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Some flavours of [[Chaotic Good]] include:
* Type 1 are those who are more Chaotic than Good. They value freedom, and feel that they and others should be free to pursue their own desires- it just so happens that what they desire is to do good. They do not see doing good as a "duty" and may actively resent any attempts to compel them to do good even if the stakes are high, but will probably end up doing them anyway, justifying their actions by saying that this is what they ''want'' to do anyway. They are also the Type most likely to get annoyed by being called "[[The Hero]]" or something similar in context, though in practice this is often a [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]. This is also the type most likely to be a [[Lovable Rogue]] who commits crimes for their own gain, but balance it out with [[Never Hurt an Innocent]] and doing lots of good elsewhere in their lives.
* Type 2 are those who are more Good than Chaotic. They desire to do good, but also feel that they have a ''responsibility'' to do good, and view freedom as a secondary (but still important) concern- essentially, they feel that being good is the price of being free, and they are more likely than Type 1 to use the law to achieve a good end. They are not opposed to the Lawful system and may even accept it as necesary or even good, but they will rarely if ever let it get in the way of doing what they feel is right, sometimes making them a herioc example of [[The Unfettered]]. However, this means they risk trampling on the rights and freedom of others and may push them into [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] territory if they are not careful.
* Type 3 are those devoted to a [[Chaotic Good]] cause- [[Freedom Fighters]], benevolent anarchists, and anyone who feels that Freedom generally leads to Good, and vice versa. They usually believe [[Rousseau Was Right]], and try to promote a society with as little government as possible, or overthrow a corrupt oppressive regime without getting drawn into the politics behind replacing it with something better. They do '''not''' believe in [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]] and the very concept is often their worst nightmare, and they will do everything oppose or at least minimize any such trend (so long as they can be convinced that such is actually occuring, of course). For this type, the danger is being blind to the risk that their cause may be corrupted, or has little chance of achieving its end, and if they are not careful they may end up unintentionally creating something even worse than what they fought.
* Type 4 is a fair balance between Types 1 and 2. They believe in doing good and in their freedom to do good, but have a grudging or even healthy respect for [[Lawful Good]] methods or types who pursue goodness by other means. Essentially, they believe that they should be allowed to be free and good as they see fit, but recongise that the rest of the world is more complicated and that whether the time is for freedom or goodness is down to a case by case basis, and will try and seek the middle ground. They try to be vigilant against the [[Chaotic Good]] danger of being judgemental on matters Lawful as best they can, though they are not immune to it.
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* More heroic versions of the [[Byronic Hero]]
* [[Gentleman Thief]] and [[Classy Cat Burglar]], if they aren't [[Chaotic Neutral]].
* [[Shonen]] protagonists, if they're not [[Neutral Good]].
* The red oni of a good-aligned [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] pair will often qualify, for the same reasons.
* Almost any [[Hot-Blooded]] Hero. ''As if rules could constrain this burning passion!''
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Kagura from [[Gintama]] fits the bill nicely. Unlike her more level-headed boss Gintoki, she charges straight into the problem and is often willing to use violent methods to solve problems. Katsura also counts; although he is a terrorist, his ultimate goal is to liberate Japan from the Amanto's control.
* [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Kamina]], '[[The Messiah|big]] [[Crazy Awesome|time.]]''
** Simon cares only about doing what he sees as the right thing. Rules set by anyone else? He cheerfully ignores them. This includes rules ''of physics''. Really the only rule he's sure to obey is the [[Rule of Cool]].
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* Goku and the Z warriors from ''[[Dragonball Z]]'' fall under this alignment due to the fact that while they fight to protect the Earth, they follow their own rules on how to do it.
* The [[Irresponsible Captain Tylor]] is this, being benevolent and good-natured but not particularly inclined to following rules... of any sort. He is irresponsible, after all.
* ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma 1/2]]'' has characters that swing all over the [[Character Alignment]] scale, with only a few who can truly be said to fit into a definitive alignment.
** Ranma Saotome is a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] more often than not, shrugging off frequent abuse and manipulations as no big deal and capable of feeling genuinely sorry for [[Neutral Evil|Taro or Herb]], despite petty casual murder attempts. Yet, anytime a possible cure for his curse comes up, he gets jealous, he wants to upstage someone who beat him in something, a fiancee starts treating him coldly, someone claims that his female side isn't pretty, he has a comparatively banal or more justified (Genma and Happosai) grudge, etc, he can be one of the most petty, childish, spiteful, manipulative, and even outright [[Disproportionate Retribution|cruel]] members of the cast. Still, most of his "good" actions are genuinely heroic, and most of his "bad" actions are -- even while technically cruel -- less intentionally malicious than they are unthinking or insensitive.
