Chaos Timeline: Difference between revisions

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This [[Alternate History]] timeline published at [[]] is described by its author Max Sinister as "the Mount Everest of AH". It starts with the death of Genghis Khan in 1200 (thus preventing the Mongol conquest of Russia, China and Persia) and goes until the year 1993. History changes ''[[Butterfly of Doom|a lot]]'' compared to our world, [[Applicability|although some patterns seem to reappear]].
The complete timeline (including stories) is over 800 kB long.
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* [[Self-Deprecation]]: In one of the stories, someone on the <s>internet</s> Weltsystem asks "Max" (counterpart of the author?) why he doesn't write a timeline himself instead of criticizing others'.
* [[Serendipity Writes the Plot]]: The author originally had planned to call the internet of this world "Weltnetz" but found out that [[Schmuck Bait|German neo-Nazis use this term already for the existing internet]], so he changed it to "Weltsystem".
* [[Shout-Out]]: Quite some, e.g. to ''[[Seinfeld]]'', ''[[Gone with the Wind]]'', [[Shakespeare]], and also to a number of [[]] members. See below.
* [[Steampunk]]: Germany invents and deploys [[Tank Goodness|steam-driven tanks]] in this timeline's [[World War OneI]]. {{spoiler|And wins.}}
* [[Sure Why Not]]: [[User:Dr Nodelescu|Some fan]] suggested that the head of the Socialist part of Germany should have the title "Oberster Politischer Kommissar", which became canon.
* [[Take That]]: Berlin is an uninteresting medium-sized city.<ref>So uninteresting that it's mostly known only for an ordinary all-girls technical school. "Lesbunien" ahoj!</ref> Japan is a poor, undeveloped protectorate of China.
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* [[Lipstick Lesbian]]: [[Matzo Fever|Tatjana]]
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]
* [[The Mafia]]: ''La Famiglia'', which seizes full political power in the Italian empire after it loses [[World War OneI]] and its ruler is forced to abdicate. Also a subversion, since they're in fact [[Mix and Match|a mixture]] of [[The Mafia]] and the [[Fascist Italy|fascists]].
* [[Manipulative Bastard]] / [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Maffeo Servitore, of Florence. Also Alfred Kleiber, chancellor of [[Eagle Land|German Atlantis]]. And maybe Walter Meier. And the New Roman emperors.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Sophie Stein, again. "Sophie Stein is the stone that breaks the steel of Socialist propaganda!"
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]:
** A great general who was born on an island west of Italy, fought in Egypt, became emperor and brought the church under his control was already mentioned.
** Matthias Lieber, one of those who translated the Bible into German, is a [[Shout-Out]] to Martin Luther. And at the same time, a [[Shout-Out]] to the RPG ''[[Seventh7th Sea]]''.
** Friedrich von Hohenzollern who might be [[Frederick the Great]] born in an Atlantean log cabin and successfully running away from his tyrannical father.
** Explorers / travellers Markus Poller and Mao Polou
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* [[Imperial China]]: Still exists even in the later 20th century, ruled by the so-called adoptive emperors.
* [[Israel]]: Here called (Greater) Judea.
** Founded on Sinai in the mid-19th century and expanded considerably into Palestine and Syria in the aftermath of [[World War OneI]]. Remains the only developed democratic country of importance for much of the 20th century.
** Saved Germany's ass at a very crucial moment in [[World War II]].
** {{spoiler|And the whole human race owes some Judean citizen on how [[World War III]] ended, [[Mary Sue|if nobody else]].}}
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* [[Tropers/Thande|Technische Hochschule Argentinien/Neustadt für Delizierung und Eisenverarbeitung]]
* Another timeline, "A Plethora of Princes", is also [[Title Drop]]ped, and its author Grey Wolf is hinted at.
* Russian WWII general and dictator Gridenkov is a [[Shout-Out]] to an older [[]] timeline - ''Fire Eagle, Snow Bear'' - which had a Russian dictator Gridenko fighting Germany which won (our world's) [[World War OneI]]. Also, one of right hand man of this timeline's Gridenkov, a guy named [[Bilingual Bonus|Belochvostikov]], is known as "Stalin, The Man of Steel" ([[Sarcasm Mode|like a certain dude from our history about whom you might have heard of]]).
* Other Members of [[]] are also mentioned.
* There's even a [[Shout-Out]] to a defunct German AH forum, i.e. two members of it. Chamberlain, von Schleicher, in case you're reading this, this means you.