Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate: Difference between revisions

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** And again when it comes out that Jeff is the only member of the study group that dislikes the Barenaked Ladies. Hilariously, they're having this argument at the exact same time they're arguing over something actually important, and treating it with more gravity.
* A running joke in Ricky Gervais' ''[[Extras]]''. The main character and his best friend would ask each other questions like, "what would you rather be? A penguin, where you are a bird but you can't fly, or a flying fish where you can fly but you're still a fish." Once or twice an episode.
* ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' addressed one of these that was going on at their own website; namely "Can a plane take off if it's on a conveyor belt running in the opposite direction?" They tested it, and concluded that yes, it can; forward motion is driven by the propeller and how the wheels interact with the ground is irrelevant.
** ''[[Myth BustersMythBusters]]'' in general plays host to a lot of myths born of such subjects. Particularly trying to test the legitimacy of taking idioms literally.
* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'': Sam and Dean Winchester have their own version of this as shown in the episode "Death's Door" with Chuck Norris vs. Jet Li.
* [[Have I Got News for You]]: Quite often Paul Merton would indulge in this; once having a (seemingly) aggressive shouting match with Arthur Smith over whether or not you should put tomato sauce on baked beans.
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Space]]'' has an entire discussion forum dedicated to precisely this issue.
== Western Animation ==
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'''Wade Boggs:''' Pitt the Elder!
'''Barney:''' LORD PALMERSTON!
'''Boggs: ''[[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|PITT! THE! ELDER!]]'''''
'''Barney:''' Okay, you asked for it, Boggs!
''[punches out Boggs]''
'''Moe:''' Yeah, that's showin' 'im, Barn! ''[mockingly]'' "Pitt the Elder"...
'''Barney: [[Does Not Understand Sarcasm|LORD PALMERSTON!]]'''
''{{[[[Crowning Moment of Funny]] punches out Moe}}]'' }}
** Another episode has Ned Flanders say that his denomination of Christianity (The Northwest Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism) split off from the Catholic Church several centuries ago over the right of worshippers to come to church with wet hair. He then sheepishly admits that his denomination has since abolished that right.
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== Real Life ==
* If an airplane were on a conveyor belt, could it... uh, never mind.
** As noted above, this was tested by the [[Myth BustersMythBusters]]. It worked.
** Debatable, since it was moving FORWARD on the treadmill, still generating lift. (Oh god I'm starting the trope inside the trope.)
*** No, you're just conceding defeat. The argument is that the treadmill would keep the plane from moving forward.
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