• Moral Event Horizon: Melvin is not the nicest kid in his school and is shown to be rather arrogant but he crosses the line when he refuses to stop the Robo Boogers he unintentionally created from killing people at an airport simply because George and Harold won't create a comic where he defeats Captain Underpants. And yes, he did this simply so he wouldn't have to swallow his pride. Karma condemns him when an angry mob comes after him for things that strangely enough he actually didn't commit due to body swapping.
  • Nausea Fuel: Pretty much inevitable in Toilet Humour-themed series, but the Bionic Booger Boy gets special mention. His descriptive introduction has George yell at the narrator for making everyone sick.
  • Squick: A grown man runs around in his underwear with two ten-year-old boys. It's played for laughs though.