Chalion/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* "You're ''her'' reward!"
* After being {{spoiler|run through the belly with the Archchancellor's sword}}, Cazaril calmly asks to see Betriz before they remove it.
{{quote| "You can't just sit there with {{spoiler|a sword in your gut}}"<br />
(reasonably) "Well I surely cannot ''move.''" }}
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* Liss' complete inability to do a Lady's hair properly, but when prompted she rattles off a dozen ways to do up a horse's mane.
* Having just been rescued after two days and 100 miles of uncomfortable captivity, Ista has some simple requests:
{{quote| '''Ista''': "I want... a piece of bread and a bedroll."<br />
'''Ferda''': "This rough camp is no place for your repose-"<br />
'''Ista''': "Any bread. Any bedroll."<br />
'''Ferda''': "There may be some women I can find for your attendants, but they are not what you are used to-"<br />
'''Ista''': "Your bedroll would do."<br />
'''Ferda''': "Royina, I-"<br />
'''Ista''': "If you do not give me a bedroll at once, I am going to sit down on the ground right here and start to cry. Now." }}
* "I do not have the energy to stand up, or get to my feet for that matter."