** Ryoga Hibiki, [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma's]] primary [[The Rival|rival]], is seen by many as either fitting somewhere in-between this category and [[Neutral Good]], or at the very least making heavy inroads in the direction after having started out more [[Chaotic Neutral]], and his good traits are especially admireable considering that his upbringing and current existence have been [[Word of God|stated and shown outright]] to have been far more traumatic than [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma's]]: with [[It Runs in The Family|his entire family]] afflicted by the same [[No Sense of Direction|directional curse]], he [[Parental Abandonment|seldom saw them at all]], and spends most of his time trying to survive isolated in the wilderness, with the relatively recent [[Sarcasm Mode|bonus]] of [[Nightmare Fuel|getting hunted by predators who want to eat him when he ends up becoming a little pig]]. Dedicated, [[The Stoic|stoic]], compassionate, sensitive, chivalrous, polite, and heroic, he is usually willing to lend a hand to those in need... but is also brooding, rather obsessive, lead mostly by emotions rather than logic, and not above the use of deception. However, contrary to some [[Fanon]] he is shown as more gracious, less petty, and not nearly as much of a insensitive conceited braggart as [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] himself. On the other hand, although nicer than [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] in general behaviour, [[What the Hell, Hero?|he can be more ruthless]], and he is quite vengeful when first introduced to the series, though this is behavior that he grows out of. Despite the very legitimate bad blood he has with [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] (as the latter caused his curse), he [[Big Damn Heroes|appeared out of nowhere to save him]] when [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] was being ganged up on by his other rivals in the [[Brought Down to Normal|Hiryu Shoten Ha arc]], and attempted to help him regain his strength, which was but the first of many similar events. He has rescued [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] from drowning (first Taro story), from being eaten alive by the considerably more powerful Saffron, and from a finishing strike by the (technically less powerful but) considerably more dangerous Herb, leapt into a collapsing mountain to recover the item to help [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]], who is stuck in female form (Musk Dynasty arc), convinced [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] into helping [[Tsundere|Akane]] save a boy who [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] believed had "stolen her heart" by declaring his own willingness to do so (Ryugenzawa arc), and faced off against the [[Orochi]], a malevolent oni and a giant, psychotically destructive bird with [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] (Ryugenzawa and Legendary Phoenix arcs) despite the genuine risk of death due to his water-triggered curse. In the anime, he tried to prevent Shampoo from successfully using a [[Love Potion]] on [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] because it would make [[Tsundere|Akane]] unhappy (admittedly, he locked up when she pointed out that non-interference would [[Pair the Spares|leave him with Akane]] and they then escaped while he was locked up in indecision, but at least he ''tried''), and in both canons he has otherwise displayed a genuinely well-intended capacity for nobility and heroism. Though he and [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] fight, [[The Rival|Ryoga]] does respect [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma's]] skills sincerely and is determined to win in a fair match between two equal warriors. He wanted to give up on a secret tattoo that made him superhumanly skilled and powerful because it made fighting boring/unchallenging/any sense of victory feel meaningless (that was even worse than how ridiculous it looked), and in an anime [[Filler]] story refused to let Genma tell him of a secret weakness of [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma's]] that would ensure he won the fight in every subsequent match, being disgusted when he learned what it [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|was]]. Basically, he and [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Ranma]] turn into somewhat antagonistic brothers who both enjoy having the other to compete against, and [[The Rival|Ryoga]] seems to turn sad whenever the difference turns too great between them in any direction.
** It is arguable, and [[Broken Base|views are split]] regarding whether [[Tsundere|Akane Tendo]], might average as this, given that she is generally [[Neutral Good]], but has frequently [[What the Hell, Hero?|misaimed]] explosions of [[Jerkass|"righteous fury"]] and is not above using deception and manipulating people to get what she wants that make her come off as more [[Chaotic Neutral]].
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** We also have Garrod Ran from ''[[After War Gundam X|Gundam X]]''
** Cagalli Yula Athha from ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED|Gundam SEED]]'' is a [[Rebellious Princess]] example. She even joined a [[La Résistance]] group at one point in the story.
