Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4/E15 This Years Girl: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Buffy:''' It doesn't have to be like this, you know.<br />
'''Faith:''' Actually, I think it has to be exactly like this. }}
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* [[Black Helicopter]]: {{spoiler|Bringing the Watchers Council's wet-work team.}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Xander electrocutes himself while examining the taser blaster. [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight|Nobody takes any notice]].
* [[Call Back]]: To [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3 /E15 Consequences|Consequences.]] Xander jokes about it now, but this may be because he's scared shitless of Faith.
* Chekhov's [[Catch Phrase]]: Five-by-five.
** (It's a radio communication slang for "loud and clear". [[And Knowing Is Half the Battle|Now you know.]])
* [[The Chick]]
{{quote| '''Tara:''' You're like; 'cool monster fighter'.<br />
'''Willow:''' Well, technically, Faith isn't a monster. And as far as fighting, I'd be lucky to [[Sorry I Fell on Your Fist|bruise her fist with my face]].<br />
'''Tara:''' (worried) Oh. Face punching. I'm not so good with the whole-- (throws cat-paw punches at the air in front of her)<br />
'''Willow:''' [[Everyone Hates Mimes|Swimming?]] }}
* [[Continuity Lock Out]] ([[In-Universe]]): After the rest of the Scoobies have a lengthy, intensive discussion about Faith waking up and what she could be doing, Riley sheepishly asks "Who's Faith?"
* [[Cryptic Conversation]] / [[Rule of Symbolism]]: Faith's dreams.
* [[Dead Guy on Display|Dead Demon on Display]] / [[Gutted Like a Fish]]: The Scoobies find a demon that Adam has tied between two trees and eviscerated as part of his ongoing research into demon and human physiology.
* [[Dead Man Writing]]: The Mayor's [[Video Will]] for Faith.
* [[Description Cut]]: Buffy says that Faith will come after the people she loves. Cue Buffy's mother answering a knock on the door.
{{quote| '''Faith:''' Hi, Joyce. ([[Talk to the Fist|whack!]])}}
* [[Destination Defenestration]]: A variation - Faith throws open a glass door right in Buffy's path, making Buffy run through it.
* [[Does Not Like Guns]] / [[Bigger Stick]]: Buffy's character trait of a distaste of firearms is averted in this episode; she really wants the blaster fixed to take out "[[The Terminator]] without the bashful charms."
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* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]: {{spoiler|''Li'l sis coming''}}.
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]: Faith is trying on Joyce's lipstick.
{{quote| "Now, normally, I wouldn't be going for something this dark. But I read in some magazine that eight months in a coma will damage a girl's natural skin tone. Good thing pale is in this year. Or was it last year?"}}
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: Faith is trying on Buffy's clothes and Joyce's lipstick.
{{quote| '''Faith:''' How do I look?<br />
'''Joyce:''' Psychotic.<br />
'''Faith:''' I was shooting for sultry, but hey... }}
* [[Foot Focus]]: Faith walking out of her hospital room.
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** The dream where Buffy and Faith make the bed is referenced in "Restless", and foretells {{spoiler|the arrival of Dawn.}}
** Dream!Buffy jumping into the grave and Faith crawling out.
** Spike: "Just because I can't do the damage myself doesn't stop me from [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4 /E20 The Yoko Factor|aiming a loose cannon your way]]."
** Xander telling Spike he wouldn't recognise Faith when he saw her.
** {{spoiler|Buffy: "Going for the boyfriend again? That's tired." Faith: "Just something to remember me by once I've moved on."}}
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** The Scoobies speculate that {{spoiler|Riley might have a [[Mind Control]] chip in him.}}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Faith goes over the edge [[Face Heel Revolving Door|this time]] because she is plagued by nightmares of Buffy hunting and killing her and the Mayor, Faith's father figure.
* [[Freud Was Right]]: Faith describes her dreams seriously, then adds with her tongue (probably) firmly in her cheek, "That, and some stuff about cigars and a tunnel."
* [[Friend Versus Lover]]: The Initiative soldiers object to Riley leaving the hospital to see Buffy.
