But I Can't Be Pregnant: Difference between revisions

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* Examples from [[The Bible]]: Abraham and Sarah in the book of Genesis, where Sarah didn't believe it at first when Abaraham revealed that God had told her she'd be pregnant, as she was past childbearing age. Subverted with the Virgin Mary in the synoptic Gospels, since ''she'' knew beforehand that she'd be the mother of Christ, but Joseph [[Mistaken for Cheating|suspects her of infidelity]] until an angel shows up to personally set him straight. There's also the infertility example with Elizabeth and Zechariah, parents of John the Baptist. Here it's Zechariah who utters the "but that's impossible" line. He's struck with dumbness until the child is born as punishment.
* Janette Oke's ''Prairie Romance'' series, starting with ''Love Comes Softly'', develops a huge clan of children under the care and guidance of main character Marty and her husband (Davis?). Several books down the line, after Oke had "officially" finished the series, the series starts back up with Marty realizing that she is again pregnant... and thinking it beyond embarrassing that her daughter will be younger than several of her grandchildren.
* In the ''[[The Time TravelersTraveler's Wife]]'' Clare gets pregnant {{spoiler|after Henry has a vasectomy, by having sex with an early version of Henry who traveled from before his surgery}}.
* In ''Monsieur Malaussène'' by Daniel Pennac, a nun whose chastity is beyond doubt becomes pregnant. There are a number of pregnancies in this novel; this being Pennac, they're not straightforward.
* In Heinrich von Kleist's 1808 novella, ''The Marquise of O'', the titular Marquise finds herself mysteriously pregnant and places an announcement in the newspaper demanding the unknown father of her child identify himself so she can marry him. It turns out {{spoiler|the father is a Russian count who ravished her while she was unconscious. They do indeed marry and eventually come to have a happy marriage.}}