** [[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny|Shinn Asuka]].
** [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00|Setsuna F. Seiei]] is this in season 1, but he seems to be leaning on [[Neutral Good]] during season 2. Being a member of Kataron, Lyle Dylandy, {{spoiler|the second Lockon Stratos,}} is this initially, but {{spoiler|due to him being a [[Double Agent]],}} he can be classified as a Type 4 [[True Neutral]]. {{spoiler|But after the final battle, he [[Becoming the Mask|left Kataron and permanently joins Celestial Being]] and became [[Neutral Good]].}}
* Yuu Isami from ''[[Brain Powerd]]'', a renegade Reclaimer who wants to stop his former peers from causing [[The End of the World as We Know It]] for their misguided ideals. At first an [[Ineffectual Loner]] who goes by his own rules, he maintains a similar attitude for most of the series. Has possibly shifted towards [[Neutral Good]] near the end.
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** America wants to be [[Lawful Good]], but his [[Adult Child]] tendences put him half in [[Selfish Good]] and half here. Sealand, Australia, Molossia and Wy seem to share this alignment as well.
** South Korea. He's the most child-like and [[Hot-Blooded]] of the Asians, but has a heart of gold as well.
** And don't forget Cuba! Keeps wanting to fight with America, shows kindness to Canada and Switzerland, always ready for good brawls.
** And Poland, though he might just [[Cloudcuckoolander|be just too childish and... out there]]. On the other hand, he tries to stand up against ''Russia'' of all people.
** Denmark tends to be thought of as this as well, contrasting with Sweden ([[Lawful Good]]), Finland ([[Neutral Good]]), Norway (midway between [[Lawful Good]] and [[Lawful Neutral]]) and Iceland (formerly [[True Neutral]], now [[Neutral Good]])
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== Comic Books ==
* The definitive [[Chaotic Good]] hero of [[The DCU]] is Oliver "Ollie" Queen aka [[Green Arrow]]. He is [[Just Like Robin Hood]] - a former [[Millionaire Playboy]] who gave up his fortune (or lost it to corrupt business partners, depending on which version of the background you go by) to devote himself to protecting the less fortunate from crooked politicans, [[Dirty Cop|Dirty Cops]], [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]] and any [[Lawful Evil]] person who says [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]].
** Green Arrow's sidekicks, the past and present Speedies also fit this trope.
** The Second [[Green Arrow]], Connor Hawke, started out [[Lawful Good]]. He may have slipped down to [[Neutral Good]] as of late, though. Connor is still more or less the voice of reason at Chez Arrow, though.
* The core members of The [[Birds of Prey]] team, as written by [[Gail Simone]].
** Barbara Gordon aka Oracle has no problem with hacking into computer systems that don't belong to her and rerouting the checking accounts of criminals to "worthy causes". It has also been suggested that she is the one person in the Bat Family who wouldn't have a problem with killing [[The Joker]] if given the chance. [[The Killing Joke|For obvious reasons...]]
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* Yang Tianchun from ''[[Iron Monkey]]'' - he's basically a Chinese Robin Hood. By day, he's a doctor who makes rich people pay through the teeth while giving free service to poor people (he's the only doctor in town, so he can get away with it too). By night, he's an expert martial artist who steals from greedy government officials and beats up corrupt Shaolin Monks 4 to 1.
* In [[Batman Begins]] and [[The Dark Knight]], Batman is clearly [[Chaotic Good]], to the extent that drug dealers end up calling the police on HIM.
* [[Anger Management|Buddy Rydell]]'s therapy techniques to help Dave and [[Teach Him Anger]] include such shady activities as paying a transvestite prostitute, stopping the car in the middle of traffic, and making him confront a Buddhist.
* [[Dirty Harry]] is clearly this, despite being a police officer. He frequently breaks laws, and is remarkably blunt in his criticism of them.
{{quote|'''Rothko''': This rifle might make a nice souvenir. But it's inadmissible as evidence.
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'''Rothko''': It's the law.
'''Callahan''': Well, then, the law is crazy. }}
* Kevin Flynn in ''[[Tron]]'' acts like an overgrown teenager, and cheerfully uses his hacking not only to try and prove Dillinger's theft but to make his traffic tickets and phone bills vanish. What prevents him from going completely [[Chaotic Neutral]] is that he genuinely cares for the people he allies himself with. {{spoiler|He seems to have clawed his way into [[Neutral Good]] by the sequel}}.
