Cat Planet Cuties: Difference between revisions

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=== Tropes: ===
* [[A -Cup Angst]] -- Aoi, though she's not too terribly distraught about it. It does become an issue later on during a conversation with Minami.
* [[Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male]] -- No one seems to care about the headlocks that Manami likes to put Kio in.
* [[Accidental Pervert]] -- Kio and most of the cast to be honest.
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* [[Bland-Name Product]] -- Somy, OIAV, and PanaX among others.
** The Shimaneko (Striped Cat) Delivery Service counter in Episode 4. Notable as the same episode had earlier included a [[Shout-Out]] to the delivery service being parodied, Yamato ("Kuroneko"/"Black Cat") Transport.
* [[Blood Onon These Hands]] -- A consequence of Aoi's previous work.
* [[Boobs of Steel]] -- Whilst most of the Catians count thanks to their [[Powered Armour]] and... generous figures, the Dogisian arms dealer Jens probably takes the cake.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] -- In the OVA, Ichika has a copy of the script for the OVA and reads narration from it.
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** Aoi just goes "Imported?!"
*** Becomes a ''plot point'' in Episode 7 {{spoiler|Aoi's jealousy of Eris comes to the fore, and this is one of the points Aoi is jealous of}}.
* [[The Cameo]] -- In the beginning of Episode 3, ''[[Kämpfer (Light Novel)|Kämpfer]]'''s Natsuru and Shizuku, along with their Messengers, [ can be spotted in the crowd of onlookers]. Akane and Mikoto are among the students at Kio's school in episode 7.
** Episode four is a bonanza of cameos. In addition to Louise of [[Familiar of Zero]] and Cecily of [[Sacred Blacksmith]], there is even a brief shot of [ this] figurine of Nanael from [[QueensQueen's Blade]] in the box.
** Episode six has a brief appearance by ''[[Kage Kara Mamoru!]]!'''s Mamoru and Yuna, outside the restaurant.
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]] -- Aoi towards Kio. Manami is much more subtle about this, but Aoi later calls her out on it, telling Manami that she's suffering from this trope as well.
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor]] -- Kio.
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** According to the novels, the Catian female/male ratio is 30:1. {{spoiler|No wonder Eris is so quick to suggest sharing Kio, as it's most probably the norm among Catians.}}
** {{spoiler|Ichika is also a cat girl with real cat ears and tail as revealed in The OVA and on the light novels}}
* [[Censor Box]] -- The Assistaroids do this in the sauna scene, not unlike the censor sign guy in ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler (Manga)|Hayate the Combat Butler]]''. Averted in the DVD release.
* [[Censor Steam]] -- Often combined with [[Lens Flare Censor]], to the point that half the screen can be obscured at once.
* [[The Chessmaster]] -- Jens, whose plan for ruining Catian relations with Earth is really quite impressively thought-out. See [[Magnificent Bastard]].
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* [[Crazy Prepared]] -- A few characters usually seem to have exactly what's needed for a particular incident, especially Kio's uncle, Manami, and Aoi.
* [[Crowd Song]] -- With Lawry singing only a few bars, the entire cast starts harmonizing to ''Captain Future'''s "Oira wa Sabishii Spaceman", no matter where they are. It's worth noting that the dub went to the effort of translating and having the entire cast sing the song as well.
* [[Cursed Withwith Awesome]] -- Aoi and her {{spoiler|apporting}} abilities.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]] -- Sara loves cats, and is easily wooed by an Assistaroid. To emphasize, Sara was one of the top candidates to join the SAS, but her weakness to cats lost her that opportunity.
* [[Cute and Psycho]] -- Despite being the happy-go-lucky [[Catgirl]] Eris happens to be, she is [[Beware the Nice Ones|definitely not one of those characters]] [[Dissonant Serenity|you would want to frustrate]].
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* [[Cyber Cyclops]] -- The Dogisian battle droids.
* [[Death in All Directions]] -- What Jens's ship specialises in, unleashing both generous [[Beam Spam]] and a classic [[Macross Missile Massacre]] (or three) in the finale.
* [[Defeat Byby Modesty]] -- When Manami and Aoi's training is interrupted by a sniper and her spotter, they counter with their convenient clothing-erasing bullets and send them running with nary a thread between them.
** {{spoiler|Well, not ''running'', per se - as in the next scene we see they've been shipped back to Jens in a wooden crate, only wearing some onmyodo tags.}}
* [[Depleted Phlebotinum Shells]] -- Catian anti-matter shells, which have no effect on organic matter.
