Cabin Fever (film): Difference between revisions

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=== Both movies contain examples of: ===
* [[Body Horror]]: It's a horrifying flesh-eating virus. What do you expect to happen? {{spoiler|(And in the second movie, this is turned up to 11.)}}
* [[Cool, Clear Water]]: HAHAHAHAHA no. The virus thrives in the nearby river.
* [[Gorn]]: Again, horrifying ''flesh-eating'' virus.
* [[Inescapable Horror]]: Getting more so by the end of each movie...
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* [[All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game"]]: All most people know about the movie is that it involves a virus, and that there are no pancakes in it.
** The latter being a myth - Look what the notorious bunny rabbit has in his hands.
* [[Anatomically -Impossible Sex]]: Watch Paul's arm when he embraces Marcy at the end of their sex scene. It's level with the top of her hip. So her crotch must've been pumping Paul's belly or chest, not his penis.
* [[Brick Joke]]: "That's fer niggers."
* [[But We Used a Condom]]: Inverted. Paul and Marcy make a point of telling the audience they are doing the deed without a raincoat. Of course, [[Tempting Fate|riding bareback with a deadly disease spreading through the cabin is just asking for trouble.]] Naturally, one of them({{spoiler|Marcy}}), is already infected and is leaving {{spoiler|Paul}} with a bad case of Cabin Fever.
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** Paul grows increasingly out of control after seeing {{spoiler|Marcy's mangled remains}}. Supposedly the hero of the film, he ends up {{spoiler|going on a killing spree, killing several people including his own love interest.}}
* [[A House Divided]]: None of the characters actually die from the virus.
* [[Inferred Holocaust]]: {{spoiler|The last shot is of the first shown victim lying in the river and bleeding into the water. It pans over to a truck of bottled water, presumably filled with [[Cool, Clear Water]] (see above) from the river.}}
* [[Irony]]: The brand of beer shown in the scene where Jeff takes all the beer and bails on his friends is the very real "Arrogant Bastard Ale".
* [[Immodest Orgasm]]: Jeff at the beginning makes a lot of noise.
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** Paul doesn't have much luck. After he cops a feel of his first choice, Karen, their relationship becomes very tense. Bleeding all over your wannabe boyfriend tends to have that effect.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: See [[Karmic Twist Ending]].
* [[Shout -Out]]: The ending {{spoiler|where the only remaining uninfected survivor is shot in the head by the arriving posse}} closely mirrors that of ''[[Night of the Living Dead]]''.
** Speaking of ''NotLD'', some locals investigate the titular cabin. While piling infected corpses to burn, one comments that they should check the basement for survivors.
** Two characters are listed in the credits as "Shemp" and "Fake Shemp", in an homage to the ''[[Evil Dead]]'' films.
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* [[Prom Baby]]: Happens very gruesomely, wherein a random promgoer has an '''extremely''' messy birth in the school restroom after contracting the virus. There is blood ''everywhere'', including a rather conspicuous trail leading to the trashcan, suggesting a stillbirth. [[Take Our Word for It|The actual condition of the newborn is left as an exercise for the viewer.]]
* [[Senseless Phagia]]: To their credit, the promgoers do remark that the punch tastes like piss...
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** [[Carrie]]: Cassie spends the last third in a prom dress splashed liberally with blood.
** ''[[The Evil Dead]]'': The hero cuts off his hand when it gets infected. It didn't involve a chainsaw, though - he used a chop saw in the shop class.