Castle (TV series)/Tropes M to P: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mad Artist]]: Scott Dunn {{spoiler|a serial killer who writes novels based on his murders.}}
* [[Magical Database]]:
** Taken to the EXTREME in the "Tick...Tick...Tick...Boom!" two-parter, including a [[Viewer -Friendly Interface]] straight out of ''[[Minority Report]]''. But also played with, as only the FBI gets the nice shiny toys, and they take them back after the episode is over.
** Subverted with the missing persons' database, which is just several stacks of old files.
** Also subverted in the pilot when Beckett says that a fingerprint takes weeks to identify. Strangely, played straight in later episodes, especially with fingerprint identification.
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* [[Make Up or Break Up]]: This is the current situation with {{spoiler|Esposito and Lanie}} as of 'Demons'. They {{spoiler|broke up, except for the occasional booty call.}}
* [[Male Gaze]]: Castle very unsubtlely stares at Beckett's butt in the club scene of "Lucky Stiff" and she catches him. He looked at her butt again in "Deep in Death", when she man-handles a perp to the ground wearing just a jacket over her underwear. Of course, [[Female Gaze|Beckett herself]] stared at his earlier in the series in "Wrapped Up in Death."
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Castle's first ex-wife, Meredith. An ongoing [[Deconstruction]] and [[Reconstruction]]. Fun-loving and fun to be around, but too scatterbrained to be a good wife ''or'' mother. Castle divorced her after she slept with her producer, but always ends up sleeping with her whenever she's in town. Alexis tries to keep a wide berth, but can't help but blow off tests she's spent days cramming for when she shows up to take her shopping. Castle's verdict: Such people are [http://en.[ Twinkie|Deep-fried twinkies]] -- [[Guilty Pleasure|things you know are bad for you but you occasionally partake of anyway just for the sheer joy of it]].
** I wouldn't say Alexis couldn't help it. Her mother was the one who pulled her out of school and she couldn't go back without saying her mother was a liar.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: 3XK
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* [[Never Speak Ill of the Dead]]: Beckett never hesitates to call Castle out when he gets too irreverent. See also [[Treachery Cover -Up]].
* [[Never Suicide]]: In "Hedge Fund Homeboys", {{spoiler|the teen who committed suicide was really murdered by another teen, a ''[[Dexter]]'' wannabe who also planned another friend's murder}}.
* [[New Old Flame]]:
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** Beckett gets one in "Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind" when she refers to the time when she was six and got a Lego stuck up her nose. All Castle can do is look very incredulous and let out a [[Flat What]].
** From the pilot episode, when Castle finds Alexis doing homework at a book premier party, he starts recounting a "When I was your age" story, only to conclude with "I can't even tell that story because it's wildly inappropriate."
* [[The Not -Secret]]:
** In "Poof, You're Dead", it turns out that everyone already knows about the big secret -- {{spoiler|that Esposito and Lanie are in a relationship}} -- but have just decided to play along to give the secret holders some privacy (and no doubt enjoy watching them squirm [[Pull the Thread|whenever it's brought up]]).
** In "'Til Death Do Us Part", when Castle, Beckett and Esposito are trying to tell Ryan that Jenny had slept with a pick-up artist a month after they started dating, he nonchalantly reveals that he knew all along and wasn't bothered because they hadn't been exclusive at the time.
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{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Beckett'''}}: If you're gonna shoot me, you look at me in the eyes. Okay? And you look hard. Because I am not your enemy, I can't be. ''You and I have too much in common.''}}
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Okay, it's exactly what it looks like. But [[I Can Explain|he can explain]]...
* [[Not With the Safety On, You Won't]]: The perp in the pilot holds Castle hostage, but with a safety'd gun, allowing [[Nathan Fillion]] to subvert [[Put Down Your Gun and Step Away]] in yet ''another'' badass way.
* [[Obfuscating Disability]]: In "Under the Gun", one of their suspects is an aging ex-con who needs a walker to get around... until he has to get away, at which point he ditches the walker and makes a run for it.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: In "Home is Where the Heart Stops," Beckett offers Castle access to some evidence, but only if he can get a bulls-eye at the shooting range after already having seen him miss badly three times. Castle plugs all three of his next shots through the 10-ring. Also: [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]:
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** {{spoiler|They finally get together in "Always".}}
* [[Old Shame]]: In the pilot, one of the first things that clues Castle into the fact that things aren't what they seem with the copycat killings and gets him interested in solving the mystery is that the killer is staging them based off his self-described 'lesser works'. In a later episode, it comes out that Beckett was a teen model. She is not happy to see a picture of her from then floating around the precinct.
* [[Omniglot]]: When the cast was running after a couple of suspects in Chinatown, Castle revealed that he could speak Chinese, apparently fluidly, as he talks to a pair of terrified bystanders. When asked, [[Firefly|he claims to have learned it]] [[Shout -Out|from a TV show]]. Most examples of the trope know more than one other language, but under the circumstances...
* [[Once More, With Clarity]]:
** Done in the season three premiere.
** Also in "Setup"
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* [[Precision F-Strike|Precision B Strike]]: First Alexis, then Castle, call one of Alexis's friends a "Bitch" when she reveals her [[Alpha Bitch]] credentials.
* [[Pregnant Hostage]]: Played with. In a bank robbery, there ''is'' a pregnant hostage, but she doesn't go into labor or have health problems. She ''is'', however, the one of the first people the police bargain to get out, and Castle {{spoiler|uses her as an excuse to fetch a pillow located near a window, where he can signal Beckett.)}}
* [["Previously On..."]]:
** After the [[Opening Narration]] was killed close to the beginning of Season 3, one of these was used in "Knockdown", with clips from "A Death in the Family" and "Sucker Punch"...the other two Castle eps which dwell heavily on Beckett's mother's murder.
** Similarly, "To Love and Die in L.A." features one which is exclusively clips from "Under the Gun", the episode with Beckett's old partner Mike Royce. {{spoiler|He's dead within a minute of the montage.}}