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* [[Faux Paw]] -- First episode. It's a [[Catgirl]] show, after all. Only rarely used in later episodes, though.
* [[For the Lulz]] -- Aoi seems to invoke this trope during episode 1 {{spoiler|when she shoots at her driver in the car.}} It's not made clear if she did it for this trope, or to vent some frustration for the fact that [[Moment Killer|he just happened to show up while she was trying to set up a date with Kio]].
* [[Freeze -Frame Bonus]] -- The files on Kio, Eris, Aoi, Manami and Itokazu-sensei briefly seen in episode three come with a lot of info on them, some of it trivia (like Itokazu-sensei's reason for her love of Hard SF) and other really interesting (like Aoi's surprising family circumstances).
* [[Furo Scene]]
* [[Gag Boobs]] -- Eris. A few of the older Catians are bigger, but hers are the ones that are [[Played for Laughs]].
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** [[Justified Trope|Justified]]. {{spoiler|Aoi has the ability to warp any object within 50 metres of her}}.
** Captain Kuune and other high-ranking officers also have access to a [[Hyperspace Arsenal]] through their neck-bells.
* [[I Just Shot Marvin in Thethe Face]] -- Manami displays face-palmingly poor trigger discipline in episode 6, waving a revolver in Kio's face with her finger on the trigger. The gun ''had'' just been emptied, but that's no excuse -- and she only gets worse later, when she loads the revolver and waves it around in a fast-food joint, once slamming it down on the table while pointed at Aoi.
** It was quite justified that even though Manami is a gun nut, it was shown that she barely know how to handle guns. And seemingly Kio is better at marksmanship than she is.
* [[I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] -- Manami's motive for trying to hook Kio up with Aoi.
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* [[Jumped At the Call]] -- Manami, who always wanted to be a field operative.
** Applies to both her and Aoi when Eris mentions having them work as security for the temporary Catian Embassy, aka Kio's house.
* [[Laser Blade]] -- [[Blade Onon a Stick|On a stick]], Aoi's melee weapon of choice.
* [[Laser Sight]] -- Justified since it is IR and thus invisible to naked eye, probably a rangefinder.
* [[Late for School]] -- Antonia, Maya and Sara all have a piece of toast in their mouths when they transfer. Specifically invoked by Antonia, who learned about it by reading shojo manga.
* [[Latex Space Suit]] -- All of the Catians. Aoi's isn't a spacesuit ''per se'', but given what we've seen her duraflex suit shrug off, hard vacuum probably isn't beyond its capabilities.
** {{spoiler|All three of Kio's girlfriends put on latex suits before suiting up --[[Tekkaman (Anime)|Sol Tekkamen Suiting]] up -- in Episode 12.}}
* [[Leotard of Power]] -- Standard Catian uniform; some are actually a type of [[Powered Armor]]. They function the same way for male Catians, as well.
* [[Lethal Chef]] -- Aoi, though it's a very minor example since she was only just then learning how to cook. When Kio tasted her cooking, he only grimaced a little bit and commented on its unique taste.
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* [[Macross Missile Massacre]] -- Jens launches some of these in episode 12.
* [[Made of Iron]] -- Even without her combat suit, Aoi survives getting knocked out out the back of a moving subway car with little more than a few bruises.
* [[Magic From Technology]] -- {{spoiler|Ichika's}} [[Onmyodo]] tags; they're indeed magical, but [[Doing in Thethe Wizard|magic is as much a part of Physics]] [[Minovsky Physics|as other universal forces]], according to her. And then she mentions [[Clarke's Third Law]] almost word by word.
** The Dogisians {{spoiler|even manage to reverse-engineer the talismans, and make both a time-freeze variant and a exploding one able to cut through Catian ship armor - that space debris couldn't dent.}}
*** {{spoiler|More like bought the talismans. In episode 11 Ichika said those talisman are sold by mages who aren't too picky about their customers.}}
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* [[Meaningful Name]] -- In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess whose actions indirectly started the Trojan War. In THIS show, Eris is a [[Catgirl]] [[Human Aliens|alien]] whose very presence causes several secret societies and black ops organizations to [[Gambit Pileup|come gunning for her all at once.]]
** Becomes FAR more literal in Episode 10 {{spoiler|when the Dogisians take a far role in trying to get rid of the Catians. That is, if you define a sneak attack on the Catians' ship that's sent it into a collision course with Earth, the Captain of said ship being neutralized by Dogisian Assistaroids, and Kio being left in command by said Captain as being a "bit more literal"}}
* [[Mecha -Mooks]] -- The Assistaroids employed by both sides. They do show some intelligence and emotion, though (at least the Catians'); most of the Catian Embassy's Assistaroids are named, or at least numbered to differentiate them.
