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* ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' pulls this with the opening episodes of both seasons.
** Season 1 started with Nightmare Moon, who represented the pinnacle of real danger the mane six faced for the entire season; almost all other conflicts were social or moral in nature - dealing with petty jerkasses, learning lessons about friendship, and the like. While occasionally dealing with creatures like dragons, hydras, and cockatrice.
** And now, with the beginning of season 2, we've come full circle - Discord is a ''much'' nastier monster than Nightmare Moon ever was. And notably for a show like this, he ''isn't'' shamed into defeat or forgiven and redeemed (until season 3, that is) - he gets put right back in the [[Fate Worse Than Death]] he crawled out of. Then you're into stories like "Pinkie Pie Babysits", "Rainbow Dash finds out that reading is fun", "Love potions cause [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarity to ensue]]" and "Twilight Sparkle struggles so hard to find [[An Aesop]] [[Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick|that her]] [[Sanity Slippage]] [[Madness Makeover|sinks into]] [[Nightmare Fuel|nightmare-inducing depths]]".
** Also, Queen Chrysalis. She is a bug-pony with significant [[Body Horror]]. She manipulates the main character's brother into loving her, beats Celestia one-on-one after absorbing his love, and launches a full-scale invasion.
* ''[[Samurai Jack]]'' uses this trope as darker and more serious episodes are interspersed with jarringly comedic ones.