Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5/E04 Out of My Mind: Difference between revisions

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* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Ben
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Buffy "hunting" vampires in the teaser (as opposed to her [[The Bait|usual tactics]]) as she was doing in "Buffy vs. Dracula".
* [[Cut His Heart Out Withwith a Spoon]]
{{quote| '''Spike:''' Harmony, if your incessant prattling bolloxes up this operation, I'm gonna personally [[Tongue Trauma|yank out your pink and wriggly tongue]]. }}
* [[Daydream Surprise]]: {{spoiler|After yet another double-cross Buffy turns up at Spike's crypt determined to stake him once and for all. A pissed-off Spike rips off his shirt to expose his manly body and tells her to get on with it, whereupon they start making out passionately as Spike tells Buffy he loves her...only to wake up in bed with an expression of horror on his face.}}
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* [[Failed Attempt At Drama]]: Spike is making blood-curdling threats against Buffy...then falls into an empty grave.
* [[Foreshadowing]]
** Spike says that Joey will never love Pacey while watching ''[[DawsonsDawson's Creek]]''.
** Spike's rant over how Buffy seems to be everywhere, haunting him {{spoiler|because Spike has fallen for Buffy and is therefore thinking about her constantly.}}
** Graham tells Riley there's nothing to hold him in Sunnydale; that he's meant to be more than Buffy's [[Love Interest]]. {{spoiler|Riley will leave Buffy after Graham offers him a job in a military demon-hunting unit.}}
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'''Willow:''' (looking around the Magic Box) I feel like a witch in a magic shop! }}
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: Spike shows the future Buffy/Spike attraction isn't just [[Foe Yay]].
* [[Surveillance Asas the Plot Demands]]: Thinking that the government is tapping their phones, Buffy contacts them just by picking up the receiver and saying that Riley needs help (might be a subversion as Graham says he's already been talking to Riley for weeks).
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]
{{quote| '''Spike:''' Buffy, Buffy, Buffy! Everywhere I turn, she's there! That nasty little face, that ... [[Hair Flip|bouncing shampoo-commercial hair]], that whole sodding holier-than-thou attitude!<br />
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'''Spike:''' __bathe in the Slayer's blood. Gonna dive in it. Swim in it. }}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: {{spoiler|Spike is in love with Buffy.}}
* [[Who Are You?]]: The last thing Joyce says to Dawn before collapsing from her brain tumor. {{spoiler|It's later revealed that Joyce's condition enables her to see past the change in reality that created Dawn.}}
* [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?]]: Willow uses magic to create light, and asks what doofus would use a torch. Cut to Buffy moving through the tunnels waving a torch.