Care Bears: Difference between revisions

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** ...Shreeky and No-Heart are humans?
** Just watch Nutcracker Suite. Count how many fingers Alan Prince/Nutcracker, his wife and their students have.
* [[Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul]]: The Care Bear Stare had this effect in the [[Di CDiC]], to somewhat [[Nightmare Fuel|disturbing]] results. It was toned back into an all purpose weapon against evil in the Nelvana series before returning to its roots in ''Adventures In Care-A-Lot''.
* [[Glad I Thought of It]]: Shreeky did this with Beastly practically [[Once Per Episode]].
* [[Good Feels Good]]: Initially played straight with Beastly's [[Heel Face Turn]], then subverted. He runs back to Shreeky at the end of the episode because he can't stand the taste of diabetes being a Care Bear brings.
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* [[Tome of Eldritch Lore]]: In the first movie, and it was alive.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: In the Nelvana series, Champ Bear calls everyone "sports fan" no matter what the context.
* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: The [[Di CDiC]] and Nelvana TV series and movies are these.
* [[Villainous Friendship]] : Dark Heart and Christy in the second movie.
* [[Villain Song]]: In the first TV special: "Allow me to introduce myself!/They call me Professor Coldheart..."