** [[Like Father, Like Son|His son]], [[Tron: Legacy|Sam]], proves the apple ''really'' didn't fall far from the tree, checking in with his dad's company for an annual practical joke (to try and shame them into doing the right thing) and being on a first-name basis with the police officers working the impound lot.
* [[Die Hard|John McClane]]. Some cops use pepper spray. John {{spoiler|fills an elevator full of C-4 and uses it to clear out a floor of terrorists}}. If he didn't care so much about protecting civilians, this man would be considered a psychopath.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* Merlin from ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' is fundamentally a good guy, albeit one who has an unfortunate habit of killing people who are trying to kill his friends, but he is a warlock in a kingdom where magic is banned and the crown prince's servant/protector/friend. Aside from breaking the law just by existing, if given a choice between doing what he's told or doing what he believes is right, he consistently chooses the latter.
** Also from the same series, Gwaine.
* Dr Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, from ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|Mash]]''. He was always eager to skirt the rules, especially when it meant doing the right thing. Also, he exhibited the same CG behaviors in the original book and the 1970 film version as well.
* Dr. Leonard McCoy from the original ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek]]'' has very little patience for rules and regulations, and people (especially [[The Spock|Spock]]) telling him what to do, but he has a strong moral compass and devotes his life to helping others.
* Jadzia Dax, of ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Deep Space Nine]]'', does what she thinks is best, and will hang most rules, excepting only the most important Federation laws--and sometimes even then...
** In the later seasons, Garak could be said to have become this alignment (although he began more as [[Chaotic Neutral]]). He would break any rule any time, even killing people as in the masterpiece "In The Pale Moonlight," but in the later seasons it was always for the benefit of the Alpha Quadrant against the [[Lawful Evil]] Dominion that he hated.
** Kira Nerys, most likely; as a former rebel and terrorist she has difficulty adjusting to life as someone in actual authority and in the earliest series is struggling with Sisko's orders. The conflicts between her former life and her current position are played out over a number of episodes, but demanding Sisko let her rescue Li Nalas and her subsequent attitude towards Jaro replacing her with Li make her at least [[Chaotic Good]] by intention.
* Mal from ''[[Firefly]]'', and probably some of the other main characters. A good illustration of this is "The Train Job": he's perfectly willing to steal, but as soon as he finds out that the stolen package contains desperately needed medicine, he returns it--''and'' the money he was paid to steal it. Mal's chaotic nature is lampshaded in ''[[Serenity]]'', where Fanty and Mingo point out that he is completely unpredictable. Inara also points out this when she comments that she never has any idea "what Mal" she is dealing with, and has seen too many versions of him to truly understand him. And that's before we even consider his past (of fighting for independence against a strong centralized government) or statements like "That's what governments are for, to get in a man's way."
** River also definitely fits this alignment, even without factoring in her insanity. She actively cares about the rest of the crew and is perfectly willing to hurl herself into harm's way to save them, and is ''definitely'' not the kind of person who is bound by rules or laws.
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* Michael Scofield in ''[[Prison Break]]''. His brother's on death row, so what does he do? He robs a bank so he'll get sent to the same prison, where he can break his brother (and several other convicts) out. By the fifth season he's broken out of two prisons and into a secure facility and the feds are starting to get [[Genre Savvy]]. He does all this because he has a psychological condition that makes him focus on everyone else's problems and want to help them.
* Kara "Starbuck" Thrace in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|Battlestar Galactica]]''. Talk about understatement.
** Felix Gaeta moves towards this in his final appearances, though this is largely due to major disillusionment and bitterness over {{spoiler|the loss of his leg and the alliance with the dissident Cylons}}. His attempt to do the right thing in his mind eventually leads to disaster and {{spoiler|his death by firing-squad.}}
** Mustn't forget ''original'' Starbuck from original 1970's Galactica.
* Shawn Spencer from ''[[Psych]]''. He's willing to work with the police to catch murderers, but has [[The Humphrey|less than no respect]] for procedure or laws against lesser crimes, once even deciding to sabotage an investigation when he realized it was a consensual insurance scam.
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* [[Byronic Hero]] Cal Lightman of ''[[Lie to Me (TV series)|Lie to Me]]''.
