Bugdom: Difference between revisions

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'''''Bugdom''''' is a third-person [[Platformer]] developed by Pangea Software and released in 1999. It came preinstalledpre-installed on second generation iMacs. In it, you play a cute little pill-bug named Rollie McFly, who is on a quest to free the land of Bugdom from the grip of the tyrant King Thorax and his legions of ant soldiers. On the way, Rollie must fight a variety of different bug-themed enemies, find colored keys that open specific leaf doors, kick open walnuts to collect useful items, and free ladybugs from spider-web cages.
* [[Airborne Mook]]: The flying bees. The only way to kill them is by rolling at them while they're diving down to sting you, and when there's pools of deadly honey around every corner, this is not an easy task. You can run and dodge them fairly easily, but then they just follow you all over the level, constantly buzzing in your ear, which can get intensely irritating.
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