Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E06 Halloween: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Xander:''' A black eye heals, Buffy, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life! }}
* [[Escort Mission]]: Snyder's assignment: Take the kids treak-or-treating and return them safe and sound, or you're ([[Running Gag|What else?]]) expelled.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Rainbows]]: Willow's rainbow suspenders. [[Suddenly Sexuality|Foreshadowing]] high-fives itself.
* [[Exact Eavesdropping]]: With Buffy gone, the remaining Scoobies go look for her. Angel points out that she's helpless while under the spell. Only he says it loudly enough that Spike, who's behind a nearby tree, overhears him. Nice one. Spike has assembled a posse of kid-demons, and tells them that "the tenderest meat you've ever tasted" is out there, and all they have to do is find her first.
* [[Expansion Pack Past]]: This is the first time Giles's old nickname (Ripper) is used. It also introduces his shady past.
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{{quote| '''Willow:''' That's not a demon. It's a car.<br />
'''Buffy:''' What does it want? }}
** 5 years later, this gag was revisited on ''Angel's'' "[[Angel (TV)/Recap/S04 E06 Spin the Bottle|Spin The Bottle]]".
* [[Foreign Cuss Word]]: Willow's line, "Wild on me equals spaz" was cut when the episode was shown on the BBC because in the UK, "spaz" is an offensive term often used to describe a handicapped or disabled person.
* [[Forgotten Friend, New Foe]]: In the shop, Giles and Ethan have their reunion. Giles greets Ethan by name. "Hello, Ripper.", Ethan snarks. He asks if Giles isn't pleased to see his "old mate."
* [[Foe Yay]]: Giles/Ethan. Fanon says they used to be lovers during his "Ripper" days.
{{quote| '''Ethan:''' What? No hug? Aren't you pleased to see your old mate, Rupert?}}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Angel isn't interested in the shallow and vain Cordelia. {{spoiler|He only falls in love with her after Cordelia undergoes major [[Character Development]] in the spin-off series ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]''.}}
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]]
{{quote| '''Cordelia:''' Oh, he's a vampire. Of course! But the cuddly kind. Like a Carebear with fangs?}}
* [[Got Volunteered]]: Principal Snyder, holding a clipboard, rudely yanks back a passing student and informs her that she's "volunteering." Xander notes that Snyder [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)/Recap/S1 E9 The Puppet Show|is using a loose definition of the word "volunteer."]] Seconds later, it's too late, as Snyder slaps his hand on Buffy's shoulder. Willow looks glum and Xander amused as Snyder hands Buffy a pen to sign up, but then both look horrified when Snyder hands them each a pen of their own.
* [[Halloween Episode]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: "Everything's switching. Outside to inside." Giles reveals his inner Ripper, Willow shows her leadership skills, Xander his future potential as a [[Badass Normal]], and Buffy the vulnerability she hides beneath her perky persona. Cordelia of course remains Cordelia.
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* [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again]]: Buffy trying to apologize for the Larry incident. "Do you '''mind,''' Buffy? I'm trying to repress."
* [[Linked-List Clue Methodology]]: In the library, Willow and Giles lay out the backstory again. He asks what her costume is, and she tells him she's a ghost. Warily, Giles examines her fetish-wear and asks, "The ghost of what, exactly?" Willow covers herself up and gets defensive, describing Cordy's catsuit for some perspective. This points them to a clue, namely that Cordy didn't change. Willow says that Cordy got her costume at Party Town, but the rest of them got theirs at a new place, "[[Eureka Moment|Ethan's]]." Giles' glaring eyes indicate that he recognizes the name.
* [[The Load]]: Buffy seems to be channeling the spirit of [[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Film)|Willie Scott]] in this episode, complete with [[Anvilicious]] blabbering about how women aren't supposed to fight.
* [[Macho Masochism]]: Xander feeling cheated at Buffy not allowing Larry to turn him into hamburger.
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' OK, then I promise, from now on I'll let you get pummeled.<br />
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* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Angel twiddles his thumbs at a table in The Bronze. Cordelia, like a well-manicured vulture, swoops in for the kill. Angel says he's waiting for Buffy, and Cordy reveals that she's there to be meet a member of Oz's band, but he seems to have flaked. On cue, Buffy enters and quickly spies the pair of them smiling together.
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Ethan's body vanishes as soon as Giles turns his attention to the statue.
* [[Ominous Multiple Screens]]: Spike reviewing a tape of Buffy's fight at the start of the episode. The images play on a [[Portal (Video Gameseries)|GLaDOS]]-style halo of TV sets mounted on the factory ceiling. (Angel later sends them crashing through the floor in "Surprise".)
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]
* [[Pistol-Whipping]]: Xander [[Tap Onon the Head|clocking]] a demon-kid with the butt of his rifle.
* [[Plot Hole]]: When Buffy and Angel move to the kitchen, they find the door open. A vampire has gotten in. This isn't possible as a vampire can't come in uninvited.
** Although I suppose it's possible that the vamp is really a kid wearing a Dracula costume.
*** [[Fridge Horror|Did|they kill it?]]
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: As soon as Giles shatters the statue, we cut to the warehouse, where Xander's gun has reverted to a toy. The mini-demons are kids again. Spike looks around, confused, and then Buffy's wig comes off in his hand. Uh oh. Buffy, now her old self, gets up, and, with a sunny smile, starts [[She's Back|kicking Spike's ass]]. "Hi honey. I'm home."
* [[Princess for Aa Day]]: Buffy plans to dress like a noblewomen to suit Angel's tastes. "Call it a blast from his past."
* [[Promise Me You Won't X]]: Buffy calling to Willow to come out and show off her new costume. Willow reluctantly obeys ("Promise me you won't laugh?"): her hair is up, and she's wearing makeup, a black leather skirt, and a [[Bare Your Midriff|midriff-baring]] brown top. Va Va ''Voom''.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Larry inquiring as to whether Xander and Buffy are a couple. When the answer is negative, he's psyched, because he heard Buffy is "fast."
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* [[This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself]]: Giles sending Willow out of Ethan's shop so she won't have to see what comes next.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill Muggles]]: Xander, his toy gun now replaced with a real military-issue rifle, is shooting at some demonic targets. A short demon happens by, and Xander takes aim -- but Willow warns him that there's still a little kid in there.
* [[Truce Zone]]: Demons and vampires traditionally avoid hunting or attacking on Halloween and "take the night off" because they believe it to be an idiotic cliché. Needless to say, there's always [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)/Recap/S4 E4 Fear Itself|a few]] [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)/Recap/S6 E6 All the Way|idiots]] who spoil the broth.
* [[Try to Fit That Onon A Business Card]]: Buffy, Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia!
** Cordelia inquiring as to whether "Mr. I'm-the-lead-singer-I'm-so-great-I-don't-have-to-show-up-for-my-date-or-even-call" will be playing at The Bronze that night.
{{quote| '''Oz:''' Actually, he's just going by Devon now.}}