CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Difference between revisions

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* [[Autopsy Snack Time]]: Given a [[Take That]] when Doc Robbins irately says of a long retired coroner (who missed something in the original autopsy of someone who was to be exhumed) that he "held a scalpel in one hand and a hot dog in the other."
* [[Bait and Switch]]: One suspect suffered from a string of incredibly bad luck; after he was caught, he related the incident to one where he got his daughter a puppy, and later backed out of the driveway. The investigator expects him to say he killed the puppy. He replies, [[Crosses the Line Twice|"No, I ran over my daughter. Ten years later, and she still walks funny."]] Another investigator listening in barely stifles her laughter.
* [[Beastly Bloodsports]]: "Lying Down With Dogs", where a wealthy humanitarian was found dead and then found to be involved in dog-fighting.
* [[Be as Unhelpful as Possible]]: When a member of CSI intimates that the husband is always the first suspect when a wife is murdered, the husband's response is typically "You think I did this? This interview is over!" - inadvertently doing [http://www.boingboing.net/2008/07/28/law-prof-and-cop-agr.html the pragmatic thing] (but again, [[Truth in Television]]; police ''expect'' ordinary people to get angry when accused of crimes they didn't commit).
* [[Beeping Computers]]: Not so much used as ''abused''.
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* [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']]: Catherine visits the Highball after work once. Naturally, a murder occurs there, and she gets chewed out by ''everyone'' for failing to mention that she went there for a drink until they haul a [[Smug Snake]] suspect in and he recognizes her. Her daughter and mother also join in the shunning, and the episode ends with Gil giving her the silent treatment, followed by a curt lecture on how an 'act of omission' makes her just like a common perpetrator.
* [[Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin']]: In one episode, the Victim Of The Week in the B plot turns out to have been a homeless man. He tried to get sent to jail (for free food and shelter) by punching a police officer. Said officer realized what he was doing and left him handcuffed, apparently failing to realize this would lead to his death.
* [[Celebrity Paradox]]: In an episode of the early seasons, we can see the [[Myth BustersMythBusters]] making a cameo as extras. Fast forward to Season 11 episode 2, there is a character exclaiming ''"What am I one of those Mythbuster guys? I don't know."''
* [[Celebrity Star]]: Many episodes feature at least one.
* [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]]: Detective Sofia Curtis was a recurring character during Seasons 5 and 6, and actress Louise Lombard was a main cast member in Season 7. But come Season 8, Lombard left the series and, two seasons later, Sofia's disappearance has yet to be explained.
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* [[City of Adventure]]: It IS Las Vegas after all.
* [[The Collector of the Strange]]: All the creepy crawlies in Grissom's office. There's also an irradiated fetal pig.
* [[Color Motif]]: The original ''CSI'' has a lot of brown that evokes the desert setting of Las Vegas. ''[[CSI: Miami]]'' has a lot of orange and yellow to evoke the bright, sunny semi-tropics of Miami. ''[[CSI: NY]]'' has blues and grays to evoke the gritty nature of the big city.
* [[Comatose Canary]]: Used straight on the original show; subverted on ''[[CSI: NY]]''.
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: Hodges, who would make a fine [[Magnificent Bastard]] if he weren't so grotesquely inept at everything that didn't involve forensic science.
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* [[Dying Dream]]: {{spoiler|Working Stiffs: "I knew it wouldn't work..."}}
* [[Eagle-Eye Detection]]: Grissom and Catherine provided the page image at one point.
* [[Education Through Pyrotechnics]]: Complete with [[Myth BustersMythBusters|Adam and Jamie]] looking on in one episode.
* [[Elevator Failure]]: Hodges and Henry get stuck when all of Vegas loses power.
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]: 'Diebenkorn' Russell, aka D.B.
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* [[Necro Cam]]: Done multiple times in every episode.
** The show is also notable for its gory body-dives, in which the camera flies around inside somebody's body (often tracing the path of a murder weapon), accompanied by all sorts of icky Foley noises. This is commonly [[Fan Nickname|referred to]] as [[Too Much Information|TMI]] Cam.
* [[NeedInnuendo a Hand - or A Handjob?Backfire]]: Inverted when Catherine, while being evaluated by Grissom, complains about her lack of social life (and sex). "How can I help?" Grissom asks, and has to clarify that it's not THAT kind of help when Catherine raises her eyebrow at him.
* [[Never Suicide]]: Subverted in one episode where an investor shoots himself at a party. It originally looks like a staged suicide since he's still holding the gun, which usually doesn't happen as the muscles relax after death.
** Another variation: The villain of an early story-arc staged identical suicides of men who were born on his father's birthday, the same date as and manner in which his father was murdered - up to and including a faked recorded suicide note. He did all this to prove his father's murder wasn't a suicide. This was eventually subverted as Millander, who it turns out was born on the same day as his father (and Grissom, incidentally), killed himself in the same way he had killed the other men.
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{{quote|'''Catherine to Grissom:''' (while helping the latter put on a tie) "You need a woman."}}
** Grissom, when Catherine returns from Miami in which she helped investigate a case there, "I missed your tush."
** The "[[NeedInnuendo a Hand - or A Handjob?Backfire|How can I help?]]" scene (see above for details).
** There have also been hints towards possible Nick and Sara - [[Word of God]] states that Sara's phone-call at the end of "You've Got Male" was originally intended to be to Nick, and they have had moments of reciprocated flirting. Likewise, Catherine and Warrick, to the point where Catherine is upset to learn of Warrick's marriage and even outright comments on losing the dream.
** Grissom and Heather could also fall under this as it is never outright confirmed that anything happened between them. Heavily implied, yes, but always in a way that, taking Grissom as being Grissom, could have a perfectly innocent explanation.
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*** Although that was a [[Rule of Drama]] moment, as Sara was setting him up for her rationale for taking their current case personally, that if they slept together, then he would know how serious her nightmares were regarding the victim.
* [[Shot to the Heart]]: Doc Robbins does this in one episode, where a guy revives on his table.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Hodges and Langston do a very-thinly-disguised ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]''-style experiment, complete with Plexiglas shield. All they needed was the "3, 2, 1!" part.
** In an earlier episode, Savage and Hyneman make a cameo observing such an experiment.
*** Actually - it was an experiment conducted by Nick, involving a taser and the flammability of pepper spray.
**** To make it go full circle, ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' in turn tested the experiment as part of their show. For the results, you'll have to see the episode in question.
** In another episode, a missing woman is found with a [[Serial Killer]] at a place called [[Half Life|Black Mesa]].
** Hodges cat is called [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Kobayashi Maru]].
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* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: The very first ''CSI'' game had poor graphics, and the characters just barely resemble the actors from the TV show. The cases were much shorter, and in the first two games, Greg did all DNA, print, and chemical matches for you.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Practically a ''fleet'' of police officers and undercover agents in the game ''Fatal Conspiracy''.
* [[Padding]]: They REALLY make you work to match fingerprints, DNA, and chemical samples.
* [[A Winner Is You]]: After you beat a case with 100% completion, you usually just get Grissom telling you, that doesn't happen often, and that he's very impressed. If you don't get 100%, he just berates you and tells you to try better next time. To be fair though, it is [[Fridge Brilliance|in character]] for Grissom to give you such a bare minimum evaluation. In the games made after William Petersen's departure Catherine gives you a more glowing evaluation, making you feel like you really accomplished something. However, she pretty much says the same thing regardless if you get 100% or not.
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