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*** You mean ''eaten alive'' then inconvenienced for a few hours?
* Subverted in the [[Ravenloft]] setting's domain of the Wildlands, where ''all'' the [[Talking Animal|Talking Animals]] have a mean streak regardless of ecological niche.
* Also AD&D Example but not involving animals, its quite common for [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] Races to eat anything not their race, like Giants, Orcs or Goblins. On a more [[Nightmare Fuel|horrifying]] extent, [[Eldritch Abomination|Illithids]] even breed and enslave [[Anything That Moves]] as tasty snacks and workforce. Also in one Novel its stated that humans make bad slaves for [[Our Elves Are Better|drow]], because they are way to prone for rebelliousness, but they are quite useful for trade connections or if you run low on other food...
* The Lunar Exalted in ''[[Exalted]]'' have the innate ability to assume the form of animals. They acquire new forms by killing an animal of the appropriate species (presumably after hunting it down themselves) and drinking its fresh blood in a very literal case of "you are what you eat". And given the right charm, they can use this trick with [[I'm a Humanitarian|humans]] as well...
** [[Extreme Omnivore|And demons. And GODS.]]
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* ''[[Banjo-Kazooie]]'' isn't subject to only carnivore confusion, as ''everything'', from the [[Abnormal Ammo|eggs used as ammunition]] to the orange given to a hungry monkey, is alive, sapient, and capable of [[Speaking Simlish]]. Making it worse/better is that most of them are rather accepting of their fate; for example a fish that can be rescued in the second game that isn't even mildly annoyed it was about to be cooked and eaten before the plot arrived.
** Made worse by the fact it was canonly his pet goldfish.
* High up on a cliff in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'', if you kill a guard, buzzards may feed on his corpse. If you then kill the buzzard and collect its meat, you get a bigger dose of stamina from consuming it.
** This quite literally comes back to haunt you when facing The Sorrow, as the [[Our Ghosts Are Different|spirits of all the people you killed up to that point]] march along the river towards you. If you ate the meat of a a buzzard that scavenged off a guard, he'll come shuffling towards you, crying "You ate me!"
* Brought up by Arcueid Brunestad in ''[[Tsukihime]]''. When asked by the main character why she, a vampire, didn't eat humans, she asks him if he would eat animals if they could talk to him. The interesting thing about Arcueid is she's been [[Raised by Wolves]] so literally came up with this value by herself.
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**** Poor Uncle Chuck...And Bunny's arm and legs...And Tails' folks...And Mutski...And Cat. And Auri's friends...And about 3/4 of everyone else on the planet...
* ''[[Father of the Pride]]'' plays with this. The main character is a lion who's best friend is a Gopher who's name is "Snack". At one point, Snack's girlfriend (also aptly named "Candy") dumps him, and to protect his feelings, tells Snack that he ate his girlfriend instead.
* In an episode of ''[[Cat DogCatDog]]'', Dog tries to answer the question of where meat comes from. He explains how there's a guy who plants ''meat plants'' -- meanwhile, Cat just explains slaughter. Of course, Dog goes crazy at the idea of eating sapient beings, who he thinks are friends, and turns vegan. Then, Dog starts to become delusional as he imagines that vegetables ''are'' his friends. After all that, Dog then tries to eat Cat, [[Insane Troll Logic|because he's not his ''friend'' but his ''brother'']]. Fortunately, [[The Cuckoolander Was Right|the guy who plants meat plants]] appears and solves the problem.
** Not enough [[Nightmare Fuel]]? Cat and Dog share bodies, so if Dog eats Cat, ''he eats his own body''.
** Well, they only fell pain in their half, so they have their own bodies, but they meet in the middle, [[Captain Obvious|'coz they're conjoined]]. So Dog would have only eaten Cat, which just leaves Dog and his half of the body...