:
{{quote| '''Snyder:''' You really have faith in those kids, don't you?<br />
'''Giles''': Yes, I do.<br />
'''Snyder''': Weird. }}
* [[Excuse Question]]: "Guess That Movie Quote". Willow leads with "use the Force, Luke," to which Xander rightly responds with an [[Eye Take]]. Willow then complains that it's a dumb game.
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* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: The Master returning, while [[Subverted Trope|subverted]], has been preying on Buffy's mind.
* [[I Don't Like You and You Don't Like Me]]: Cordelia to Buffy in the alley outside The Bronze.
{{quote| "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much, but you have on occasion [[Valley Girl|saved the world and stuff]], so I'm gonna do you a favor." }}
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: Exploited by the A.O. to get close to those he needs to.
* [[I Resemble That Remark]]: Xander's actually looking forward to the start of school, but Willow teases that he just wants to see Buffy again. Xander says he's over that noise -- then wonders if Willow's heard from her.
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* [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: Angel insisting Buffy's not as strong as she thinks, eliciting the response, "Think you can take me?" She goes on that he must have thought about what would happen if they ever fought, and the subtext here is obvious. "C'mon..." she says invitingly, "''Kick my ass''."
* [[Insult Backfire]]:
{{quote| '''Cordelia:''' You're really campaigning for Bitch of the Year, aren't you?<br />
'''Buffy''': As defending champion, you nervous?<br />
'''Cordelia''': I can hold my own. }}
** Inverted with Cordy accosting the Scoobies in the hall, calling them "[[The Three Musketeers (novel)|The Three Musketeers]]". The other three are left wondering out loud if they've been insulted or not.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' I woulda gone with [[The Three Stooges|Stooges]].}}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: Buffy tries to help up the wounded Xander, but he shrugs her off. "Vampires," he reports. "The ones you could handle yourself."
* [[It's Personal]]: Buffy doesn't cotton to her friends being ritually eviscerated. Her cold torture of the vampire decoy is also new behavior.
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* [[Man On Fire]]
* [[Mating Dance]]: Lampshaded in the following episode.
{{quote| '''Angel:''' "Danced with" is a pretty loose term. "Mated with" might be a little closer.}}
* [[Meet the New Boss]]: The Annointed One.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Buffy worries the damage done to her friendships will prove irreparable.
{{quote| '''Giles''': What are you gonna do? Crawl inside a cave for the rest of your life?<br />
'''Buffy:''' Would it have cable? }}
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Xander coming down the stairs and happily greeting Giles, calling him "G-Man."
{{quote| '''Giles:''' Nice to see you, and don't ever call me that.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: "I don't know what your problem is, what your issues are. But as of now, I officially don't care. If you'd worked with us for five seconds, you could have stopped this."
* [[Not Herself]]: The clincher is Buffy leading Xander on, right in front of Willow and Angel. Even Xander, who's getting his fantasy fulfilled, seems caught between arousal and a nagging feeling that something's not quite right.
* [[Not Listening to Me, Are You?]]: Principal Snyder accompanying Giles down the hallway, likening the students to locusts. Giles and Jenny decide to head off to the faculty room together, leaving the oblivious Snyder behind.
{{quote| "I try and tell 'em about the important things in life. Discipline, responsibility, punctuality. Might as well be talking to myself." }}
* [[Not So Different]]: It's left to Cordelia to point out to Buffy that she's alienated everyone close to her. In playing the bitch here, one could imagine Gellar playing the Cordelia role fairly well.
* [[Not So Dire]]: Cordy commiserating with Miss Calendar about how awful their ordeal was. "It stays with you forever. No matter what they tell you. None of that rust and blood and grime comes out. I mean, you can dry clean till judgment day, you are ''living'' with those stains."
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* [[Percussive Therapy]]: Buffy training on a wooden dummy that has pads attached to it. Giles tries to call her off, but she keeps going until she breaks the dummy in two with a side kick. Giles worriedly notes that she's stayed in shape.
** Buffy pulverizing the Master's bones with a sledgehammer.
{{quote| '''Willow:''' Where's Buffy?<br />
'''Xander:''' Uh, she's working out her issues. }}
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Buffy telling Angel she doesn't trust him anymore, as he's a vampire. He bristles, and she snarks, "Oh, I'm sorry, is that an offensive term? Should I say '[[Parodied Trope|Undead American]]'?"
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* [[Ransacked Room]]: By the time Buffy backtracks her way there, the library is full of overturned tables.
* [[Rescue Romance]]
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' Xander, did I ever thank you for saving my life?<br />
'''Xander:''' No...<br />
'''Buffy:''' Don't you wish I would? ''(walks off)'' }}
* [[Retail Therapy]]: What Buffy got up to in Los Angeles.
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** Sadly repeated in the Bronze, as Xander anxiously craned his neck looking for Buffy. "You got somethin' on your nose."
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Cordelia assures Buffy that her secret identity is safe. Coulda fooled me.
{{quote| '''Cordelia:''' Are you nuts? Do you think I would tell people that [[Backhanded Compliment|I spent the whole evening with you?]]}}
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: From the moment she arrives in town, Buffy takes on that patronizing, barely tolerating tone with Xander and Willow, and it takes a full day to pick up on it.
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Absalom, who doubles as [[The Dragon]] and [[Mouth of Sauron]] for the Anointed One.
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* [[Training Montage]]: Aggressive rock plays as Buffy does a series of karate and gymnastics moves.
* [[Trap Is the Only Option]]: Buffy insists on it, even though everyone thinks it's a grave mistake.
{{quote| '''Willow:''' Well, what about the rest of the note?<br />
'''Buffy:''' What rest of the note?<br />
'''Willow:''' The part that says, '{{smallcaps|P.S. This is a trap}}'? }}
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: Dream!Giles choking Buffy as the other Scoobies chomp on their snacks without a care in the world.
* [[Unwilling Suspension]]: A pulley above the Master's bones, from which Willow, Giles, Cordy, and Miss Calendar sway upside-down.
* [[The Vamp]]: Buffy taking our her frustrations on both Angel and Xander in a very cruel way.
{{quote| "Look, Angel, I'm sorry if I was supposed to spend the summer mooning over you, but I didn't. I moved on. To ''the living''."}}
* [[Villain Exit Stage Left]]: Abalom quickly hustling the A.O. out of the melee.
* [[We Need a Distraction]]: Parodied.
{{quote| '''Angel''': We need you to distract the vampires.<br />
'''Buffy''': Right.<br />
'''Xander''': What are you going to do?<br />
'''Buffy''': I'm going to kill them all. That oughta distract them. }}
* [[Welcome to My World]]: Joyce empathizes with Hank, saying she hasn't been able to get through to Buffy for a long time.
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* [[You Are Too Late]]: Cordy's double taunts Buffy that her friends are probably dead already.
{{quote| "''[[Sarcasm Mode|Gosh, it's good to be home]]."''