{{quote| '''Forrest:''' Now's the time for us to band together, not go flying off our separate ways.<br />
'''Graham:''' Forrest has a point, Riley.<br />
'''Forrest:''' We have a problem, we deal with that problem. You know, the most important part of the equation now is that we keep said problem within the family. <br />
'''Riley:''' Family? Is that what we are? Step aside. }}
* [[Get It Over With]]
{{quote| '''Joyce:''' Were you planning to slit my throat any time soon?}}
* {{spoiler|[[Grand Theft Me]]: The devise the Mayor leaves for her enables Faith to swap bodies with Buffy.}}
* [[Half Truth]]: When filling in Riley about her past re Faith, Buffy decides to "edit out" the bits about [[First Love|Angel]], realising that [[It's a Long Story]] for [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4 /E19 New Moon Rising|another time]].
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Faith does this on both Summers' women; unfortunately they're [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] types.
* [[Healing Factor]]: The doctors are dumbfounded that Faith could wake up at all, let alone walk out of the hospital after being immobile for months.
* [[Improvised Weapon]]: When fighting Buffy in Joyce's home, everything Faith can get her hands on.
* [[Innocent Bystander]]: Faith challenges Buffy in the middle of campus.
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' Faith, these are innocent people.<br />
'''Faith:''' No such animal. }}
* [[It's Personal]]: Killing the Mayor, stabbing Faith in the guts, and being too self-involved to notice Faith was [[Slowly Slipping Into Evil]] -- it's all Buffy's fault. To be fair the fandom is fairly evenly divided on just how much Buffy is to blame.
* [[Kneel Before Zod]]: The Mayor jokes that maybe his [[Video Will]] is playing in the Richard Wilkins Museum, and right now children are sitting looking up at him with fear and wonder. "Hi, kids!"
* [[The Lady's Favour]]: Riley returns the headscarf Buffy gave him as a bandage.
{{quote| '''Riley:''' All I had in there was this one little part of you.<br />
'''Buffy:''' It's just the scarf part of me, really.<br />
'''Riley:''' I'm serious. Just knowing you were out there...that you cared. }}
* [[The Mole]]: Riley volunteers to be [[Buffy-Speak|Double Agent Guy]] to feed the Scoobies information on Adam. The nurse at the hospital turns out to be working for {{spoiler|the Watcher's Council.}}
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* [[Mugged for Disguise]]: Faith beats up a girl visiting the hospital and takes her clothes.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Xander and Giles come across Spike and ask him to keep an eye out for Faith.
{{quote| '''Spike:''' Tell you what I'll do then. I'll head out, find this girl, tell her exactly where you are and then watch as she kills you. (Off their looks) Can't any one of your damn little Scooby Club at least ''try'' to remember that I ''hate'' you all? Just because I can't do the damage myself doesn't stop me from aiming a loose cannon your way. And here I thought the evening be dull.<br />
'''Xander:''' Go ahead. You wouldn't even recognize her.<br />
'''Spike:''' (from Xander's description) Dark hair, this tall, name of Faith, criminally insane. Like this girl already.<br />
'''Xander:''' (to Giles) We're dumb. }}
* [[Not So Different]]: Faith argues this to Joyce, saying that Buffy is too wrapped up in her own life to care about those that matter.
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* [[Two Part Episode]] / [[To Be Continued]]
* [[Wham! Line]] / [[Something Only They Would Say]]: Faith repeatedly uses her [[Catch Phrase]] "five by five," which is later used as a cue that {{spoiler|Faith and Buffy have switched bodies.}}
* [[What Does This Button Do?]]: Willow's suggested approach for repairing the taser blaster. Xander informs Willow that since they're fiddling with a 'Blaster', randomly hitting buttons is not high on his agenda. He then adds that if it were called the '[[Electric Instant Gratification|Orgasminator]]', that would, in fact, be his desired approach.
* [[What Year Is This?]]
{{quote| '''Faith:''' What day is it?<br />
'''Girl:''' Friday.<br />
'''Faith:''' What date? The date!<br />
'''Girl:''' February 25th.<br />
'''Faith:''' What year? }}
* [[White Shirt of Death|White Sheet of Death]]: Faith's blood drips on the white bedsheets in her dream.
* [[Worst Whatever Ever]]: Just when the Scoobies have their hands full with an unstoppable demonoid cyborg, Faith has to wake up.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' I guess this wins the Worst Timing Ever Award.}}
* [[You Fight Like a Cow]]: Naturally two Slayers find it impossible to bash each others heads in without snarking at each other in the process.
* [[You Got Spunk]]
{{quote| '''Faith:''' You're thinking "[[Stock Phrases|You'll never get away with this!]]"<br />
'''Joyce:''' Actually I was thinking "My daughter is going to kill you soon."<br />
'''Faith:''' That a fact?<br />
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