Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance: Difference between revisions

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The year is 1748, and [[Castlevania]] has mysteriously re-appeared in the woods of Eastern Europe. Juste Belmont and his friend [[The Rival|Maxim Kischine]] set out to investigate, hoping to find a childhood friend, [[Distressed Damsel in Distress|Lydie Erlanger]]. Upon entering the Castle, the two friends are seperated and Juste begins the search for Lydie and the answers to the castle's reappearance. The plot thickens when Maxim begins to behave very strangely whenever Juste encounters him.
Gameplay is solid, if simple, but can be made almost pathetically easy <ref>Causes include [[Game Breaker]] magic attacks, Juste's high dodging ability, Juste's whip has a very generous hit range (covering above and behind him) that makes attacking/projectile deflection easy, and the ability to carry 99 potions (that restore a greater relative amount of your health than standard)</ref>, and some feel the plot is well-written despite recycling ideas from ''[[Circle of the Moon]]'' and ''[[Symphony of the Night]]''. The graphics however are a point major of contention. Many gamers feel that the bright colors and cartooney sprites fit poorly with the series' gothic aesthetic, but said sprites ''are'' well-animated and the visuals are quite impressive. It must also be pointed out that these colors resulted partly from overcompensation for criticism that ''Circle'''s graphics were hard to see (which was actually the fault of the poor lighting of the [[Game Boy Advance]]'s original model).
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* [[Dem Bones]]: The Cave of Skeletons is an entire area of the castle themed around this. It's easily the most original and interesting environment in the game. The game in general has an incredible number and variety of skeleton enemies.
* [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything]]: The [[Bait and Switch Boss]]. You are not supposed to hit that Living Armor, since it's a cutscene, thus you can't do anything. But if you get Cross subweapon and Wind spellbook... You can hit it, revealing that its name is Revenge Armor, though it doesn't go to bestiary.
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: Lydie
* [[Dragon Ascendant]]: With Dracula awaiting revival, [[The Grim Reaper|Death]] becomes the main mover in the plot.
* [[Dual World Gameplay]]: You go between the two castles to solve puzzles and whatnot. It's kind of like the later [[Metroid Prime]] 2: Echoes. Except the second castle doesn't damage you constantly while you're there.