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[[Time Travel|Time Travelers]] are often prevented from bringing along any modern technology when they go back in time. When they arrive in the past, they have to rely on the things available during that time period.
The reasons for this vary. Sometimes the time travelers simply want to avoid changing the timeline too much, and they realize that, say, [[Giving Radio to Thethe Romans|leaving a modern gun behind in the middle ages]] could [[Timeline-Altering MacGuffin|create all sorts of problems]]. Other times it's due to a limitation of the [[Applied Phlebotinum]] used to travel through time. In the latter case, the time traveler often [[Naked Onon Arrival|arrives naked]] and has to find clothing somewhere. In other cases, the time travel may simply have been a surprise and they weren't prepared.
Sometimes the inverse is seen, where it's not possible to take anything from the past back to the future. (Sometimes this is justified by the claim that, for the object, the future doesn't exist yet.) Since it's otherwise not much of a dramatic limitation, this version usually only comes up in stories where a time-traveler is trying to save something (or some''one'') from being destroyed in the past.
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** In the pilot episode of ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'', the human resistance gets around this by sending an engineer back to the 1960s, where he builds a plasma rifle and time machine and stashes them in a bank vault.
** And one of the Dark Horse series of Terminator comics had a group of T-800s sent back to the past accompanied by a very unfortunate human in whose abdomen they'd surgically implanted future weapons prior to coming back. They ripped him open upon arrival and were good to go, rayguns-wise. Why Skynet doesn't do this more often (or just wrap the weapons in synthetic flesh, the same way it does the T-800 exoskeletons) is [[Fridge Logic|unexplained]].
* ''[[Twelve12 Monkeys]]''
* In the movie ''Timeline'', the time travelers make sure not to bring anything modern back. {{spoiler|Except for one bloody idiot, whose bringing along a few grenades screws the whole thing up when he blows up the transfer point.}} In the original book, they bring [[Translator Microbes|translator earpieces]] along, but no other modern technology.
* In the third ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Filmfilm)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' movie, the magic scepter that was causing the time travel caused the people on each end of the time warp to switch places, with all their possessions staying in their own time. Michelangelo notices this when the Japanese nobleman appears in April's clothes, and makes a point of donning some trunks before he and the other turtles go back in time to retrieve April so that the person he switches with doesn't arrive naked.
== Literature ==
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* ''[[Doomsday Book]]'' and ''[[To Say Nothing of the Dog]]'', by [[Connie Willis]] use the reversed version: time travelers can bring things from the future to the past, but not the other way round. {{spoiler|...except for things that would have been destroyed shortly anyway.}}
** And, of course, a cat, because {{spoiler|the cat was going to drown anyway. Except it wasn't, and the net allowing it to go through was a [[Batman Gambit]] by time itself to cause a cathedral to be rebuilt in a certain spot hundreds of years later, apparently.}}
* In the [[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]] book ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Night Watch|Night Watch]]'', it's physically impossible for time travelers to take anything with them that doesn't belong in the destination time. Thus, a character who's changed his clothes while back in time will return to the future naked, it's a good idea to eat when you get back because the food you ate then stays there, et cetera. (This is not, in fact, always true -- one of the time travelers brought his armor with him -- but it's a very useful lie. The question seems to be one of [[Tim Taylor Technology|power source]].)
* In [[Spider Robinson]]'s ''[[Time Pressure]]'', the time traveler arrives naked (except for her computer headband thing) and ''bald'' because of the limitations of the time machine. Time travel in some of the author's other books has similar limitations, such as an inability to bring living and nonliving things at the same time.
** Wouldn't that also mean she returns [[Nightmare Fuel|without fingernails]]?
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* The first ''[[Doom]]'' novel has this, not when time-travelling, but when teleporting. The characters worry about whether it includes things like intestinal flora.
* In a spin on this, the Old Kingdom of Garth Nix's ''[[Abhorsen]]'' trilogy is hostile to modern technology. Things that work in Ancelstierre, like telephones, machine guns and cars, cease to function once they get north of the border -- or even just close to the border, if the wind is blowing from the north. Things made by machines also tend to fall apart. As a result, travelers to the Old Kingdom have to be prepared to bring only things made by hand, and the border guard know how to use swords and bows as well as firearms.
* A similar version happens in [[Vernor Vinge]]'s ''[[AZones Fireof Upon the Deep (Literature)Thought|A Fire Upon the Deep]]''. All sorts of amazing technology works when you're in the outer parts of the Milky Way galaxy, but as you travel inwards they will begin to fail in order of most advanced, as well as faster than light engines working less and less efficiently until failing entirely as well. Eventually, as you get close to the center, even higher brain functions begin to fail.
