The Curse of Chalion

  • Pretty much any time someone cuts Cazaril a break.
    • The Provincara welcoming him into her househould when he returns Chalion after two years in the slave galleys and seventeen years after she'd last seen him as a boy.
    • Betriz, in middle of switching gears from attending Iselle's most dreaded marriage until after Cazaril performs Death Magic and kills her unwanted fiance to helping her ready for a joyous funeral, makes sure Caz (who appears deathly ill at the time) is cleaned up, given fresh warm linens and warm milk toast to eat.
    • Then Iselle, ordering the Temple of the Mother of Summer to send their best physician up to Caz's room to examine his tumor.
    • Royse Bergon recognizing Caz as the man who'd saved him from defilement on the galley and practically hopping up and down for joy.
    • Betriz firmly turning down Caz's suggestion that she marry his friend Palli instead, when she knows perfectly well Caz is dying.

The Hallowed Hunt


Ingrey: [despairingly] I don't know what side I'm on. All walls seem to spin away from me. [pause for internal monologue]. You are my side. And you are not alone.
Ijada: Then... neither are you.
Ingrey: [stunned] Sweet logician. [kisses her]