Cape Fear (1962 film)/Nightmare Fuel

Revision as of 19:21, 18 August 2022 by STFilmmaker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Darth Wiki}} {{work}} <!-- What frightens you about this work? Replace this comment with your list. --> Considering the subject matter this movie was trying to make the audience aware of. It's safe to say it has had very scary moments. * For starters. The Hayes Code made it impossible for them to use the word "Rape". Instead opting the screenwriters to use the word "Attacked" in it's place. No normally a censorship like that would seem to sugarcoat or soften the i...")
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Considering the subject matter this movie was trying to make the audience aware of. It's safe to say it has had very scary moments.

  • For starters. The Hayes Code made it impossible for them to use the word "Rape". Instead opting the screenwriters to use the word "Attacked" in it's place. No normally a censorship like that would seem to sugarcoat or soften the impact of a movie like this. In the case of Cape Fear, it made it even more scarier. Especially to a modern movie watcher knowing exactly what they mean.
  • Cady's first onscreen meeting with Sam, starts with Sam leaving the courthouse after an important lawsuit. Just was Sam was about to start his car, Cady steals his keys, preventing him from leaving so that he could in his own words "Get the word out." Implying he wanted to let Sam personally know he's back, he's still angry at him for putting him in jail and to top it off gives a snide compliment to Sam's wife and daughter. Hinting exactly what he plans to do to them.
  • Cady later stalks Sam at the bowling alley. Messing with a waitress for kicks and spying on the rest of his family. This action is what prompts Sam to call Chief Dutton.
  • After Cady is cleared of suspicion, he picks up a random woman, Diane Taylor to take home. Said woman knowing what his intentions were, tries to run for the door only for him to pull it back along with the door closed. We couldn't see what's going on through that door, but Charlie Sievers. A private Detective Sam hired to spy on Cady sees the aftermath when he and the police discover her laying off the bed with a black eye on her face. To make matters worse, both Sievers and Bowden couldn't get her to testify because she fears he may come back and do worse to her. Instead she promptly takes a taxi to the bus station and leaves town.
  • Bowden goes down to a bar to try to buy Cady off his vendetta. Cady relays to him a story about what happened after he got released from jail. His wife moved on, prompting him to kidnap and extort her for sex before throwing her back to her new family. And that her leaving him and taking their daughter was what sparked his vendetta. The story disgusted Bowden enough to leave.
  • After Bowden's attempt with the three men hired to beat Cady fails, Cady himself calls the Bowden Residence. First making lewd comments at Peggy. Then threatening Sam with a passion.

Max Cady: Counsellor, you really stepped on it this time, didn't you?
I don't know what the Bar Association thinks about its members compounding a felony, but I do know what the law thinks about it.
You just put the law in my hands and I'm gonna break your heart with it. Ain't nothin' can stop me. You understand that, don't you? That house and that car and that wife and kid. They ain't worth nothin' to you now.
Sam Bowden: Now you listen to me. You asked for this. You asked for it! And if you don't get out..
Max Cady: You're wrong, man. I'm gonna show you what it's like to be wrong.
Speakin'about your wife and kid. I got a little caper planned for them.
Remember the story I told you about my old lady?
That was just laughs, Counsellor. That was kid stuff.
I got something planned for your wife and kid they ain't never gonna forget.
They ain't never gonna forget it and neither will you, Counsellor. Never.
You'll never forget it.

  • The climax of the movie is pure nightmare fuel. For context, Sam had finally had enough of Cady and decided to bait him at Cape Fear River. Should Cady trespass, Sam would have been well within his rights to kill him on self defence. Despite reluctance, Dutton and Charlie help him out. A deputy named Kersek is assigned to guard the Bowden Family. Through clever stalking and manipulation, Cady was able to track them down, even realizing it's a trap, but not wasting an opportunity. First he kills Kersek, drowning him so that it'd look like an accident. He then swims to the houseboat with the intent of raping Peggy or so it seems. While he does corner her, break an egg in front of her to intimidate. As well as slam her through doors while she struggles against him all the way. It turns out he was only creating enough of a ruckus to get Sam over there to save Peggy while he has a clear shot at going after Nancy. Nancy herself tries to call the cops, but the phone lines are cut. She arms herself with a poker when Cady breaks in, but she's too scared of him to use it. He drags her out of the house with the intention of raping her in the middle of the swamp. Had Sam not swim back in time to fight Cady, she would have been killed or traumatized by the events.