Cabin Fever (film)/Headscratchers

  • It appears that the water in this hick town goes straight from the lake to your faucet. Purification? Filtration? Municipal water treatment? What are these newfangled thangs you're talkin' about?
    • It's equally clear that the locals are well aware of the little flesh-eating virus that lives in their lake. WHY THE HELL DON'T THEY TELL PEOPLE?
    • It also appears that the bottled-water company takes the water straight from the lake into plastic bottles for public consumption. Meeting public health and safety standards? Pffft.
    • In a great many rural, wooded vacation spots, lake water is pumped directly into cabins and camps. Oh, they sometimes test the water to see if it's safe, but it's part of the Fridge Horror of vacationing.
      • I imagine that in such cases, tourists would be warned not to drink the water straight from the tap without boiling it first. Especially in the United States where tap water is usually potable; that's just asking for a lawsuit.