Challenge of the GoBots: Difference between revisions

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''[[Challenge of the Go Bots]]'' dealt with two opposing forces of [[Transforming Mecha|transforming robots]] from the planet Gobotron: the heroic Guardians and the evil Renegades. The Guardians were led by Leader-1; others included Turbo and Scooter. The Renegades were led by Cy-Kill, with Crasher and Cop-Tur among their ranks.
The characters rarely had guns, instead shooting energy blasts out of their fists. Although [[Rule of Cool]] may state otherwise, ''built-in'' weaponry does make a lot more sense for a robot, when you think about it (and if you observed closely, the Transformers in the 2007 live-action movie seem to follow this rule, with all their weapons being "onboard").
The GoBots' origin as organic beings accounted for the presence of genders among the robots. Unlike ''[[Transformers]]'', ''[[Challenge of the Go Bots]]'' had regular female characters (the Transformers eventually ''also'' added female castmembers, but it was never clear what gender could mean for an ''inorganic'' race). However, the females were built like the males. Only Crasher received any distinguishable feminine features.
Also, since they did have ''young'' GoBots who needed to be educated, and the characters did not make claims to [[Time Abyss|vast age]] like the [[Transformers]] did, it appears that GoBots do age, reproduce, and experience generational turnover like any other biological race (although exactly ''how'' their two genders reproduce would be [[Squick|anybody's guess]]).
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* [[Brain In a Jar]] (the GoBot race)
* [[The Brigadier]] (General Newcastle)
* [[The Cape (trope)]] (Leader-1)
* [[Cerebus Syndrome]] (Though diffucult to really notice, around the start of the Last Engineer/Master Renegade storyline the series gets a tad more serious and starts delving into the divine origins of the Gobots. This is best shown in that the storyline is kicked off after Turbo is horribly wounded by the Renegades and it is explicitly stated that if he is not healed soon he will '''DIE'''.
* [[Cold War]]/[[The Great Politics Mess-Up]]: Yes, the Cold War is still going on in this near future. Nobody in the '80s expected it to end as it did, so this is totally forgivable.
* [[Co-Dragons]] (Coptur and Crasher)