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[[Time Travel|Time Travelers]] are often prevented from bringing along any modern technology when they go back in time. When they arrive in the past, they have to rely on the things available during that time period.
The reasons for this vary. Sometimes the time travelers simply want to avoid changing the timeline too much, and they realize that, say, [[Giving Radio to The Romans|leaving a modern gun behind in the middle ages]] could [[Timeline -Altering MacGuffin|create all sorts of problems]]. Other times it's due to a limitation of the [[Applied Phlebotinum]] used to travel through time. In the latter case, the time traveler often [[Naked On Arrival|arrives naked]] and has to find clothing somewhere. In other cases, the time travel may simply have been a surprise and they weren't prepared.
Sometimes the inverse is seen, where it's not possible to take anything from the past back to the future. (Sometimes this is justified by the claim that, for the object, the future doesn't exist yet.) Since it's otherwise not much of a dramatic limitation, this version usually only comes up in stories where a time-traveler is trying to save something (or some''one'') from being destroyed in the past.
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* The cardinal rules of time travel in ''[[The Journeyman Project]]'', besides not interacting with anyone not from one's own time, is not taking any important items or leaving any items in different time periods. Stealing bolt cutters from the 3000s to use in the 2000s is OK, though. Just don't leave them there.
** Even the temporal terrorist {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist|Elliot Sinclair]]}} adheres to this rule, although for pragmatic reasons rather than a desire to preserve history (which would run counter to his goals): his three robots are all designed to [[Cyanide Pill|self-destruct]] in the event they are disabled and presumably captured. For the most part, however, this rule is adhered to only as a matter of coincidence and is frequently ''[[Averted Trope|ignored]]'', especially in the second game.
* Invoked by in the main scenario of ''[[Half Minute Hero]]''. If you decide to replay a level, you can't equip any items that you've earned from later levels (the Time Goddess will tell you that doing so would create a [[Temporal Paradox]]). If you attempt to equip an item that's been struck out in the equipment menu, you'll start the level with [[No -Gear Level|nothing in that equipment slot]].
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[[Category:Time Travel Tropes]]
[[Category:Cant Take Anything With You]]