Cerberus Daily News/Characters/Quarian Flotilla Dwellers: Difference between revisions

(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Quarian Weapons officer and microbiologist aboard the Agnon
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Got the final blow on a Geth Dreadnought during the battle of Haestrom. She hit the drive core, vaporizing it in a huge explosion.
* [[Field Promotion]]: Became the ship's main weapons officer after a simulated geth attack caused a shift in command structure aboard the Agnon.
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A quarian sniper who was enslaved while on her Pilgrimage, and later rescued by Rakho Shoval. She's now one of his lieutenants, by virtue of already having combat training. She's also responsible for keeping the White Cloaks well-armed. Has now returned to the Migrant Fleet.
* [[BFG]]: Wields a Widow sniper rifle.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Appears briefly in the Siege of Omega thread, before she made an appearance on the site.
* [[The Exile]]: Averted - she's still theoretically on her Pilgrimage, just unlikely to return.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]
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