* [[The Company Novels]] by Kage Baker use the reversed version: time travel is only possible into the past, and things of the past can't be carried back to the present (their future). The Company gets around this using a very, very elaborate [[Write Back to Thethe Future]] system.
* Though it involves dimensional travel instead of time travel, in ''The Great Game'' series by Dave Duncan, Strangers can't take anything with them to other worlds. This includes not only their clothes, but dental fillings, prosthetics, and possibly the contents of their stomachs.
* Normally averted in [[Time Warp Trio]]. However, when they go back to the time of the cavemen with the intention of bringing back modern tech, they're left with nothing but their glasses, hat, and a straw.
** This is because they tried to take too much back. Also, another book mentions trying to take too much knowledge from the future to the present can be bad.
* Subverted in Robert Charles Wilson's ''[[The Chronoliths]]'', where people don't travel in time, but a future leader sends back giant monuments to his victories from the future. These monuments are also extremely destructive weapons ("city killers") when they arrive.
* Time travel is a major part of the plot in the sixth [[Artemis Fowl (Literature)|Artemis Fowl]] book. Due to the extremely unstable nature of the time stream, and the fact that the demon sending them back in time (No. 1) is a novice, he recommends that Artemis and Holly strip down, lest your clothing fuse to your skin. They are both understandably embarrassed, but manage to strip down to their underwear (Artemis is wearing red Armani boxers and Holly is wearing a standard issue LEPrecon one-piece).
** Their embarrassment forms part of the [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]] between the two in this book.
* In [[Dinoverse (Literature)|Dinoverse]] no one can take ''anything'' with them. Including their bodies. Instead the bodies of these intrepid time travelers fall into comas and their ''minds'' go back and possess the bodies of large, complex vertebrates - as the series' title suggests, everyone who time travels in the series ends up in a dinosaur. When they get to go home, each character again can't take anything with them, although in one case when a human and an allied dinosaur died in the same instant at the same place having the same kind of self-sacrificial goal, ''both'' their minds ended up [[Sharing a Body|sharing the human's body]]. Sadly, [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|this is never fully explored]].
* The [[Dinosaur Cove]] series is like this. The kids can't bring anything back to the present with them. They can take their info gadgets back in time with them, though.
== Live Action TV ==
* The early ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]'' episode "Stasis Leak" had an inversion where the crew could take things to the past fine, but couldn't bring anything back with them. (A bar of soap used to try it out crumbled to dust; the implication was that -- at least using the stasis leak method -- anything brought Xty years into the future instantly aged Xty years.) When Rimmer says he wants to bring his past self back, the Cat agrees for once. (Rimmer takes a few moments to figure this out.)
* Sam in [[Quantum Leap]] is never able to take anything with him during his leaps for a damn good reason: He [[Body Surf|Body Surfs]] through time instead of physically going back.
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* In the text adventure game ''Time Zone'', any object taken back to a time before it was invented vanishes from existence.
* In ''[[Day of the Tentacle]]'', the damaged time machine cannot send living creatures and larger objects, so the player has to find ways around this problem, such as putting a hamster in a freezer and then microwaving it in the future, and putting a sweater in the dryer with 200 years' worth of quarters (which shrinks to doll-size).
* In ''[[Pokémon Gold and Silver (Video Game)|Pokémon Gold and Silver]]'' games, you can only trade first gen Pokemon with attacks that debuted in RBY when you get the time machine trader to work.
* ''[[Braid (Video Game)|Braid]]'' probably qualifies for this; you literally can't take ''anything'' with you that isn't made immune to fluctuations in the time-stream, and this also applies to any creature (including yourself) that isn't insulated against the time-stream. While convenient in some ways {{spoiler|(you can leave yourself the key to a door in one spot, rewind, and then go do something else before going back to reclaim it)}} it's also rather awkward in others {{spoiler|even if it is rather amusing the first few times, to watch a regular key go skipping backwards just because you walked in the wrong direction.}}
* The Styx Time Gate in the ''[[Star Ocean]]'' series prevents anyone from taking modern technology (or indeed, anything more than clothes) into the past. It's never explained why this is the case, or what happens if you try.
** The Japanese ''[[Guide Dang It|guide books]]'' explain that it is not technology per se that is blocked, but rather metallic objects. The Time Gate is an electromagnetic phenomenon, and metal or electronic objects would interfere with its operation much like when a person wears metal jewelery during an MRI scan. Carry metal or electronics with you, and at best you'll arrive in a different time and place from where you intended. At worst you'll be dead.
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== Web Original ==
* The time traveling boat [[SCP Foundation (Wiki)|SCP]] does not allow anything to be taken out of its time. If you try, it will change it to something that fits the time its in.