* Jim Rockford of ''[[The Rockford Files]]'' did good, but was always on the very edges of society. His troublesome friend Angel was more in [[Chaotic Neutral]] territory.
* DG of [[Tin Man (TV series)|Tin Man]] started out here. She was in constant trouble with her boss and the local sheriff back in Kansas, made plans under her {{spoiler|robotic}} parents' noses to escape, and could get plenty mouthy. [[The Power of Love]] and [[The Power of Friendship]] are her biggest drivers, though.
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* Locke from ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' qualifies as [[Chaotic Good]] partially because he ''was'' part of the rebellion from the beginning, and the fact that it was pretty clear from the beginning that he is a pretty damn good thief, [[Running Gag|despite his insistence that he's a treasure hunter]].
* AVALANCHE from ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''.
** Note: This refers to Cloud's group; which is the latest incarnation of AVALANCHE. Barret's AVALANCHE had shades of being [[Chaotic Neutral]], while the first Incarnation of AVALANCHE were most defiantly '''NOT''' this trope.
* Rinoa from ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' (a case can be made for several other playable characters, though not part of [[La Résistance]], to fit this alignment as well).
* Zidane from ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'', who is extremely good, despite being a thief.
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* One of the characters in ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'', the scout, can be subverted in this trope. Being a boy from south Boston according to his bio, he surely has freedom to do as his pleases and be a good kid from time to time.
* [[Kirby]] seems to [[Incredibly Lame Pun|float]] between this and [[Chaotic Neutral]], depending on the game, though most works puts him in the [[Neutral Good]] territory.
* After spending most of ''[[Mass Effect]]'' at [[Chaotic Neutral]], Urdnot Wrex returns to his homeworld in ''Mass Effect 2'' and becomes a [[Chaotic Good]] clan overlord, {{spoiler|assuming he is not killed in the original game.}}
** Garrus could be considered [[Chaotic Good]], though someone could make the argument that he is not necessarily against the law, but only against the red tape that prevents him from doing good, which could be [[Neutral Good]] or even [[Lawful Good]]. {{spoiler|However in the second game he is undoubtedly [[Chaotic Good]]}}
** In the first installment he asks the player to {{spoiler|commit a cold-blooded murder}} and is states that there is nothing inherently wrong in {{spoiler|killing a mass-murderer even without trial.}} Which makes him a dark incarnation of this alignment.
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* Nathan Zachary and the Fortune Hunters of ''[[Crimson Skies]].'' [[Sky Pirate|They may be air pirates]] but they only steal from people that can afford the loss (in fact, many of their targets are such bastards that they more then deserve whatever trouble the Fortune Hunter's raids bring them). They are also known to help defend the innocents; one mission in the PC game had Nathan Zachary and crew protecting a hospital ship from a rival pirate gang. Not to mention the Fortune Hunter's founding charter forbids wanton attacks on civilian targets and Zachary is rumored to have shot down one of his own pilots when he needlessly strafed civilian targets.
* In ''[[No More Heroes]]'', {{spoiler|Travis Touchdown}} eventually becomes of this alignment late in Desperate Struggle, {{spoiler|eventually growing tired of the fighting and vowing to destroy the UAA and avenge all those who died because of them. Besides, he never was too keen with rules and regulations from the beginning}}.
* In ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2'', {{spoiler|1=if Subject Delta performs good actions such as saving little sisters and sparing NPCs, Eleanor becomes this, willing to fight for their freedom against her mother. Otherwise she might become [[Chaotic Evil]].}}
** As a more definite example, this is how the followers of Atlas and Lamb viewed themselves, fighting against the Rapture hierarchy. Diane McClintock (an idealist rebel under Atlas's command and Ryan's former mistress), Grace Holloway (an anti-Ryan jazz singer and key supporter of Doctor Lamb), the assassins in Hephaestus (like Kyburz and Anya Andersdotter) (who all attempted to bring an end to Ryan's by-now [[Lawful Evil]] government by taking the law and the greater good of the city into their own hands) and, following her [[Heel Face Turn]], Tenenbaum (kidnapping Little Sisters from official control and leaving in the sewers beneath Olympus Heights) are some character examples.
