Camp Nowhere: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Trish and Zack are an item by the end of the film.
* [[Analogy Backfire]]: Played straight, then subverted, during a scene where Dennis is seen listening to some old [[Winston Churchill]] recordings.
{{quote| '''Mud:''' What is that?<br />
'''Dennis:''' Winston Churchill. The [[Jimi Hendrix]] of the spoken word.<br />
'''Mud:''' Who's Jimi Hendrix?<br />
'''Dennis:''' The [[Michael Jordan]] of the electric guitar. }}
* [[And Starring]]: The first credit in the closing credits: "With Burgess Meredith"
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* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Trish.
* [[Duck Season! Rabbit Season!]]: With the omelettes.
{{quote| '''Gaby:''' Ashley, mushroom. Amber, onion. Lenny, plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' You said plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Plain.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Cheese.<br />
'''Lenny:''' Plain.<br />
'''Gaby:''' Okay, fine, you win. Plain.<br />
[He looks confused and wanders off]<br />
'''Gaby:''' Who says you can't learn anything from cartoons? }}
* [[Education Mama]]: Mud's dad is a rare male version. He's constantly opining that Mud "has potential," and keeps pushing Mud to grow up early. Mud complains that his dad treats him like he's unemployed. Mud is ''12''.
* [[Eureka Moment]]:
{{quote| '''Zack:''' I say, just give ''me'' the money, I'll buy a Harley, and be outta your way the whole summer.<br />
'''Mud:''' That kind of money, we could just rent our own camp.<br />
'''Zack:''' Whoa...whoa! [[Repeat What You Just Said|What'd you say?]] }}
* [[Fake Real Turn]]: The kids set up a fake summer camp in order to get away from the adults, but then {{spoiler|when parents insist on coming to the camp halfway through the summer, they have to devise a way to make the camp seem real.}}
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* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Quite a bit.
* [[Gilligan Cut]]: When Mud gives the others some of the spending money.
{{quote| '''Mud:''' Be careful how you spend it, all right? Because it's gotta last for the whole summer. Besides, we don't want to draw attention to ourselves, all right?<br />
'''Arnold:''' We're not gonna do anything stupid. I mean, we're not ''complete'' morons.<br />
[cut to delivery trucks unloading, among other things, Super Soakers and a big-screen TV] }}
* [[Gone Swimming, Clothes Stolen]]: Walter in the [[The Stinger]], although Betty ''was'' trying to get him off her back about the whole skinny dipping thing.
{{quote| '''Betty:''' You really ''do'' have the guts. Just not an extra bathing suit.}}
* [[Gratuitous French]] / [[Verbal Tic]]: Trish's use of the word "très" (meaning "very") in nearly every other sentence. For instance, she says things like "''Très'' dull," or "''Très'' bizarre." Might be [[Justified]] because of her upbringing.
* [[Growing Up Sucks]]: The movie meanders about with this. Mud learns about responsibility and whatnot, and he begins to look forward to growing up and dating Gaby, but at the same time he refuses to eat lima beans and still acts like growing up is the worst thing in the world. He finally asserts himself and tells his father that it's okay to be a kid.
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* [[I Am Spartacus]]: {{spoiler|When the scheme is blown, all the other kids stand up and take responsibility alongside Mud.}}
* [[If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good for You]]: [[Invoked]] by Gaby and Dennis when they trick her mother into sending her to the (hypothetical) fitness camp. They sample some camp cuisine--Dennis and Gaby eat real chocolate cake, and Gaby's mom is given something that convinces her the camp ''must'' be doing something right with its food.
{{quote| '''Dennis:''' Yours is Betty Crocker. Hers is raw liver paste.<br />
'''Gaby:''' [[Discussed Trope|So if it tastes like poison, it MUST be diet food.]] }}
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Barely a minute into the movie and we get Micro-Chippewa Camp, a summer camp for computer geeks.
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* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Hendricks is just a polite state trooper doing his job. He does get reasonably upset when he loses track of the yellow Gremlin during a pursuit, and again later on when {{spoiler|the ruse is uncovered}}.
* [[Refuge in Audacity]]: When Zack tries to buy beer.
{{quote| '''Clerk:''' ID? You gotta be 19 to buy this stuff.<br />
'''Zack:''' No problemo. [hands over ID]<br />
'''Clerk:''' You were born in 1963?<br />
'''Zack:''' Yeah.<br />
'''Clerk:''' So that would make you?<br />
'''Zack:''' 21.<br />
'''Clerk:''' No. This is 1994. That would make you 31.<br />
'''Trish:''' Wrong! If he was born in 1963, and he's 21, [[Insane Troll Logic|then it's 1984]]! Uh! }}
* [[Setting Update]]: Not so much this movie, but the 2006 movie ''[[Accepted]]'' was pretty much ''Camp Nowhere'' set in college. Explained in [ this article].