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* [[Bigger Is Better in Bed]]: Candi, quite bluntly (partially due to being drunk), states one of the reasons she dates Alex is because he has a big penis.
* [[Big No]]: Candi's reaction to finding out that she's {{spoiler|lactose intolerant}}.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Rebecca comes across as this though from time to time one feels sympathy for her 'because' Jon is so overt about his crush on Candi with only Jon and Candi being oblivious to this simple fact, but the sheer hostility she can bare in response to sexual rivals, especially in life or death situations, is a bit much.
** Also, Linda to a T what with the whole manipulation and vindictive nature towards Candi as a love rival.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Trevor
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** And Pearbee's.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Candi's life would probably be far less complicated if she could tell Alex and Linda to go die in a fire.
* [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']]: Two of the cast members were suspended from school for the prank war they conducted against Linda. Early indications are that this is to be regarded as a bad thing.
* [[Cat Fight]]: Jon jokingly tries to instigate one between Candi and Rebecca, complete with [[Mud Wrestling]]. Mostly jokingly.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]: Candi's other arch-rival Rebecca. The mere mention of Candi's name is guaranteed to bring out the violent loon in her.
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* [[Lego Genetics]]: The current arc has Rebecca horrified that Menjou (a ferret) and Coco (her pet squirrel) are having a brood of super-mutant offspring.
* [[Life Embellished]]: College life, plus superpowered small mammals.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: Linda, who deliberately sets out to break up Alex and Candi, initially because she thinks Candi would be better off without him. However, she falls for him in the process and eventually dates him behind Candi's back. And she is utterly unrepentant. She doesn't even understand why her (former) roommates are pissed at her (they all knew what she was up to before Candi did).
** Later she convinces Katia that she's in an "open relationship" with Alex, after Katia walks in on her making out with his roommate Nathan. A move which later backfires on her in a big way...
* [[The Mean Brit]]: Trevor can be a bit of a [[Jerkass]] now and then. Though it's pretty easy to forget that Trevor's from England considering it was pretty much only mentioned in the defunct cast page, and referred to only when he said "oy" instead of "hey"
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* [[Raging Stiffie]]: Something pops up while Candi is straddling Jon, much to her chagrin. Doesn't help that she was already pissed at him for shoving her in the bushes to avoid conflict with Rebecca.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Candi.
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: Candi's ex, Alex, had to have it explained to him that his wanting to be friends with her while maintaining a relationship with her rival Linda was a bad idea. Even after having this spelled out, he thinks it'll work if Candi and Linda would just be reasonable.
** And now we have Candi, regarding Jon's feelings towards her.
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Alex.
* [[Ship Tease]]: The artist in the past hasn't been above teasing the Candi/Jon shippers despite apparently saying this will never happen.
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[Sailor Moon|Usagi, Minako, Rei and Makoto]] appear in the [ first panel of this strip.]
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: Matt
* [[Too Much Information]]: Candi's reaction to finding out that Jon and Rebecca haven't spent "quality time" together recently.
* [[Weasel Mascot]]: Menjou, the telepathic ferret; the strip's B plot involves his ongoing battle with the campus squirrels.