*** And Ryan's original founding of Rapture was motivated by a desire to escape what he believed to be an evil hierarchy on the surface world, and ultimately to indirectly destroy it by removing the greatest minds from the reach of the parasites. Of course, Ryan's [[Hypocrite|loyalty to his]] [[Objectivism|convictions]] did not last and he slowly shifted to [[Lawful Evil]] as he jettisoned his principles in favor of power.
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* [[Dragon Age]]: Leliana. Especially if you "harden" her through her personal quest; she's arguably a little [[Crazy Awesome|crazy after that]].
* Isabela in ''[[Dragon Age II]]''. Oh, she'll insist she's [[Chaotic Neutral]], but she sticks by a somewhat self-serving personal code of '[[Honor Among Thieves|free merchantry]]' that she will violate on conscience. She can be influenced to do the right thing and return the Qun artifact, but she only took such a dangerous job for poor rewards because she reneged on a previous deal by freeing a cargo of slaves, which she denies emphatically was done for good intent...but never quite gives any sensible reason.
** [[Player Character|Hawke]] can be played as this. S/he's got no qualms doing shady jobs for money, pissing authorities off just for the hell of it, or stealing people's stuff, but doesn't hesitate on helping people in need or just generally doing the right thing.
* Mercury of ''[[Tron 2.0]]''. No exits? Let's make things explode and create one! No weapons? Let's improvise the lightcycle baton into a [[Shock and Awe|nasty melee weapon]]. And while we're at it, let's openly hit on {{spoiler|your creator's son}}.
* [[Sengoku Basara|Date Masamune and Sanada Yukimura]] in the game and anime adaption, but moreso on the later. [[Justified Trope|Justified]], as they are both [[Hot-Blooded]].
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** Even Baron Klaus von Wulfenbach probably counts. He created a continent of order, but he did it his way, and everyone has to play by his rules. ''Or else.''
* Eddie from ''[[Emergency Exit]]'' is the [[Cloudcuckoolander]] variety.
* Molly in ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]]'' is sweet and nice and wouldn't dream of hurting a fly... but she steals cars when she gets upset, and she tends to build [ giant potentially destructive robots.]
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* [[Darkwing Duck]]. He's often self-centered and likes to do things his way, but when he [[Let's Get Dangerous|gets dangerous]], he ''gets dangerous'' for the good of St. Canard.
* In a continuuing attempt to distance him from his canon [[Lawful Stupid]] [[Knight Templar]] charcterisation, Tony Staark in ''[[The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]'' has been made into a chaotic good rebel, who basically gives a mssive "screw you" to SHIELD [[Establishing Character Moment|in his first appearance]].
* [[Fiery Redhead|Kyle]] is 'usually' this in ''[[South Park]]'' given his tendency to base his position squarely on his personal sense of righteousness and serves as [[The Conscience]] for the boys and strong case of [[He Who Fights Monsters]] with [[Complete Monster|Eric]] [[Neutral Evil|Cartman]].
** Kenny, as Mysterion is definitely the Vigilante version of this trope.
* Wreck-Gar from ''[[Transformers Animated]]'' is Chaotic Good. He's a nice guy really, and he wants more than anything to help people and find his place in life. He just [[Blunt Metaphors Trauma|doesn't get metaphors or rhetorical questions]]. And, until it was suggested to him not to take suggestions, he was highly suggestible.
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* [[The Simpsons|Bart Simpson]] commonly flips between this and [[Chaotic Neutral]] due to his highly rebellious and laid-back nature. Thing is, he ''aspires'' to be [[Chaotic Neutral]], but usually feels guilt or just plainly is too nice to be purely morally neutral. Still highly chaotic, as befitting to his rebellious nature, is not amoral enough to be purely [[Chaotic Neutral]].
* Fry from ''[[Futurama]]'' is the [[Chaotic Good]] [[Idiot Hero]]. He consistently wishes to do the right thing, but will break any rule to do so. He also has a tendency to encourage his best friend Bender's kleptomania. However he doesn't intentionally hurt people (unless he really has to) and most of his actions are unselfish.
* [[Idiot Hero|Finn]] from ''[[Adventure Time]]''.
{{quote|''"I'll slay anything that's evil!"''}}
* Lance from ''[[Sym-Bionic Titan]]''. Though he's one of the good guys, he's been in jail on screen about three times and two of them were on Galaluna, where it would seem that this happens often. The two noted arrests, he happened to be [[Cassandra Truth]], but if the following quote from the King is anything to go by, it's happened several times in between.