* [[Megane]] -- Kio
* [[Meganekko]] -- Aoi, Itokazu-sensei, and Doctor Durel, though Aoi can see just fine without the glasses, it turns out she needs them for something else.
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* [[Ninja Maid]] -- Acting as enforcers of a {{spoiler|... catgirl cult???}}
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]] -- Aoi, earning her the codename Akuun Momiji - Bad-luck Momiji. (a few times in the novels, her codename is given as Akuen Momiji; her English-speaking enemy in book 9 translates that as "Calamity Momiji")
** Eris' service drones. They can withstand {{spoiler|being shot down in a helicopter by a tank}} with nothing worse than a few scorch marks. They're essentially [[MegamanMega Man Legends|Servbots]] with a cat theme.
* [[No One Could Survive That]] / [[Not Quite Dead]] -- {{spoiler|The pirate captain in episode 1, who supposedly died when he blew up the ship, somehow survived and is seen in episode 11. He goads Aoi into shooting him, saying she's nothing more than a killer, which Aoi promptly complies with. Luckily for him (maybe), she had [[Family-Friendly Firearms|Catian ammo loaded]], so all that happens is he loses his gun and some of his outfit.}}
** Aoi should probably have been crippled or killed after she fell out of the moving subway car, but she didn't even end up with any bruises or abrasions other than some scrapes on her left arm when she stood up immediately after getting kicked off. Her fast recovery is noticed later on.
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** In Episode 5, an obvious cue (looking back) for a [[Fan Service]] scene is skipped to set up a twist. {{spoiler|Kio and Eris exchanged clothes so Kio can use Eris' power armour and make an escape, Eris' idea}}.
* [[Opening Narration]] -- Not the show's own, though. The show uses modified versions of other shows' opening narration. If you didn't even know some of the listed shows had a narration, they did in their Japanese dub.
** Episode 3-4: ''[[Star Trek: theThe Original Series]]''
** Episode 5: ''[[Mission Impossible (TV series)|Mission Impossible]]''
** Episode 6: ''[[CharliesCharlie's Angels]]''
** Episode 7: ''[[Bewitched (TV)|Bewitched]]''
** Episode 8: ''[[Starsky and Hutch (TV series)|Starsky and Hutch]]''
** Episode 11: ''[[Red Dwarf (TV)|Red Dwarf]]''
** Episode 12: ''[[The Greatest American Hero]]''
** OVA: ''[[I DreamofDream of Jeannie]]''
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]] -- Dr. Durel is almost never seen without something in her mouth.
* [[Overly Long Name]] -- If you think JACK was that long, that is not the longest one.
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* [[Powered Armor]] -- Aoi's Goujyuu Powered Suit. Also Eris' [[Latex Space Suit]] is a light version of one. Jens has the same type as Aoi's
** Turns out that the armor is actually {{spoiler|Dogisian (Jen's race) technology}}.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]] -- More technology than power, actually; Chaika explicitly says that the Caitians use their [[Super Multi -Purpose Room]] to satisfy their sexual urges.
** It's also a blatant copy of the Holodeck from ''[[Star Trek: theThe Next Generation]]'' as well - down to the grid displayed when the room is turned off.
* [[Pretty Freeloader]] -- Eris, but only temporarily at first, as she had a mission to accomplish (namely collecting information about Earth).
* [[Product Placement]] -- Played straight with the [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|current A&W logo]] and subverted in the very next shot with Manami's "OIAV" laptop.
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* [[Senseless Violins]] -- Aoi carries her tools of the trade in a ''cello'' case in Episode 3.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]] -- Manami invokes this trope when Kio mentions her talking to Jack on the phone, and assuming that it was a guy she was dating. This comes to haunt her when [[Love Epiphany|he (or rather a duplicate of him in the Catian holodeck) tells her that the reason why he stopped acting shy around her was because when he thought she had a boyfriend, he let go of his feelings for her, and treated her as "one of the guys"]], since he felt he didn't have a chance with her.
* [[Shipper Onon Deck]] -- Manami is currently trying to ship Aoi and Kio.
** {{spoiler|In episode 12, Eris basically switches to shipping a Type 2 [[Tenchi Solution]]... and she gets it.}}
* [[Shoot the Messenger]] -- Subverted and [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]]. Aoi nearly killed her driver at point blank and clearly stated that she purposely missed because she just let him off the hook.
