Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4/E05 Beer Bad: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''It's nice. Foamy. Comforting. It's beer''...}}
Buffy is still recovering from being dumped by Parker and finds solace with a bunch of guys who become her drinking buddies.
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* [[Accidental Innuendo]]: Buffy is talking about drinking with the four frat boys while Willow thinks she had group sex.
* [[All Men Are Perverts]]
{{quote| '''Willow:''' There are men, better men, wherein the mind is stronger than the penis.<br />
* [[Asshole Victim|Asshole Victims]]: The frat boys.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' This will give them some time to ponder the geo-political ramifications of BEING MEAN TO ME!}}
* [[Bait and Switch]]: Willow appears to be falling for Parker's charms, but then she laughs and tells Parker what she thinks of him.
* [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']]
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* [[Daydream Surprise]]: Buffy keeps fantasizing a [[Rescue Romance]] with Parker. The second dream involves Parker with his shirt open, holding flowers and [[Heartbreak and Ice Cream|ice cream]].
* [[Death Glare]]
{{quote| '''Xander:''' Giles, don't make Cave!Slayer unhappy.}}
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: Buffy distraught over Parker's lack of interest in her.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: Unfortunately averted, as Xander laments in "Something Blue".
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' Anyone remember when Buffy had the fun beer-fest and went ''One Million Years B.C.''?<br />
'''Xander:''' Sadly without the fuzzy bikini. }}
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Willow is alarmed to notice the way Oz is staring at Veruca [[Audio Erotica|as she sings]].
{{quote| '''Willow:''' Buff, have you heard of this Veruca chick? Dresses like [[Really Gets Around|Faith]], voice like an albatross?}}
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Cave!Slayer clubs Parker over the head again; Giles, Willow and Xander just shrug and walk off.
* [[Nubile Savage]]: The frat boys grow crooked teeth, heavy brow ridges, and plenty of extra hair. Buffy, who also had plenty to drink, looks like Buffy with sexy-unkempt hair (Xander did cut her off earlier).
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* [[Rescue Romance]]: Spoofed; Buffy keeps dreaming of earning Parker's eternal gratitude this way, but when the opportunity arises she's a cavewoman so she just clubs him over the head.
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]
{{quote| '''Willow:''' I'm tired of you men, and your...man-ness.}}
* [[Space Whale Aesop]]: The episode was written so the show could apply for funding from the National Office of Drug Control Policy, but they rejected it because the [[Fantastic Aesop]] was too fantastical.
{{quote| At least one show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," was rejected after it showed itself to be [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?|immune to the drug office's worldview]]. "Drugs were an issue, but it wasn't on-strategy. It was [[Fantastic Aesop|otherworldly nonsense]], very abstract and not like real-life kids taking drugs. [[Comically Missing the Point|Viewers wouldn't make the link to our message]]," says someone in the drug-policy office camp who read and helped reject it. [http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2000/01/13/drugs/print.html\]}}
* [[Spoof Aesop]]
{{quote| '''Xander:''' And was there a lesson in all this? huh? What did we learn about beer?<br />
'''Cave Buffy:''' Foamy.<br />
'''Xander:''' Good, just as long as that's clear. }}
* [[Technicolor Science]]: Brewing up the cursed beer.
* [[Tempting Fate]]
{{quote| '''Willow:''' I tell you, men haven't changed since the dawn of time! ''(cavemen burst in)''}}
* [[Think Nothing of It]]
{{quote| '''Parker:''' Buffy, I don't know what to say. After the way I've treated you, and now I owe you my life.<br />
'''Buffy:''' It's nothing.<br />
'''Parker:''' It's everything. You're everything. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you to forgive me. Do you think that you might--<br />
''[Buffy snaps out of her daydream at the sight of Parker chatting up another girl]'' }}
* [[Title Drop]]
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' Ow, oh, want beer. Like beer. Beer good.<br />
'''Xander:''' Beer Bad. Bad, bad beer. [[You No Take Candle|What the hell am I saying?]] }}
* [[You No Take Candle]]: Cave![[Buffy-Speak]]