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# The bullet literally ''dodges'' the character; instead of stopping, it goes around him without even slowing.
This does not happen [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|in Soviet Russia]]. Compare [[Plot Armor]], which is the metafictional protection offered to main characters and sometimes can appear to serve this purpose (especially if [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy|Stormtroopers]] are involved). Also compare [[A-Team Firing]], where bullets dodge everybody, no matter how many bullets/people there are.
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== Live Action TV ==
* When ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' gets a temporary magical upgrade to fight Adam, she stops machine gun fire in mid-air and turns an RPG into a dove.
* Khalek does this in the ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' episode "Prototype." A lot. Unfortunately (for him), it only works when he knows the bullets are coming, so Mitchell distracts him by shooting at him while Daniel comes at him through a door on the other side of the room.
* There are several episodes of ''[[Charmed]]'' where either Prue or Paige use their telekinesis to deflect bullets, or Piper uses her freezing power to stop them in midair.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' - Matt Parkman fires a round of bullets at Sylar, who stops them with one hand. He then [[Catch and Return|flicks them right back into Matt]]. Ouch.
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* In [[Isabel Allende]]'s ''Forest of the Pygmies'', Alexander Cold is given a magical amulet with this power.
** Actually it wasn't avoiding friendlies, the bullets were navigating a 180 degree turn to hit the pre-programmed target he'd already set. He was simply firing at his allies for showmanship.
* In [[The Book of Mormon (novelliterature)|The Book of Mormon]], Samuel the Lamanite preaches repentance to the Nephites and foretells Christ's birth. Many of the Nephites shoot arrows and throw rocks at Samuel, but divine power prevents anything from hitting him.
* Bink's talent in the ''[[Xanth]]'' books could be seen as the magical version: Any spell that would harm him, even Magician-caliber, is pushed aside by seeming coincidence and dumb luck. Unfortunately for him, his talent has a very precise definition of "harm", meaning that there are spells that can incapacitate him. And of course, he has no such protection against non-magical methods of attack.