* [[Shrinking Violet]] -- Aoi in attitude, though her past as an immigration bureau agent [[Subverted Trope|would make one think otherwise]].
** This is more of a Japanese cliche that's seen in multiple shows - the person put through [[Training From Hell]] [[Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training]]; these skills having been deemed unnecessary by the people doing the training. Multiple examples of this exist all through Japanese anime - and Aoi's no shrinking violet when the action starts, she just doesn't know anything at all about intimacy, or boy/girl relationships.
* [[Shout-Out]] -- Has is [[Asobi Nini Iku Yo (Light Novel)yo!/Shout Out|own page]]
* [[Shower Scene]] - with Jens in episode 9, and Eris in episode 2.
* [[Sleeper Hit]] -- What was once labeled as a "generic shit harem" turns out to be a royal rumble with all possible organizations you can think of with tons of action. /a/nons themselves acknowledge this show as the "darkhorse" of the season.
* [[Space Elevator]] -- {{spoiler|Catians' Christmas gift to Mankind.}}
* [[Special Effects Failure]]: In-universe example - in the OVA, the movie with Aoi and Manami in it has a guy in a rubber suit which catches on fire, which seems to be accidental. The guy in the suit even pats one of the fires out.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]] -- Eris/Elis/Elice.
** Also Catia/Cathea/Kyatia.
** Antonia/Antnia
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* [[Strip Poker]] -- In The OVA, The Female Catia Cast play strip mahjong, and strip poker strip, and there is {{spoiler|strip chess with Jens loosing to Muttley}} as well as {{spoiler|strip rock paper scissors whith Kio and some of the female cast and Kio is winning <ref>He was blindfolded and they kept using scissors to his rock</ref>}}
* [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] -- As incredibly advanced as Catian technology is by our standards, the unseen Orsonians scare the crap out of pretty much every other space-faring race out there.
* [[Super Multi -Purpose Room]] -- The Catians have a multipurpose virtual reality room capable of producing any type of environment and simulating anything... or anyone.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]] -- There is no one inside the Earth-made Assistaroid suit. It is a robot that was created and there is ''no one'' inside.
** Despite this, both Kio and Eris know Antonia is inside that "robot", but they largely play along until the end.
* [[Taking You Withwith Me]] -- The pirate boat captain tries this on Aoi when he blows up his ship in the beginning of episode 1. {{spoiler|Except that both of them survive.}}
* [[Talking Withwith Signs]] -- The assist droids communicate in this fashion.
* [[Their First Time]] -- Eris' first mating season. {{spoiler|Kio is way too [[Kannagi|"pure-pure"]], though, and she has to prematurely end it because of some embarrasing incidents}}.
* [[The Nudifier]] -- A theme in Catian weapons design seems to be to neutralize your opponent's weaponry non-lethally. They often simply erase anything they hit that isn't living tissue.
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* [[Twelve-Episode Anime]]
* [[Tyke Bomb]] -- Aoi.
* [[Uncanny Valley]] -- The Assistaroids' current appearance is a conscious effort to avoid this. Lawry, an older generation humanoid Assistaroid, explains it to Kio in a manner that wouldn't seem out of place in ''[[Chobits (Manga)|Chobits]]''.
* [[Unfazed Everyman]] -- Kio and his friends in the Film Club, in stark contrast to ''everybody else'' in his life.
** Kio shows increasing signs of being an [[Action Survivor]]. And he might even be an [[Ordinary High School Student]] yet.
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** One could also make an argument for ''most of the human race'' for trying to insist on seriousness in a universe inherently skewed toward silliness on the [[Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness|sliding scale.]]
** Poor Maki doesn't live in a universe of [[Starfish Aliens]]. The members of Beautiful Contact try to KILL Eris because she doesn't fit the [[Starfish Aliens]] trope. At the very least, she'd accept [[Little Green Men]] as an alternative.
* [[X Meets Y]]: It's ''[[Full Metal Panic]]'' meets ''[[Please Teacher (Anime)|Please Teacher]]''.
* [[You Are in Command Now]] -- Happens to Kio when the Catian ship captain hands him her bell after falling unconscious to a Dogsian ambush. Cue salutes from the Catians, the droids, and shocked expression on the humans.
* [[You Are Number Six]] -- Played literally and said word for word in the subtitles in episode 3 when the Assistaroids are numbered to make them easier to use, number 6 is the one we actually see being assigned a number.